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Pregnancy and Ovulation | All You Need To Know

Ovulation is a stage of the 28-day menstrual cycle. Ovulation specifically refers to the release of the egg (ovum) from the ovary of a female. If the egg is not fertilized during that time, it disintegrates (breaks down), and menstruation (your period) begins approximately two weeks (14 days) later. In this post, you’ll learn all you need to know about pregnancy and ovulation.

Don’t stop reading.

What Is Ovulation?

Reproductive hormones cooperate to activate the ovaries during the menstrual cycle, which leads to the development of follicles. Every follicle contains an immature egg. Ovulation is the release of an egg, or ovum, from the ovaries.

Pregnancy and Ovulation

In most women, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.

After ovulation, the egg moves through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus. When the sperm and egg come into contact at the proper time, conception may occur.

Signs of Ovulation

There are specific signs and also various methods of detecting ovulation. A proper understanding of these signs and symptoms is helpful while trying to conceive. You can also read this post about 7 interesting signs of ovulation.

These signs include:

1. Fertile quality vaginal discharge

Cervical mucus production is enhanced by an increase in estrogen levels before ovulation. Cervical mucus also undergoes a change in appearance, going from having a stickier, clumpier texture to resembling raw egg whites.

2. Ovulation predictor test strips

Thankfully, there are also tests available that can tell you when ovulation is about to occur, you urinate on the test to acquire a result, they operate similarly to pregnancy tests. This test strip works by detecting luteinizing hormone in your bloodstream.

3. Ovulation monitor

The ovulation monitor is a fancier form of an ovulation test strip. Some digital ovulation monitors utilize urine test strips to evaluate hormone levels, while others determine upcoming ovulation by measuring saliva, cervical secretions, or temperature.

Pregnancy and Ovulation

4. Cervical opening

The cervix rises upward, softens to the touch, and opens slightly as ovulation approaches.

5. Basal body temperature

This is the most common method of determining ovulation dates. It depends on software that uses temperature data to track the progress of your menstrual cycle. However, this method is not reliable for women with irregular periods.

6. Typical cycle length

An ovulation calendar can help you determine when you are most fertile. Although it is not 100% accurate, the findings are adequate if you have regular cycles.

Conception and Fertilization

When an egg cell from a woman travels down one of the fallopian tubes from the ovary to the uterus and it combines with a sperm cell from a fertile man as it swims up through the vagina and into the uterus, conception occurs.

You can also read this article on how to calculate your conception date.

An embryo is the product formed when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Interestingly, the baby’s DNA and sex are determined at the time of fertilization. Your child will be a boy if the sperm carries the Y chromosome and a girl if the sperm carries the X chromosome.

The fertilized egg spends about 3 to 4 days in the fallopian tube after fertilization. Within the next 24 hours, this fertilized egg rapidly divides into multiple cells. It continues to divide as it slowly passes through the fallopian tube and enters the uterus.

At this point, your body begins to release various hormones that serve as the basis of a pregnancy test and promote prenatal development.

It is at this stage that a woman experiences a missed period.

Do you stop ovulating immediately after conception?

Yes, ovulation stops after conception.

After ovulation, the absence or failure of fertilization leads to menstruation or periods. On the other hand, if the ovulated egg is fertilized, your body knows that you’re pregnant and stops the process of ovulation. This is because the hormones that cause the various signs of pregnancy also inhibit ovulation.


Furthermore, you won’t have periods while pregnant because the uterine lining remains fixed to ensure proper prenatal development during pregnancy. In the rare instance that you experience periods or heavy bleeding in the early stage of pregnancy, please consult your doctor.

Does Ovulation Happen During Pregnancy?

Although it is possible to get a positive ovulation test result during pregnancy, you cannot ovulate while pregnant.

This only happens in cases of false positive ovulation test results arising from fluctuating hormone levels. Remember, a lot of these home test kits are only about 99% accurate.

Additionally, because pregnancy causes a significant rise in hormone levels, those levels could be a little too high, causing the test to show a positive result for ovulation. Therefore, a positive ovulation test result may simply be the consequence of hormonal changes or, in that case, a flawed test.


Only extensive tests that look for many eggs or ultrasounds that check to see if an egg has been released can provide a 100% guarantee of ovulation. In some circumstances, your body may be just about to become pregnant or, regrettably, just about to have a miscarriage.

Since our biological mechanisms are designed to stop the ovulation cycle once the uterus has a fertilized egg to care for, ovulation stops once an egg is fertilized and the woman is pregnant.

IUD and Birth Control | All You Need To Know

Birth control is very important in preventing unplanned pregnancies. There are a number of options available to consider when choosing a birth control method, and this includes an IUD or Intrauterine Device.

Although it is not advisable for every woman, IUDs are often safe and long-lasting. One other importance of IUDs is that they are not permanent. This means you can stop it or get it removed when you are ready to have children.

This article contains the necessary information you need to know about IUDs including what an IUD is, the types available, how it is inserted, risks associated with using an IUD, and lots more.

Let’s Get Started!

What is an IUD?

IUD simply means intrauterine device. It is a small device shaped in form of a letter T. It is placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. An IUD prevents pregnancy by preventing the sperms from reaching the eggs, thus, stopping fertilization from occurring.


An IUD can also be called an IUCD meaning intrauterine contraception device.

Are IUDs effective?

IUDs are one of the most effective methods of contraception. They have been tested to be over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

What are the types of IUDs?

There are five types of IUDs that are currently available. These include:

  • Paragard, also known as Copper T
  • Mirena
  • Skyla
  • Kyleena
  • Liletta.

These five types can be classified into two broad categories: hormonal and non-hormonal.

The Paragard is a non-hormonal type of IUD. It is also called the Copper IUD or Copper T because it is made of copper. The copper ions contained in Paragard are released into the uterus which then creates a hostile environment for the sperm. This renders the sperm powerless and unable to fertilize the egg.

The Mirena, Skyla, Kyleena, and Liletta are examples of hormonal IUDs. They contain progestin, the synthetic form of the natural hormone, progesterone. This progestin is released into the uterus, thickens the cervical mucus, and prevents the sperm from entering the uterus, thereby inhibiting the movement of the sperm, making it difficult for it to reach and fertilize the egg. The hormone also thins the lining of the uterus, so an egg is not likely to implant on it.

What are the pros and cons of IUDs?


  • IUDs are a very effective method of birth control.
  • They are reversible.
  • They are convenient
  • They can last for a very long period of time depending on the type. The time range from 3 to 12 years.
  • Ease of Access: For example, IUDs are completely free in all Government Health Centres in Nigeria.


  • IUDs can be very expensive, especially if you don’t have insurance.
  • They do not protect against STIs.
  • The insertion process can be very uncomfortable.

Who can use an IUD?

IUDs can be used by most healthy women. They are also best for women with one partner who are at low risk of contracting an STI.

You should not use an IUD if you have any of the following:

  • If you are pregnant.
  • If you have an STD.
  • If you have a recent pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • If you are bleeding from your vagina.
  • If you have cancer of the cervix or uterus.
  • If you have certain blood disorders that prevent your blood from clotting.


  • If you have an allergy to copper or Wilson’s disease (a disease that causes the excess accumulation of copper in the body), don’t use the Paragard IUD.
  • If you have liver disease, or breast cancer (or you’re at high risk for it), don’t use any of the hormonal IUDs.

How an IUD is inserted

IUDs are usually inserted by a health care professional. These professionals are known as FP providers or Contraceptive Care providers. The whole process does not take so much time; in about 30 minutes you should be done. The insertion procedure itself takes less than 5 minutes.


The process of inserting an IUD starts with you putting your feet in stirrups. The doctor places a speculum into your vagina to keep your vagina open. The IUD is then placed into a small tube which helps in the insertion process. The tube containing the IUD is inserted into the vagina and pushed up through the cervix and then to the uterus. Once the tube is in the uterus, the IUD is pushed out of the tube and the tube is pulled out of the uterus.

How to prepare for your IUD insertion appointment

The process of inserting an IUD can be very uncomfortable, so it is necessary that you make adequate preparation for it. The following tips can help you prepare adequately for your appointment:

  • Wear one of your most comfortable clothes. Think of one that is very easy to get off and back on.
  • Get an over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief or one prescribed by your doctor. This will help you relieve any pain that you may feel after the procedure.
  • Taking the pain relief before the procedure can also help.
  • You will need a heating pad, some pads or panty liners after the procedure, so it’s best to get them ready before the procedure.

Risks associated with using an IUD

The following risks are possible with the use of an IUD, although the chance of them occurring is very low.

  • Infection: There’s a small chance that you will have an infection after an IUD insertion. This risk is highest within the first 20 days after the insertion and then drops drastically.
  • Perforation: The risk of the IUD getting perforated during insertion is very low. It occurs in about 1 to 2 in 1000 women.
  • Expulsion: If you have never been pregnant or are under the age of 20, the chances of your IUD falling out of place is high compared to those who are not in this category.

When can the IUD be removed?

You can remove your IUD at any time you feel like doing so. Just make an appointment with your doctor to get it removed.

Your IUD can protect against pregnancy as long as you have it in. It is advisable not to keep it longer than its expiration date. The expiration date depends on the type and brand of IUD that you’re using.

When to consult a doctor

IUDs don’t pose any serious threat or complication to you but you should watch out for some signs that may indicate that something has gone wrong. Call your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • If you have severe pain in your stomach or lower abdomen.
  • If the IUD feels like it has shifted or is coming out.
  • If penetrative sex becomes more painful.
  • If you bleed during or after sexual activity.
  • If the IUD string feels longer or shorter.
  • If there’s a change in the appearance of your vaginal discharge.
  • If you have a fever or chills.
  • If you have unprotected sex with someone who has an STI.
  • If you think you are pregnant.


IUDs are an effective method of birth control. Consult your doctor to know if this option is good for you and when you can get it done. If you also notice any side effects after getting an IUD, see your doctor.

Positive Signs After Embryo Transfer

The season of waiting for a child usually seems like it would go on forever. Most times, this period is characterized by anxiety and stress. In fact, this is heightened when you have done an embryo transfer and are waiting for a positive pregnancy result.

An embryo transfer is the last, most important, and most delicate step in the IVF (in-vitro fertilization) process. In this process, the embryo (or embryos) are carefully placed into the uterus of the mother. This is done using a transfer cannula and an ultrasound machine.

embryo transfer

Are you trying to conceive? Are you considering IVF as an option for conception? Did you just complete an embryo transfer and you simply can’t wait to know how it turned out?

This article is for you.

In this post, we’ve outlined 10 signs of a successful embryo transfer.

10 signs that your embryo transfer was successful

Here’s the fact: A positive pregnancy test result is the only accurate sign of a successful embryo transfer.

This pregnancy test is often conducted 14 days after the embryo transfer, but if you are in a hurry, you can go for the test at about 9 – 10 days. This is so because the estrogen and progesterone (hormonal treatment) taken before the embryo transfer, and the progesterone taken after the transfer can produce symptoms that mimic pregnancy.

Nevertheless, there are a number of signs that may suggest a successful transfer. These include:

1. Nausea

Nausea in pregnancy can be a result of increased levels of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. This hormone is also present after a successful embryo transfer and therefore may be the reason behind your nausea.

2. Cramping

Yes, cramping is a sign that your period is almost here but it can also be a sign that the “embryo is staying” following an embryo transfer.

embryo transfer

You need to remember that these cramps may be a result of the progesterone you took during the course of the procedure. In addition, the cramps may be the direct result of the entire IVF procedure.

3. Fatigue

Do you know that feeling that makes you just want to lie down and chill all day?

Yes, it may also be a sign of a successful embryo transfer.

In fact, this fatigue may begin after a successful transfer and last throughout pregnancy. Sometimes, it may even extend beyond!

On another note, fatigue may just be one of the many side effects of the hormonal therapy you were placed on during the transfer process.

4. Sore Breasts

For some women, sore and tender breasts are one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, even before a missed period.

It may also be the same with you.

If you notice that your breasts are sore or swollen or if they are tender when you touch them, then it is very possible that embryo transfer was successful.

Asides from the soreness of the breasts, you may also notice harder than normal breasts, a tingling sensation in the nipples, or dark areolas.

5. Elevated Basal Body Temperature

A woman’s basal body temperature increases by about 1℃ at the time of conception and remains this way throughout pregnancy. If you notice a mild rise in your temperature, then you can rest assured in the fact that there’s a chance you’re pregnant.

6. Dizziness, Pins and Needles

These may be as a result of the hormones used to stimulate the ovaries or used to prepare the endometrial wall for implantation of the uterus. Furthermore, it can also indicate that the embryo transfer was successful.

7. Changes in Vaginal Discharge

If the changes and apparent increase in vaginal discharge are a result of a successful embryo transfer, you may notice a thin, white, mild-smelling discharge.

In fact, the vaginal discharge may be voluminous in the early days following the transfer. This is a result of the progesterone that was used to prepare you for the transfer.

8. Spotting

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy in a woman, which is often missed or misinterpreted, is bleeding or spotting. When you notice a little amount of blood in your underwear after an embryo transfer, it may be a sign that the transfer was successful.

This can mean that the embryo has successfully implanted into the wall of your uterus.

There can also be an associated spotting that is seen 2 to 3 days after the embryo transfer. This may be due to the vaginal progesterone applicators that touched the overly sensitive outer part of the cervix.

9. Increase In Urinary Frequency

Following a successful embryo transfer, there’d be a noticeable increase in bathroom breaks.

Cloudy Urine

This is often a result of the increase in the hCG and progesterone hormones. The increased need to pee can also be a result of the extra blood in your body after the successful embryo transfer.

10. No Symptoms

Yeah, you read that right!

That you have no symptoms can actually mean that you are pregnant too. If you aren’t experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, then you should not worry or get agitated.

Remember, a positive pregnancy test is the only accurate way to confirm that you are pregnant. When you’ve got that, you can be absolutely sure.


The two-week period of waiting following an embryo transfer can be very emotional. For most people, it is a period of time where all you do is just to hope for the best, and that all works out well.

As you wait, you need to remain calm and stay positive in your words and thoughts. You should also bear in mind that whether you have the symptoms listed above or not, the only specific test to be sure that the transfer was successful is a positive pregnancy test.


Chavez-Badiola, A., Flores-Saiffe Farias, A., Mendizabal-Ruiz, G. et al. Predicting pregnancy test results after embryo transfer by image feature extraction and analysis using machine learning. Sci Rep 10, 4394 (2020).

Georgi Stamenov Stamenov, Dimitar Angelov Parvanov, Todor Angelov Chaushev, “Successful Pregnancy following Mixed Double Embryo Transfer in a Patient with Variable Window of Implantation”, Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 2018, Article ID 1687583, 4 pages, 2018.

Water Breaking | Things To Note

If you’re like me, you probably have a proper record of all your special experiences, especially those related to pregnancy. Starting from the first positive pregnancy test, to the first ultrasound scan, and your little one’s first kick. In fact, we’re pretty certain that you’ve got a daily or weekly countdown to the end of your 9 months journey.

One of the signs you’d want to look out for and take note of is water breaking. In plain terms, water breaking is a sign that your baby is ready to be delivered.

In this post, you’d get to know what water breaking is all about; why and when it happens, how to know when your water has broken, and other important things to note in this period.

What is Water Breaking?

Water breaking is the process by which the amniotic sac (the fluid-filled sac that houses and bathes your baby in the womb breaks) and the water therein spills out.

The amniotic sac contains amniotic fluid that surrounds and protects your baby from injury. Asides from this, the amniotic fluid helps to regulate your baby’s temperature, provides room for baby to move freely, and the umbilical cord to float without being pressed.

Why the Water Breaks

Water breaking is a necessary event that must happen so that your baby will be born. If the sac does not break by itself, your doctor or midwife can induce the break artificially.

Although the actual mechanism of water breaking is not fully understood, research shows that it may be due to brain signals from the baby or fetal movement. This happens because your little one changes his/her position just before delivery; directing his/her head towards the birth canal. The pressure placed on the fetal membranes due to this movement can lead to water breaking.

When Does the Water Break?

In normal conditions, the water breaks during labor.

However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, it may break before labor. If this happens and labor does not start soon after, your health care provider may need to induce your labor so that uterine contractions can start. The labor will be induced because of the associated risk of infection for you and your baby.

This condition is known as prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM), and if it occurs before the baby is up to term, preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM). This can result in some complications which include:

  • Infections
  • Placenta abruption
  • Detached placenta
  • Premature delivery

How to Know When Your Water Has Broken

Knowing when the water has broken may not be so easy.

This is because it looks a lot like urine. It may also be that you’d only experience a feeling of wetness or trickle of fluid and not the gushing flood that some other women do. However, slight differences still exist between urine and amniotic fluid.

Firstly, you should watch out for the color and smell of the fluid. Amniotic fluid does not smell like urine. It can either be odorless or slightly sweet-smelling. The amniotic fluid can either be pale or straw-colored as opposed to urine that has a typical amber yellow color. You should also not confuse the amniotic fluid with a vaginal discharge which is usually thin and white.

Secondly, amniotic fluid tends to leak more when you’re standing than when you’re sitting. It may also leak slowly over time. You should be aware that you will not feel any pain when your water breaks because the amniotic sac is not associated with any pain receptors.

If you are unsure whether what you felt or saw is the amniotic fluid, you should reach your health care providers or go to the hospital.

When Will Labor Start?

If your labor has not started before your water breaks, it will start soon after.

However, as we mentioned earlier, this may not always be the case. If your labor doesn’t start soon after your water breaks, your doctor may need to induce it.

What if the Water Breaks too Early?

Water breaking before the 37th week of pregnancy is known as the preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM). The following factors put you at risk for PPROM:

  • History of PPROM in previous pregnancies
  • Infection of the amniotic sac
  • Vaginal bleeding in the second and/or third trimesters
  • Underweight with poor nutrition
  • Short cervical length
  • Smoking during pregnancy

If you have a PPROM and you’re 34-37 weeks pregnant, delivery will be recommended to you to avoid infection. For pregnancies between 24-34 weeks old, doctors may attempt to delay delivery until the baby is more developed. This will also prevent the baby from developing further complications due to premature delivery.

What To Do Next

It is expected that labor will start soon after the water breaks. However, if your labor does not start within 24 hours after your water breaks, you should see a doctor immediately.

This is to prevent and reduce the risk of infection.

Once your water breaks, you are ready to deliver. Therefore, you need to follow your midwife’s instructions at this stage.

You should go to the hospital immediately or call your doctor if you notice any of the following accompanying the water breaking:

  • Foul smell
  • Green or brown colored amniotic fluid: This can be an indication that your baby has had a bowel movement in the uterus.
  • If you are not at full term


Finally, it is important to remember that water breaking is a normal and painless event that helps you to know that your delivery time is very close. If your labor has started and your water has not broken, your doctor may need to break the sac artificially. This, also, is painless and does no harm to you or your baby.

If you are uncertain about other symptoms accompanying your water breaking, you should see your doctor immediately.

We’re always here to answer your questions.


Ruptured Membranes: When the Bag of Water Breaks. Volume 61, Issue 4, Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Pages 545-546. July/August, 2016. Accessed on 20th January, 2022 from

Cervical Mucus: All You Need To Know

Your body speaks to you in many ways. Sometimes, it may even be in the color, consistency, and amount of cervical mucus that you produce during a monthly cycle or pregnancy.

Like every other means of communication, it is possible to miss the signs and lose the message.

Thankfully, there’s a way out. In this article, you’d discover everything you need to know about your cervical mucus; what is it, its importance, and how it can speak to you.

Read on to learn more!

First, What Is Cervical Mucus?

In plain terms, cervical mucus is the fluid or gel-like discharge released from your cervix during your monthly cycles or in the early stages of pregnancy. Sometimes, it is also referred to as vaginal discharge.

Cervical Mucus

As we mentioned earlier, cervical mucus may vary in color, consistency, and volume during your monthly cycle and pregnancy.

Although these changes are usually mild, it is possible to identify them and use them as an indicator of pregnancy or fertility.

How Important Is Cervical Mucus?

This jelly-like blob discharge from your cervix serves the following functions:

1. Protection

Your cervical mucus protects your body from infection by preventing beneficial bacteria from leaving your urinary tract. In the right amount, these bacteria maintain the alkalinity of your vagina, thereby keeping it healthy.

During pregnancy, the cervical mucus thickens to form a plug that protects the cervix from unwanted organisms like viruses which may creep in and harm the growing baby.

cervical mucus

Furthermore, this important discharge protects sperm from the highly acidic environment of the vagina.  

2. Sperm Transport

At the most fertile period of your cycle, your cervical mucus helps move sperm from your vagina to the site of fertilization in your uterine tubes. At other less fertile points in your cycle, this cervical discharge becomes thick enough to prevent sperm entry and transport to the cervix.

3. Fertility Indicator

For many women around the world who are trying to conceive, the amount and consistency of their cervical mucous serve as a reliable indicator of the best time to conceive.

4. Lubrication

Cervical mucus lubricates your vagina. This really important function prevents irritation and pain during sex. In addition, this lubricating feature of your cervical mucus also serves to prevent vaginal infections.

What Your Cervical Mucus Says About Your Body

If you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s really important to understand the language of your cervical mucus.

Medical experts agree that normal cervical mucus is thin, clear, and has a mild odor that is not offensive.

As we mentioned earlier, observing the changes in your cervical mucus is a helpful tool while trying to conceive. In fact, certain medical experts argue that observing and following cervical mucus changes is about 90% accurate in predicting the most fertile periods of your cycle.

To help you understand this process better, we’ve compiled a list that explains the relationship between your cervical mucus and fertility.

Here you go:

1. Infertile Mucus

This usually happens right after a period. In most women, the infertile cervical mucus is often ‘blob-like’, thick, and dry. As a result, sperms cannot pass through the mucus to reach the cervix for conception to occur.

2. Potentially Fertile Mucus

Eventually, the infertile mucus thins out and increases in volume. At this point, sperms may pass through but it is unlikely that pregnancy would occur in the presence of potentially fertile mucus secretion.

3. Fertile Mucus

Fertile cervical mucus usually feels wet and very slippery. In most cases, the mucus is clear, cloudy/white in color. Most women also agree that fertile mucus is more abundant in volume than any of the other types of cervical mucus mentioned earlier.

4. Highly Fertile Mucus

As your body prepares for ovulation, your mucus will attain a classic ‘egg-white’ appearance. That is, it becomes thin, clear, and stretchy. As you’d expect, highly fertile mucus is thin enough for sperm to swim through.  

cervical mucus

However, it is important to remember that every woman’s body is different. Your cervical mucus differs from every other person’s. Therefore, you need to be patient and very observant while using cervical mucus as an indicator of fertility.

Abnormal Cervical Mucus

If you observe any of these features in your cervical mucus, it is a sign that something is not right:

  • Foul Smell
  • Green/Yellow/Gray Color
  • Itching
  • Irritation

If you notice any of these signs, it’s really important to consult your doctor for proper examination and treatment.

cervical mucus

How to Improve the Quality of Your Cervical Mucus

As we mentioned earlier, your cervical mucus is an indicator of the overall health of your reproductive tract and fertility status. Therefore, it is really helpful to keep an eye on the quality and quantity of your cervical discharge at every point of your cycle.

Thankfully, you can improve the quality and quantity of your cervical mucus by:

  • Regulating your caffeine consumption
  • Drinking enough water everyday

Click here to learn all you need to know about caffeine consumption during pregnancy.


Finally, it is important to remember that cervical mucus monitoring is not the most accurate indicator of fertility or pregnancy. Also, slight changes in your cervical mucus are normal in the early stages of pregnancy. Nevertheless, a proper pregnancy test is the best way to confirm pregnancy.

As you pay attention to the changes in your cervical mucus, understanding the significance of these variations may be all you need on your fertility journey.


Curlin M, Bursac D. Cervical mucus: from biochemical structure to clinical implications. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2013 Jan 1;5:507-15. doi: 10.2741/s386. PMID: 23277065

Kumar P, et al. (2012). Hormones in pregnancy. DOI:

MARCUS SL, MARCUS CC. CERVICAL MUCUS AND ITS RELATION TO INFERTILITY. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 1963 Oct;18:749-72. doi: 10.1097/00006254-196310000-00027. PMID: 14052300.

Singleton Pregnancy: All You Need To Know

Each pregnancy is unique for every woman; from the symptoms to the duration, and even the number of growing babies. Although it is less common, it is possible to have more than one baby growing in your uterus at the same time. In this article, we’d walk you through the commoner alternative; a singleton pregnancy.  

Read on to learn more.

What’s A Singleton Pregnancy?

In plain terms, a singleton pregnancy means being pregnant with only one baby at a time. It is the direct opposite of a multiple pregnancy, which occurs when a woman is expecting more than one baby in the same pregnancy.

A woman with a singleton pregnancy

Are Singleton Pregnancies More Common?


Medical studies show that singleton pregnancies are more common than multiple pregnancies. In fact, the American Pregnancy Association postulates that there are only about 32.6 multiples per 1,000 births per year in the United States.

This means that you’re 96.74% more likely to have a singleton pregnancy.

However, it is important to remember that any of the following factors can increase the possibility of having a multiple pregnancy:

  • Age
  • Genes
  • Fertility Treatments

Antenatal Care for Singleton Pregnancies

Proper antenatal care is an important part of pregnancy, even for singleton pregnancies.

This is a form of essential healthcare with the ultimate aim of ensuring a healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery for both mother and child.

Regular antenatal clinics would help your doctor monitor your pregnancy, identify potential complications, and guide you to a healthy delivery.

A singleton pregnancy doctor with nylon gloves

During your singleton pregnancy, your antenatal care may include:

  • Routine Blood Tests: to check for anemia, HIV, blood type, genotype, hormonal fluctuations and other blood-related factors during pregnancy.
  • Blood Pressure Checks: This is very important to reduce the possibility of high blood pressure or preeclampsia during pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound Scans: to monitor your baby’s growth and heart rate
  • Weight Measurement
  • Dietary Advice

Your doctor may even recommend special breastfeeding or baby care classes that would teach you how to breastfeed and care for your little one effectively.

Postpartum Care for Singleton Pregnancies

Although most of the hype is usually about antenatal care and staying healthy in all the stages of pregnancy, postpartum care is also very important.

In most cases the postpartum period lasts for about 6 to 8 weeks, starting from the day your little one is born.

During this period, most women undergo a lot of physical and emotional changes as they learn to care for the newborn.

Proper postpartum care after a singleton pregnancy includes:

1. Proper Rest

Rest is super important for all new moms. With the right amount of rest, your body gets all it needs to return to its pre-pregnancy state. Getting enough rest also helps to keep your skin firm and healthy after pregnancy.

After a singleton pregnancy, you can get enough rest by:

  • Sleeping when your baby sleeps
  • Reducing your caffeine intake
  • Eating well
  • Receiving help from friends and family

2. Healthy Diets

A healthy diet is very important for every new mom.

In addition to providing your little one with all he/she needs for a healthy life, a healthy diet would strengthen you and help your body heal faster.

As you recover from the rigors of pregnancy, you can follow a diet that is rich in:

  • Fluids
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Protein
  • Healthy Fat

3. Proper Vaginal Care

Vaginal care is another essential part of postpartum care after a singleton pregnancy. If you’re experiencing any form of vaginal soreness, urination problems, vaginal discharge, or postpartum cramps, please visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Differences between Singleton and Multiple Pregnancies

1. A Smaller Bump

Although most moms-to-be may not notice this, one of the major differences between a singleton and twin pregnancy is the size of your baby bump.

Some experts agree that a singleton baby bump may be about 20% smaller than a multiple pregnancy belly. Thankfully, a lighter (or smaller) baby bump is less stressful for the uterus and mother.

2. Reduced Fatigue

Here’s the fact: more babies come with increased demands on your body and mind.

Although fatigue is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, women with singleton pregnancies usually don’t have to deal with as much fatigue as moms with multiples.

This may be a function of hormonal fluctuations, increased urination, and sleep interruptions during pregnancy.

To reduce the severity of fatigue during pregnancy, you can:

  • Drink less caffeine
  • Eat healthy
  • Move your bedtime earlier

3. Reduced HcG Levels

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is an important pregnancy hormone which forms the basis of pregnancy tests. In fact, home pregnancy test kits are specially designed to detect this hormone in your urine to confirm pregnancy.

If you’re trying to conceive or undergoing fertility treatment, your doctor may conduct some blood tests to establish your average hCG level. After this, he/she will continue to monitor your numbers for any drastic changes.

In 2018, a research study showed that women pregnant with singletons may have lower hCG baseline levels than those pregnant with multiples.

4. Single Heartbeat

With a fetal doppler, it is possible to hear your baby’s heartbeat as early as the 8th or 9th week of pregnancy.

A singleton pregnancy due date calculator

In a multiple pregnancy, the doctor may detect a second heartbeat and schedule an ultrasound scan to get a clearer picture. However, this is not the case with a singleton pregnancy.

5. Reduced Weight Gain

Weight gain is a common concern for most moms-to-be.

A singleton pregnancy reduce weight gain

Although this difference may not become obvious till the later stages of pregnancy, women with singleton pregnancies usually don’t add as much weight as those with multiple pregnancies.

In addition to the changes listed above, studies show that women with singleton pregnancies tend to get to term and have vaginal deliveries a lot more than those with multiple pregnancies.


Every pregnancy, whether singleton or multiple, is an exciting and unique process. Although it comes with some changes and risks, it is important to focus on your health and seek proper antenatal care during pregnancy.

It is also essential to note that the early signs of pregnancy may not confirm whether or not you have a singleton, however, proper prenatal tests can.

If you have any concerns or worries about your pregnancy, please contact your healthcare provider.

We are always here to help you.


Cloudy Urine in Pregnancy

Frequent urination is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Sometimes, you may even observe different colors and consistencies of urine that were not present before you became pregnant. A typical example of this is the occurrence of cloudy urine in pregnancy.

In this article, we’d talk about the features of normal urine, different colors of urine, causes of cloudy urine during pregnancy, and how to reduce the symptoms.

What Are The Features of Normal Urine?

Normal urine is a clear, sterile, and pale-yellow fluid. It has a characteristic chemical-like smell that may be slightly offensive. Sometimes, your urine can appear to be colorless, especially if you’ve just taken large amounts of water.

How Common Is Cloudy Urine During Pregnancy?

Cloudy urine is one of the many changes that come with pregnancy. In fact, it is even more common than you may think. While expecting your little one, there’d be changes to your hormones, medication, and diet. These changes, as well as other important factors, can make your urine look cloudy.


As a result, cloudy urine is a common occurrence in pregnancy

What Causes Cloudy Urine In pregnancy?

The common causes of cloudy urine in pregnancy are:

1. Hormonal changes.

This is the primary cause of cloudy urine during pregnancy.

While expecting, your body undergoes diverse hormonal changes to support your growing baby. For example, there is an increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the first trimester, which is passed out through urine. Sometimes, the increased presence of hCG can make your urine cloudy.

2. Dehydration.

Most times, pregnancy comes with nausea and vomiting. When this happens, the consistent fluid loss via vomitting can cause dehydration.

Dehydration during pregnancy will lead to dark and concentrated urine, that also appears cloudy.

3. Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Sadly, UTIs are common during pregnancy. When this happens, it can also result in cloudy urine.

During pregnancy, if you notice a marked increase in the frequency of urination, as well as a foul-smell, please consult your doctor immediately.


4. Excess Protein In Urine.

This condition is called proteinuria. Excess protein content in your urine can also make it look cloudy or foamy. This usually occurs in the second or third trimester.

If this excessive amount of protein in urine is accompanied by high blood pressure, it may be a sign of preeclampsia.

5. Dietary modifications.

No doubt, your diet and food cravings would change during pregnancy. You may even begin to crave meals you didn’t like before pregnancy. In some instances, these sudden and abrupt changes may cause your urine to appear cloudy.

This usually occurs if your new diet contains high amounts of phosphorous or Vitamin D. When this happens, you can just remove the foods you weren’t eating before pregnancy and watch out to see if that’s the actual cause.

6. Vaginal discharge.

Vaginal discharge is not strange during pregnancy. However, excess discharge can also cause cloudy urine.


If you experience this symptom, please consult your doctor.

7. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus causes an abnormal increase in blood sugar level. When this sugar moves into the urine, it can also cause it (your urine) to appear cloudy. In addition, diabetes mellitus may also cause urine to have a sweet or fruity smell.

Different Colors of Urine

As we mentioned earlier, normal urine should be clear, sterile, and pale-yellow. However, several factors can alter the color of your urine.

In this section, we’ve compiled some common urine colors and the possible causes:

  • Red or pink colored urine: This is usually due to the presence of blood in the urine and can be a symptom for a serious health condition. In other instances, red-colored urine may result from dietary modifications, like increased consumption of beets or blackberries.
  • Brown or dark orange urine. This is not a good sign at all. Brown or dark orange urine indicates that there is excessive secretion of bile, which could be a symptom of a serious liver problem.
  • Blue or green urine: Using certain drugs can make your urine appear bluish-green. However, if you are not on any medication and your urine looks this way, you should see a doctor.

How To Manage Cloudy Urine In Pregnancy

Treatment options for cloudy urine during pregnancy depend on the underlying cause. Some home therapies may help you alleviate some symptoms. In other cases, you may need to see your doctor.


Here are some simple home therapies to relieve cloudy urine in pregnancy:

1. Drink Water

Water is really important in pregnancy. In addition to keeping you refreshed always, water also flushes out toxins and makes your urine look less cloudy.

Furthermore, studies show that pregnant women need to drink about 10 cups of water daily to prevent dehydration.

2. Take Some Cranberry Juice

This juice contains a lot of phytonutrients which are helpful in relieving the symptoms of UTI, kidney stones, and other underlying conditions that may cause cloudy urine.

3. Don’t self-medicate

Self-medication may be the cause of cloudy urine during pregnancy.

Here’s the fact: It is wrong to self-medicate during pregnancy. In fact, it is advisable to receive prescriptions from only your attending physician in this period.

4. Use hot/warm compresses.

Sometimes, cloudy urine comes with abdominal pain. When this happens, you can relieve the pain by applying hot or warm compresses.

5. Reduce your salt and sugar intake

Meals with high sugar content may increase your risk for developing diabetes and, by extension, cloudy urine. Also, salty meals predispose you to kidney problems. Therefore, reducing your salt and sugar intake would reduce the symptoms of cloudy urine.


It is always good to consult your doctor if you notice any change in your body function during pregnancy. Although cloudy urine is not strange, you should keep an eye out for any drastic changes and report it to your doctor immediately.


Joanna Matuszkiewicz-Rowińska, Jolanta Małyszko, and Monika Wieliczko (2015). Urinary tract infections in pregnancy: old and new unresolved diagnostic and therapeutic problems. Archives of Medical Science. Accessed on 27th June, 2021 from

How to Deal With Postpartum Cramps

Every pregnant woman expects the pains, aches, and discomfort to end at childbirth. However, this is not always the case. In fact, most women still experience postpartum cramps and swelling in the first weeks after childbirth.

how to deal with postpartum cramps

Thankfully, there’s a way out.

In this article, we’d talk about everything you need to know about postpartum cramping; what it is, the causes, duration, and how to treat it.

Read on to find out more!

What Are Postpartum Cramps?

Remember how your growing baby shielded you from the horrors of menstrual cramps for 9 long months?

Well, the cramps are back.

But this time, they don’t follow any cycle.

Postpartum cramps are commonly called ‘afterbirth pains’. This refers to the normal, but painful, cramps that occur after childbirth as your uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size.

What Causes Postpartum Cramps?

Although they are quite uncomfortable, postpartum cramps are quite common in the first few weeks after delivery. Most times, it is just the response to your uterus returning to its normal state (the non-pregnant uterus). On the other hand, depending on the cause, postpartum cramps can be a reason for concern.

how to deal with Postpartum cramps; doctor showing ovaries

Here’s the good part:

We’re here to provide all the info and guide you through every step of this journey.

The major causes of postpartum cramps include:

1. Afterpains

This is the most common cause of postpartum cramping in women. After childbirth, your uterus shrinks as it returns to its actual (or pre-pregnancy) size. This way, excess uterine tissue, and fluids are removed as a discharge called lochia. As this happens, your body also tightens the blood vessels in the uterus to regulate bleeding and prevent blood clots.

woman dealing with postpartum cramps

For most women, this process is quite similar to (but milder than) labor contractions. In fact, they are termed ‘afterpains’ because these painful contractions are felt after you deliver your precious one.

Although postpartum cramps feel so similar to menstrual cramps, the pain often ranges from mild to severe and is usually more noticeable in the 2nd or 3rd pregnancy. In addition, afterpains are only very uncomfortable in the first few days after childbirth. With time, the cramping often fades away.

2. Constipation

Most women often struggle with pooping after childbirth. Postpartum constipation may result from dehydration, medication, or hormonal fluctuations. Interestingly, women who undergo Cesarean sections are more likely to have constipation after childbirth.

Sometimes, postpartum constipation comes with cramps, bloating, and slight pressure in your lower abdomen.

3. Cesarean Section

As we mentioned earlier, afterpains are felt as the uterus contracts after childbirth. Even if you’ve had a C-section, your uterus would still contract as it adjusts to life after pregnancy.

how to deal with postpartum cramps

In addition to postpartum cramps, women who have a Cesarean delivery may also feel some discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Furthermore, postpartum cramps may also occur as a result of other factors like:

  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): This refers to any microbial infection which affects the ureters, bladder, urethra, and kidney. In addition to postpartum cramps, mothers with UTIs may also experience fever, urinary difficulties, cloudy urine, or pelvic pain.
  • Endometritis: In plain terms, this is an inflammation (or swelling) of the uterine lining caused by infection. Women with endometritis often experience painful cramps, fever, vaginal discharge, and pelvic pain.
  • Bacterial Vaginosis: is a bacterial infection that arises whenever the uterus contains a large population of harmful bacteria. Sometimes, this condition causes postpartum cramps, coupled with a burning sensation while urinating, foul-smelling discharge, and pain/itching in the vulva.

How Long Do Postpartum Cramps Last?

Although postpartum cramps begin immediately after you deliver your little one, it often peaks on the 2nd or 3rd day after birth. Then the cramps continue for about 7-10 days after delivery as your uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy state.

Here’s the good part.

Postpartum cramps usually do not extend beyond two weeks post-delivery.

However, if the cramps are caused by other underlying medical conditions, like infection or constipation, they will last for a longer duration. If this happens, the cramps may continue until the underlying cause is treated.

Therefore, if you’re experiencing any form of pain or cramps after childbirth, please contact your doctor immediately to begin treatment.

postpartum cramps

How to Treat Postpartum Cramps

One thing you have to know is, you do not have to suffer, Mama.

Although your uterus needs to contract and shrink after childbirth (and there’s no way to prevent this), you can treat the cramps and relieve the pain that comes with it.

Here are some of the ways to treat postpartum cramps:

1. Prescribed Medication

With your doctor’s prescription, you can use common pain relief medications like Diclofenac or Ibuprofen to reduce the pain. In fact, if you’re experiencing severe cramps, your doctor may give you a prescription for some stronger pain meds that would take the edge off.

Furthermore, if the cramps are caused by constipation, drugs like laxatives or stool-softeners would also provide some relief

2. Heat Therapy

As you deal with postpartum cramps, you can also use heat compresses or pads to get some much-needed relief. This is done by placing the hot compress or heating pad on your lower abdomen for a regulated period of time,

3. Move Around

Movement helps, really. This is especially important if the cramps are caused by postpartum constipation. As you recover, try to get up and walk around if you can.

4. Relax

Now, we’re sure you’ve heard this word about a thousand times since you got pregnant. The fact is: proper rest may be all you need. Furthermore, you can try out some deep breathing exercises that strengthen your core muscles and help you recover faster.

As much as you can, please get enough sleep.

5. Take Bathroom Breaks

While dealing with cramps after childbirth, it also helps to pee as soon as you feel the urge to. As your uterus heals, it is best to keep your bladder empty as it reduces the pressure on your uterus.

Frequent urination in dealing with postpartum pain

Do I Need To Speak To My Doctor About Postpartum Cramps?

Although cramps are common, severe pain after childbirth is not.

If you experience any of the following symptoms after delivery, please contact your doctor ASAP:

  • Fever
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Excessive Bleeding
  • Extremely Painful Urination
  • Severe (sharp, stabbing) Abdominal Pain
  • Redness on the Surgical Site (If you had a C-Section)

It is really important to watch out for these warning signs as they may be indicative of a more serious medical condition. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that you contact your healthcare provider in the first three weeks after childbirth. When you do this, it is easier to explain and discuss every recovery-related challenge.

A Final Note from Edie & Amy

We understand that a lot of changes occur in the first few weeks after delivery. Nonetheless, your health is just as important, Mama.

As you adjust to the demands of motherhood, please try to take care of yourself too; rest well, eat healthy, and remain happy. Thankfully, postpartum cramps often stop within a week or two of childbirth.

Finally, remember to watch out for the warning signs and contact your doctor if you have any questions or problems.

Stay strong, Mama.

Handling Menstruation Symptoms During Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Do you wonder why you still observe all the symptoms of menstruation during pregnancy?

You are seeing all the signs, from breast tenderness to spotting to cramping. What do these symptoms mean? Is your baby fine? What should you do?

Read on to find out!


Pregnancy Symptoms vs Menstruation Symptoms

It is not strange for many women to say it took a while to find out that they were pregnant. This is because many symptoms of pregnancy are similar to menstruation symptoms, and it may be a little hard to tell the difference.

However, which signs should you watch out for and what’s normal?

Here are the most common period-like symptoms in pregnancy and what you should do about them;

1. Cramps

Cramping before and during periods is something most women experience. This may either be a dull or throbbing pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area.

cramps may be a symptom of both menstruation and pregnancy
Always report severe cramps to your doctor

Similarly, it is also normal to have some mild cramping during pregnancy, but more lower down in your stomach. It may last for weeks or even months, during the period when your baby attaches to your womb and it stretches.

However, severe cramping is a bad sign as it could indicate:

  • Miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Preterm labour

If you develop severe cramps during your pregnancy, seek medical attention immediately.

2. Spotting

Unlike a full-blown period, spotting is very light bleeding that some women experience just before their period. This also happens during pregnancy, and is at times confused for a period.

vaginal discharge

Spotting during pregnancy usually happens as the embryo (developing baby) attaches to the womb. This is called “implantation bleeding”. It is lighter than a normal period and usually occurs about 10-14days after conception.

However, many women do not experience this bleeding. If you do, consult your doctor immediately, whether or not the bleeding stops. This is because spotting during pregnancy could also be a sign of serious complications like:

3. Swollen and Tender Breasts

Swollen and tender breasts are one of the most common symptoms of periods. They are also one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. Thus, it is nothing to concern yourself too much about.

Some changes you should expect include

  • pain/stinging
  • tenderness/soreness
  • swelling
  • heaviness
  • Sensitivity
  • blue veins

The degree of these symptoms however varies from woman to woman.

4. Mood Swings

Uncontrollable mood swings are common during pregnancy and periods. This is because of the hormonal changes happening in both instances. It is thus normal to feel irritated, anxious, or sad.

Some women even have crying spells, especially the pregnant ones.

However, a persistent low mood could indicate depression or some other mental condition. Thus, if you constantly feel sad for 2weeks or more, please consult your doctor.

5. Constipation and Bloating

This is also another common symptom of pregnancy and periods, and it can be blamed on one thing-hormones. The hormonal changes during pregnancy and periods can significantly slow down bowel movements, thus causing constipation. This may last for the first two semesters during pregnancy.

However, if your constipation lasts longer than that or gets too severe, please see your doctor. It could be an indication of some other form of bowel problem.

6. Fatigue

Some women experience fatigue before and during their periods. Most pregnant women also experience fatigue during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Some women however feel exhausted for the whole nine months. This is because frequent nighttime urination may make it difficult to get any decent sleep. Some women also have to deal with headaches and back pain which also make sleeping difficult.

Try to get as much sleep as you can. Go to bed early and use enough pillows. If you still find sleeping difficult or persistently feel tired and drained, speak to your doctor.

7. Cravings

It is common knowledge that women crave weird things during their menstrual periods. The same goes for pregnant women too, but the cravings may be a little bit weirder and stronger. Many pregnant women crave for sweet, fatty or carbohydrate-rich foods.

Others may have a specific food that they crave for. Still, others may develop an unexplained aversion for a particular food, and get irritated by their sight or smell.

It is important to note some pregnant women develop cravings for non-food items like ice and dirt. This is an eating disorder called “Pica”. Anyone who develops this medical condition should consult a doctor as it may cause complications,

Final Words

Despite many claims, it is not possible to get a period while pregnant.

You may experience some spotting, but this is way lighter than period blood. If you are pregnant, and you are bleeding enough to fill a pad or tampon, you need to see your doctor immediately. It could be a warning sign of some serious complication.

Many menstruation symptoms are similar to pregnancy symptoms.

Regardless of whether you are on your period or pregnant, these symptoms may be discomforting. However, consult your doctor if these symptoms get severe and prevent you from performing your daily tasks.


Symptoms Of Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Do you know that three in four women will have a yeast infection at least once in their lives? In fact, susceptibility to this infection increases during pregnancy.

For most expectant mums, this period is marked by gladness and preparation. However, the increased risk and susceptibility to certain infections can make this wait quite delicate.

How will you know if you have a yeast infection?

In this article, you’d find the symptoms of yeast infections during pregnancy, possible causes and how to prevent it.

First, What Is A Yeast Infection?

Yeast is a type of fungus. Yeast infections are also known as candidiasis. Vulvovaginal candidiasis, (or moniliasis), is a yeast infection that affects the vagina and vulva.

These infections are caused by a kind of yeast known as Candida albicans. However, other types of yeast, including Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis, can also cause yeast infections.

Yeast infections are common in pregnant women due to increased estrogen levels. This increase causes an imbalance between the yeast and bacteria population in the vagina.

Most times, this imbalance results in an overgrowth of yeast. Although they are usually unpleasant, yeast infections don’t harm your baby.

What Causes a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy?

Yeast infection during pregnancy results from a number of factors. Some of them include:

  • Vaginal pH Variations: During pregnancy, the hormone levels change the pH (acidity/alkalinity) balance in the vagina. As a result of this, the vagina environment becomes more favourable for yeast growth.
  • Underlying health problems which aren’t properly managed e.g. diabetes, HIV.
  • Medications such as antibiotics may upset the yeast composition of the vagina, leading to a yeast infection.
  • Yeast infection can also be transferred to you from your sexual partner during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

When you have a yeast infection during pregnancy, you may notice any of these:

  • Itchy Vagina: When you have to scratch your vagina consistently, watch it, it may be a yeast infection.
  • Pain or soreness in the vagina or vulva.
  • Burning Sensation: A burning sensation in your genital (especially when you urinate), may be because of a yeast infection.
  • Vaginal Discharge. The presence of a yeast infection may cause you to have a thick, white, odorless vaginal discharge.
  • Rash on the vagina and the skin around it. This rash may extend to the thigh sometimes.
  • Swelling or redness in the area outside your vagina.
vaginal discharge

How to Prevent A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

  • Keep your vaginal area dry by wearing a cotton underwear and a pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
  • Avoid tight pants and underwear.
  • Always clean your vagina after each visit to the toilet. Remember to wipe from front to back to prevent passage of infection into the vagina.
  • Don’t wear a wet swimsuit for long. This helps to keep the genital area dry.
  • Avoid scented sanitary pads, tissue paper, bubble bath, and feminine hygiene sprays.
  • Avoid douching. Douching can upset your vagina and even cause your water to break in late pregnancy.
  • If you have diabetes, watch your sugar level and keep it under control.
Side Effect


Yeast infections can make pregnancy really stressful. Nevertheless, you don’t need to worry, because it doesn’t harm you or your baby. Although, it can be transferred to your baby at birth.

Avoid self-medication during pregnancy. See your doctor and use only prescribed drugs. Read our article on flu rash