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Toilet Infections In Pregnancy

Itching…? Smelly vagina…? Nasty discharge…?  Yikes. Unfortunately, women have to deal with a variety of toilet infections occasionally. However, some expectant mothers wonder if they can still get an infection even while pregnant.

We would love to tell you that the answer to that question is no.

Sadly, you can get toilet infections even in pregnancy.

woman putting hands on chin

What are the most common infections in pregnancy? What are their symptoms? How do you treat them? How can you protect yourself?

Read on to find out!

Common Toilet Infections In Pregnancy

1) Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

The vagina has its own bacteria that lives in it naturally.

Bacterial Vaginosis occurs when these bacteria begin to overgrow and multiply more than normal. Sadly, the hormonal changes in pregnancy can influence this overgrowth.

pregnant woman sitting on a couch

This condition needs to be managed properly to avoid future complications that may affect fertility. In pregnant women, untreated bacterial vaginosis can cause preterm labour, premature birth and low birth weight babies.


  • Large amount of thin, grayish-white discharge
  • Painful urination
  • Irritation/ Itching/ Pain in the vagina or vulva
  • Fishy vaginal odor that gets worse after sex


If you are pregnant, your doctor would be in the best place to recommend an antibiotic treatment for you.

Furthermore, if you are still early on in your pregnancy, he/she may advice you to wait till second semester before starting treatment.


Here are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of you getting an infection;

  • Choose comfortable cotton underwear that will allow your vagina to breath and reduce your risk of infection.
  • Skip the underwear at night to allow your vagina more room to breath.
  • Avoid sitting in wet bathing suits or sweaty panties after swimming or working out. Not only are they uncomfortable, they also make your vagina a perfect bacteria breeding zone.
  • Wipe front to back and never back to front after using the toilet. This prevents you spreading bacteria from your anus to your vagina.
  • Limit your use of bath oils because they can trap bacteria.

2) Yeast Infection

This is also caused by an overgrowth of a fungus that naturally lives in the vagina.

The hormonal changes during pregnancy creates a suitable environment for the fungus to thrive.

Anything which changes the natural pH (degree of acidity/alkalinity) of the vagina can cause a yeast infection, like taking some antibiotics or having sexual intercourse. 


  • Painful itching around the vagina or vulva
  • Pain or burning in or around the vagina
  • Red and swollen vagina
  • Thick, whitish-yellow, cottage cheese-like discharge
  • An vaginal odor similar to that of bread or beer
  • Painful or burning during sex
  • Painful urination


Yeast infections can be treated with over the counter antifungal medicine. However, pregnant women need to consult with their doctor or midwife before using these medications.


  • Wear comfortable cotton underwear.
  • Sleep without underwear as often as possible
  • Drink enough water; at least 8 glasses per day.
  • Do not hold your pee. Frequent urination helps eliminate bacteria that can cause infection.
  • Reduce the amount of refined sugars you consume.
  • Enrich your diet with more yogurt. Yogurt has been proven to enhance digestion and decrease the risk of vaginal infections.

3. Group B Streptococcal Infection (GBS)

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a bacteria that is commonly found in the body, especially in the vagina and rectum (a part of the intestines).

They are usually harmless and cause no symptoms, except in women with chronic conditions like diabetes or liver disease.

However, caution needs to be taken if you are pregnant as it can be transferred from mother to child. When this happens, GBS could prove harmful and even fatal in a newborn.


This infection may have no symptoms at all, or may be expressed as a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in some people.

Common symptoms of a UTI include;

  • Painful urination
  • Cloudy urine
  • Sudden impulse to urinate.


Pregnant women are usually tested for GBS in their last trimester (36 to 37 weeks).

If you test positive, your doctor will administer IV antibiotics during childbirth to prevent you from passing the infection to your baby.


Unfortunately, there is no known way of preventing GBS.

However, administration of antibiotics during labour has been shown to reduce the risk of mother-child transmission.

4) Trichomoniasis

This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Thankfully, it is also one of the most curable.

Although it is transmitted mainly through sex, it can also be gotten from damp or moist towels, clothing or toilet seat that get in contact with the genital area.

Recent research has shown that it can be gotten even from swimming pools!


  • Greenish-yellow discharge
  • Foamy, foul-smelling discharge
  • Itching and burning vagina
  • Pain or irritation during sex

Treatment of Toilet Infections

Your doctor will prescribe oral antibiotics to deal with this infection. In addition, it is important to avoid over-the-counter drugs.


  • Practice safe sex
  • Maintain good toilet hygiene
  • Avoid sharing towels, under wears or other personal items.
  • Frequent testing of you and your partner

How Will These Infections Affect My Baby?

A lot of maternal infections can affect a growing baby in three ways;

  1. Infections may harm or weaken the mother, making it more difficult for her body to nurture and nourish her child. Also, drugs used in treatment may prove harmful to the baby.
  2. These infections could not only harm the mother but also directly affect the baby. In severe cases, it can lead to some birth abnormalities.
  3. Maternal infections can lead to premature labour or a miscarriage.
mom holding baby feet

Therefore, following all the preventive measures above would reduce the risk of you getting an infection or transmitting it to your baby.

In Conclusion,

Your body undergoes a lot of changes during pregnancy, and increased vaginal discharge is one of them.

Although this is normal, sometimes it can be a sign of a toilet infection during pregnancy. If this happens to you, do not be scared.

Most women who get an infection during pregnancy do not have any serious complications.  They are easy to treat once diagnosed. To sum it up, if you experience any unusual symptoms while pregnant, speak to your doctor or midwife.


Cervical Cerclage

It’s another day and you catch yourself looking at the calendar again, counting down the few weeks left to meet your little bundle of joy. Although this pregnancy is just 7 months old, you still worry if it would be like the others; perhaps this one would also arrive too early.
Hopefully, it would be different this time. Especially when you remember all the precautionary measures you have put in place.
These measures are based on medical advice from your last antenatal clinic appointment. Actually, the doctor suggested a cervical cerclage.

From that moment, although the doctor did her best to explain, you still wonder if it would be enough to save your child.

What Is a Cervical Cerclage?

Cervical cerclage refers to a couple of procedures done to keep your cervix closed before delivery.
It is also called a “cervical stitch”.

The cervix is the funnel-shaped lower part of your womb. It opens during childbirth to allow your baby free passage out of the womb and into the world. However, opening of the cervix too early could lead to premature labor. Therefore, cervical cerclage is done to help support the cervix during pregnancy, keeping it closed until childbirth or at least the baby is mature enough to thrive outside the womb.

Source: Shutterstock

Why Is It Done?

The cervix is closed, long, and firm in the absence of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it gradually softens, shortens, and expands as your body prepares to ease your baby into the world.
In some cases, the cervix begins to efface (stretch and thin out) and open too early. This usually occurs in women with a short or weak cervix. It can lead to premature childbirth or in some severe cases, a miscarriage.

Shutterstock/ Medical Art

You may need a cervical cerclage if :

  • You have a short or weak cervix that starts to open in the second trimester (before 24 weeks of pregnancy).
  • There’s a history of miscarriage with painless dilation of the cervix in the second trimester.
  • You had a cervical cerclage in your previous pregnancy.
  • The previous pregnancy ended in a preterm delivery (before 34 weeks of pregnancy).

This procedure is usually done between 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. However, a doctor may recommend a cervical cerclage as late as the 24th week. Anything after this would be too risky.

A cervical cerclage cannot always be recommended as a quick fix for everyone at risk of premature delivery.

It is discouraged in cases where active vaginal bleeding, preterm labor, and an intrauterine infection are present. Your doctor is also less likely to recommend this procedure if you are pregnant with twins or more.

How Effective Is Cervical Cerclage?

Research suggests that a cervical cerclage helps reduce the risk of premature delivery. However, this is greatly affected by some factors such as the timing and degree of cervical change before the cerclage.

What To Expect

  • Before The Procedure; An ultrasound image of your womb would be taken to check the health of your baby. Also, a swab of your cervical mucus may also be taken to rule out any infections.
An ultrasound scan should be done before and after a cervical cerclage
  • During the Procedure; A cervical cerclage is usually done through the vagina (transvaginal) or less commonly, through the belly (transabdominal). You would be given medicine to numb the pain before the doctor begins. This could be a pain-numbing injection in your back (such as an epidural) or something to sedate you. You may also fall asleep depending on what kind of medicine is given.
  • After The Procedure; You may experience some symptoms immediately after the procedure such as;
    • Mild Spotting
    • Mild Cramping
    • Increased Vaginal Discharge (colourless and odourless)

Spotting, cramping, and vaginal discharge after a cerclage are all normal. If you notice any increase, please inform your doctor. Avoid any unnecessary physical activity for about 2-3 days after the procedure and just give yourself time to relax. Sometimes you may be asked to abstain from sexual intercourse as well.

  • Before Delivery; Your cervical cerclage stitches have to be removed before childbirth as the cervix is the only non-surgical passageway for your baby. Your doctor would recommend this when childbirth is around the corner, usually around 37 weeks of pregnancy. It might be required sooner if you go into labor.

Your stitches may be left in before childbirth if you are having a C-section. You may also decide to keep it in for a longer period, but this should be discussed with your doctor as it may make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

Listen to your body..

In the end, the goal is for you to have a safe delivery and give birth to a healthy child. Therefore, it is essential to inform your doctor in time of any changes you may notice, seek and heed their medical advice as regards your pregnancy, to the ultimate benefit of you and your baby.

  • Zarei, M., Zahedifard, T., & Nori, R. (2018). Successful treatment with home care during the second half of a twin pregnancy complicated by a short cervix: A case report. Biomedical Research and Therapy, 5(02), 2045-2049.
  • Nivin Todd 2020, Cervical Cerclage and Your Pregnancy; What You Need to Know, WebMD, Viewed on June 3, 2020,

Managing Excessive Sweating During Pregnancy

Are you a new mom? Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to find your clothes and bed sheets completely soaked with sweat?

You overcame fatigue during pregnancy and swollen feet from water retention now this. Are you wondering why you have to deal with postpartum sweating along with a host of other unpleasant postpartum symptoms? How do you deal with night sweats and when should you call your doctor?

Read on to find out!

Postpartum Recovery: What is Happening to Your Body?

Even if you are a seasoned pro, you might find yourself asking this question in the weeks after you give birth to your baby.

Although a lot of changes occur during pregnancy, many women expect that things will go back to normal immediately after childbirth. Well, we are sorry to inform you dear mama that that is not always the case.

Even as you try to adjust to the life of a new mom, your body still has a lot of things going on. Therefore, you should expect to deal with a number of uncomfortable physical and emotional changes like:

  • vaginal soreness and discharge
  • occasional painful contraction of your womb
  • leaking urine from time to time
  • digestive problems
  • breast soreness, engorgement and discharge
  • hair and skin changes
  • mood shifts and depression
  • struggling to loose weight

In addition to all this unpleasantness, night sweating is also another thing that new mothers complain about in the few weeks after childbirth.

Why are You Sweating at Night?

Your body will gradually try to return to it’s pre-pregnancy state after you give birth. During pregnancy, there were a lot of changes to your hormone and fluid levels. Therefore, your body will try to adjust to new hormone levels after pregnancy.

Night sweat sheet soaked

In addition to this, it’d also try to get rid of all the excess fluids that sustained your body & baby while you were pregnant. Therefore, it’s normal to experience excess sweating in the days and nights after you give birth. Asides sweating, you may also notice that you urinate more often. This is another way your body tries to get rid of all that extra fluid.

At times, sweating at night may also be due to other reasons. You may find yourself waking up all warm and sweaty simply because your room is too warm or your blankets are too thick. Excessive night sweats can also be a side effect of some medications.

On the other hand, your night sweats can be a symptom of an underlying medical issue like anxiety, hyperthyroidism, obstructive sleep apnea, tuberculosis or menopause.

Sweating during pregnancy

How Long Will The Sweating Last?

You should expect to experience night sweating in the few days and weeks after childbirth. It is usually no cause for concern. However, if your sweating lasts for too long, please contact your doctor.

What You Can Do:

Waking up warm and sweaty may be very uncomfortable. However, it is comforting to know that this unpleasant postpartum symptom will not last forever. Your hormones and fluids should regulate on their own in due time and the excess sweating should stop.

Meanwhile, here are a few tips to help you feel better when your night sweats are at their worst:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Sweating so much can leave you dehydrated. Your body needs all the fluids it can get now, especially if you are breastfeeding. Pay attention to the colour of your urine; if it is dark or yellow, you need to drink more water.
  2. Change Your Nightwear: You need comfortable pyjamas. Go for one that is loose, light and made from cotton and other natural fibers. This will provide room for your body to breath and bring the sweating down a notch.
  3. Cool Down Your Room: You are bound to wake up sweaty if your room is too warm. So open your windows and put on a fan. You can also try an using an air conditioner to keep your room cool at night.
  4. Use Powder: Sweating a lot can make you prone to heat rashes and other skin issues. Try using some talcum-free powder on your body just before you go to bed. This will help prevent rashes from forming.
  5. Wipe Yourself Down : Try a warm bath before bed or wiping yourself down with a wet face towel. This is can be refreshing and help you cool down.

When to See Your Doctor

You should contact your doctor if your night sweating lasts for several weeks after delivery.

Also inform your doctor if you notice any of the symptoms below:

  • fever over 38oC
  • unusual or smelly vaginal discharge
  • heavy bleeding that may contains large clots ( lumps of curdled blood) for more than 3days after delivery
  • pain or burning while urinating
  • pain, redness, or drainage at stitch or incision sites
  • warm, reddened breasts
  • severe abdominal cramping
  • difficulty breathing
  • dizziness, or lightheadedness
  • feeling depressed or anxious
  • excessive weight-loss ( over 10%) despite a healthy appetite
  • cough lasting over 3 weeks

The Takeaway

As you try to adjust to your life as a new mom, you may have to deal with a lot of unpleasant changes.

We understand that having to wake up at night to feed, change, and soothe your baby is not easy. Not to talk of when you have to do it while you are all hot and sweaty. Good news it, this will not last forever.

Your body will be back to normal soon and then you can say goodbye to sweaty nights. Till then, you may have to keep your fan close and your air-conditioner, a little closer.

Are you having

How can I know when I am ovulating?

Ovulation involves the release of an egg from the female ovary in preparation for fertilisation and pregnancy.

Do I hear you say why should I care?

Source: Giphy

For women trying to get pregnant, knowing when you ovulate is quite important in determining the fertile window (that is, the period where intercourse is likeliest to lead to pregnancy).

The sperm can live up to five days in the female reproductive system, so having sex within this window greatly increases the chance of pregnancy.

eggs and sperm illustratedusing noodles and sunny side up eggs
sperm fertilise female eggs for conception

When does ovulation occur?

In a regular, 28-day circle, ovulation usually takes place around day 14. However, most women’s menstrual cycle are not usually this regular. In this setting, ovulation usually takes place within four days before or after the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.

How would I know I am ovulating?

Basal body temperature: The body temperature slightly increases after ovulation. By getting a thermometer specifically made for that purpose, track your body temperature over a period of time till a pattern emerges. Having observed this pattern, you can have sex just before you are expecting a rise in your temperature.

Change in cervical mucus: Before ovulation, you might observe that the cervical mucus becomes clearer (some people say it looks like egg whites), slippery and quite stretchy. This will be observed as a vaginal discharge

eggs and sperm illustratedusing noodles and sunny side up eggs
cervical mucous chages to an egg white consistency

Progesterone ovulation tests: These test strips check for progesterone metabolites levels in the urine. The level of these metabolites usually increases after ovulation, so studying your body and timing sex before a rise in progesterone levels help increase the chance of pregnancy.

Ovulation predictor kits: The levels of Luteinising hormone (LH) usually increase during ovulation, so these test kits give you a fairly accurate idea of your fertile window. By monitoring the levels of LH throughout your menstrual cycle, you would be able to determine your fertile window.


None of these methods are 100% reliable.

It is very important that you are patient with yourself and your body while you are trying to conceive. Please, also carry your doctor along in any steps you may be taking to get pregnant.


WebMD; 28/7/2020;

Rachel Gurevich; 28/7/2020;

10 Reasons Why You Should Take A Pregnancy Test

Cynthia was too busy to be pregnant.

In fact, she just couldn’t be. It didn’t matter that she had missed her last period or she’d started to doze during those long, boring meetings at the office.

Some women get headaches with chills when they are pregnant

All that matters is that she just couldn’t be pregnant.

Or Could She?

You can't tell if you are pregnant for sure till you have a pregnancy test done
Source: GIPHY

Many women consider a missed period and/or morning sickness to be the hallmark of being pregnant.

However, there are other signs to look out for.

In this article, we’ve compiled 10 of these ‘other signs’ for you. They should prompt you to consider doing a pregnancy test.


Most women tend to get tired faster during the early stages of pregnancy.

This is caused by increased production of a certain hormone called Progesterone. In addition, pregnancy causes the heart to work harder as it pumps more blood to send necessary nutrients to the growing baby.


pregnancy can make you irritable but there's no way of telling till you take a pregnancy test
Source: Giphy

Pregnancy comes with a lot of hormonal changes.

Sometimes, these hormones affect your mood. Most pregnant women claim to have started experiencing sudden mood swings as early as the first week of pregnancy.


Many husbands dread this part.

Sudden food cravings are quite common throughout pregnancy
Image: Shutterstock

Sudden food cravings are quite common throughout pregnancy. In some cases, it is even difficult to eat a meal that you craved for just minutes ago. Certain food cravings can even last all through the period of pregnancy.


This symptom can arise as early as the second week of pregnancy.

early pregnancy may come with tender breasts

The hormonal changes during this period can make the breasts sore, swollen or even ticklish. In many women, the breasts feel heavier or fuller.

5. Headaches

Of course, no one likes this.

Once again, the hormones released during pregnancy can result in periodic but annoying headaches.

6. Slight Bleeding

This is different from the usual menstrual bleeding. In this case, the blood is slightly lighter in colour than menstrual blood.

The slight bleeding that occurs in the early stage of pregnancy is called Implantation Bleeding; this happens when the developing baby safely attaches to the walls of the womb.

7. Frequent Urination

Has the need to pee suddenly tripled?

You probably need to conduct a pregnancy test. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, the pressure to urinate increases drastically. This is caused the action of a pregnancy hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HcG).

8. Morning Sickness

Nausea or Morning Sickness usually begins in the 2nd or 3rd week of being pregnant. It is also important to note that this feeling of nausea or irritation can be experienced at any time of the day.


Again, the hormones are responsible.

Rapid hormonal changes in the first few weeks of being pregnant sometimes result in mild cramps. Although they are not as intense, women often write them off as the regular menstrual cramps.


During pregnancy, there are noticeable changes to this normal process.

Some women begin to notice an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge as soon as they get pregnant. Most times, this discharge is clear or milky white.


Cynthia bought a regular home pregnancy test kit from a nearby pharmacy. Within minutes, she confirmed that she and her long-term partner were indeed expecting a baby!

Although these symptoms are closely associated with early pregnancy, they can also mean something else. In some cases, they may result from stress, medication change or lifestyle modifications.

If you really think you’re pregnant, the smartest option is to actually conduct a pregnancy test.


10 Reasons Why You May Experience Periods While Pregnant

Most women celebrate the news of a positive pregnancy test for many reasons, one of which is a much-needed break from monthly menstrual periods. During a menstrual period, the womb sheds off the extra lining it has built up in case of pregnancy.

Source: Shutterstock

Although a woman may experience uterine bleeding during pregnancy, it is not due to a period. It is not possible to have a true menstrual period during pregnancy due to the hormonal changes which prevent you from menstruating.

In addition, it is also impossible for your womb to shed its entire lining while maintaining a pregnancy. However, it is possible to have menstrual-like bleeding for a variety of reasons during pregnancy.

Some of these reasons include:

1. Implantation or Decidual Bleeding

Women who complain about having periods during pregnancy are simply experiencing Decidual Bleeding, in which a small part of the uterine lining might shed for the first few months of pregnancy.

A phenomenon called implantation bleeding, which is spotting that can cause period-like bleeding in early pregnancy and can occur in the first month of pregnancy. It usually occurs around the time of the first ‘missed’ menstrual period.

2. Changes in the cervix

The hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause alterations in the cervix, making it softer and more prone to bleeding. In addition, a harmless overgrowth of tissue may form in the cervix.

In both cases, spotting or light bleeding may be occur after sexual intercourse or a pelvic examination.

3.Vaginal Infection

A vaginal infection may cause spontaneous vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. An abnormal vaginal discharge may accompany the bleeding.

Vaginal Infections May Sometimes Occur During Pregnancy
Source: Shutterstock

4. Sexual intercourse

Most women continue to have sexual relations while pregnant, unless a doctor advises otherwise.

In some cases, certain women may experience light spotting or bleeding due to increased sensitivity of the vaginal and cervical tissues.

5. Molar pregnancy

Molar pregnancy is an abnormality of fertilization which causes an abnormal tissue to grow within the uterus.

This is not a typical pregnancy, but the growth within the uterus leads to the typical symptoms of early pregnancy.

A molar pregnancy cannot result in a normal fetus or delivery, however, vaginal spotting or bleeding can be a symptom of molar pregnancy.

Source: Shutterstock

Other Causes Are;

6. Ectopic pregnancy

Mild vaginal bleeding and increasing tummy pain may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. This condition arises when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.

Sometimes, an ectopic pregnancy may be located in the uterine tube. As the pregnancy grows and the tube stretches, the tummy pain becomes increasingly severe.

Sometimes these pregnancies rupture the uterine tube, leading to significant blood loss. Sometimes the amount of visible blood lost bellies the actual amount you are loosing in your tummy.

Source: Shutterstock

7. Subchorionic hemorrhage

In this condition, blood accumulates between the wall of the womb and the sac of fluid encasing your baby. Normally, the body frequently reabsorbs these blood clots, however, dark blood or small clots may be discharged from the vagina.

8. Cervical examination

A doctor may inspect your cervix to check for any abnormalities. This procedure can result in some minor bleeding during pregnancy.

9. Uterine rupture

This is a medical emergency that occurs when the womb tears during labour. This condition is likely to occur in women who have previously had a cesarean delivery or surgery on the womb.

10. Placental abruption

In this instance, the placenta starts to separate from the uterus (womb) before the baby is delivered. It is also a serious medical emergency and the baby’s life is at risk.

What’s The Next Step?

If you experience any form of bleeding during pregnancy, it is advisable to note the colour (is it bright red or brown ?), amount (how many pads did it soak up?) and consistency ( were there clups or bits of tissue in it?). This info is important when you speak with the doctor during antenatal clinics. It will give the doctor a clue as to the source and severity of the bleeding.

Bleeding during pregnancy does not mean that you are experiencing a menstrual period. In addition, heavy bleeding may indicate a health issue that requires medical attention. Whenever bleeding during pregnancy is observed, it should always be reported to a doctor in order to rule out miscarriage and other complications. Learn about bleeding after delivery.

  • Nall, R. (2018). Can you have a period while pregnant? Accessed on June 12, 2020 from
  • Danielsson, R. (2020). Potential Causes of Bleeding During Pregnancy. Accessed on June 12, 2020 from
  • Blocker, W. (2019). Bleeding During Pregnancy (First, Second, and Third Trimester). Accessed on June 12, 2020 from
Watch the replay of our instagram live on recovery from caesarian sections

Signs Of Pregnancy

For women who are actively trying to get pregnant, one question on their minds is “How do I know I am pregnant?”. While a pregnancy test is the only surefire way of knowing you are pregnant, there may be some early signs pointing to the possibility of a pregnancy.

However, it is equally important to note:

  • The presence of these symptoms does not mean that there is a pregnancy, and
  • The absence of these symptoms does not mean that there is no pregnancy.

What are the signs of pregnancy?

Implantation bleeding/spotting: After fertilization, the fertilized egg moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Implantation of the baby in the womb may cause slight bleeding (or commonly called spotting) and this occurs 10 to 12 days after fertilization. Although this is commonly confused with menstrual bleeding, it is actually seen a few days after ovulation and before normal menstrual flow. In addition, it is also far smaller than the normal flow of blood.

Cramps: Due to the rapid change in hormone levels, some women may also notice cramps. Although these cramps are also mistaken for menstrual cramps, it’s usually not as intense. 

Vaginal discharge: Some women may also have thick milky white/clear discharge. You might also see changes in the cervical mucus as the pregnancy matures.

Tenderness of the breasts: Progesterone, “the pregnancy hormone”, rapidly rises after implantation. This hormone causes the body to start getting ready for the baby. A major part of this is the production of breast milk via an increase/maturation in breast lobules/size.

Nausea a.k.a morning sickness: According to movies, this is the most distinct sign of pregnancy. While it is not so dramatic, early morning sickness is a pretty distinct sign of pregnancy. However, this mostly occurs in the later stages of pregnancy, and by the time it is significant enough, you would have had a positive pregnancy test.

The pregnancy strip remains the gold standard.


In all, the surest way to know you are pregnant is through a urine or blood pregnancy test. As stated earlier, these are not sure-fire pointers. In fact, some women can have a cryptic pregnancy that goes undetected. However, in combination, they paint a pretty good picture of your pregnancy status.

Therefore, if you really think you’re pregnant, the best option is to take a pregnancy test.

All You Need To Know And Ask At Your 6th Week Postpartum Appointment

Your postpartum checkup is an ideal opportunity for you to talk to your doctor about any concerns following the birth of your baby.

Source: Shutterstock

Any personal and emotional worries can be discussed at this appointment, from mood swings to the fear of having sex again. This checkup is to determine your physical and emotional status, and that you are adjusting well to motherhood.

What Are The Examinations To Expect?

  • Your Incision or tear

If you had a cut or a tear during a vaginal delivery, the first thing on your doctor’s list would be to check that point. However, most incision or tear problems occur within 10 days of giving birth.

At any point after delivery, any unusual redness, pain, or fluid coming from a tear should be reported to your doctor. If you had a C-section, you would probably have a preliminary incision or cut checked the second week after delivery.

What’s the big deal about caesarian sections?
  • Pelvic Examination

At this point, your doctor wants to make sure your reproductive organs are returning to their pre-pregnancy state.

Your doctor will also check your uterus for signs of infection or tenderness. And since this checkup counts for your annual exam, your doctor will feel your ovaries for growths and perform a test to check for abnormal cervical cells.

Your Breasts Are Important

Your breasts go through so many changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. It is important for your doctor to keep track of what is normal and what isn’t.

At this appointment, the doctor will give your breasts a thorough examination to check for abnormal changes.

Breastfeeding Nigerian woman

Other Examinations:

  • Your General Health

Pregnancy generally affects every body function you can think of, which is why it is so important to get an overall health check.

Much of this exam is just like a regular physical examination where the doctor checks your weight and blood pressure. In addition, he/she may even take your pulse or listen to your chest for your heartbeat.

  • Your bladder

You will be asked if you have problems passing urine. In some cases, you may be asked to present urine samples if you have frequent urination, leaking urine, or a stinging feeling while urinating.

It would interest you to note that this is common after childbirth, so don’t feel embarrassed to mention this to your doctor.

What Questions Do You Need To Ask?

  • Was there any problem with my delivery that I should know about?

While it is likely your doctor or midwife would have gone over this with you at the time of your delivery, if you have any lingering or disturbing questions, now is the time to ask.

 Feeling good about your birth experience is empowering and refreshing.

Some bleeding after childbirth is expected
  • Is my bleeding normal?

By the sixth week, most women just have some light spotting from time to time.

If you are having heavy bleeding or large clots, be sure to let your doctor know.

Is bleeding after childbirth normal?
  • What can I do to stop postpartum pain?

If your postpartum cramps or pain is more than you expected or seems to be getting worse, please talk to your doctor right away.

  • When can I start having sex?

You will most likely get the ‘go-ahead’ to resume having sex at your six-week postpartum visit. Keep in mind that with postpartum hormone shifts, lack of sleep, and a changing/sore body, you may have a decreased sex drive.

  • How important is breastfeeding?

Breast milk is the perfect balance of nutrients for your growing baby, plus it boosts their immune system lowers the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Breastfeeding is also great for you as it helps you burn 500 calories per day of breastfeeding, making it easier to lose the baby weight.

Source: Shutterstock
  • What can I do to stop the constipation?

Do not forget to talk to your doctor about how to speed the return of normal bowel and bladder function.

  • How can I ensure birth control?

In this appointment, you should share your contraceptive plan with your doctor so he/she can help tailor birth control measures to suit you effectively.

In the first six weeks, abstinence and/or progesterone-only methods are the best to ensure your milk supply isn’t affected. Be sure to ask about the side effects of these methods if they aren’t mentioned. These effects could range from weight gain to mood changes, to effects on breastfeeding.

9 Things You Should Report Immediately!

Call your doctor!
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Pain or burning during urination
  3. Bleeding that increases or is heavier than a normal menstrual period
  4. Severe pain in your lower abdomen
  5. Pain, swelling or tenderness in your legs
  6. Red streaks on your breasts or painful new lumps
  7. Redness, discharge or pain from abdominal incision that doesn’t subside.
  8. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  9. Severe depression

Other questions to ask

  • When can I start exercising again?
  • Do I need to take any vaccines?
  • Why do I feel so exhausted?
  • Will it always be like this?
  • Why am I always so emotional these days?
  • Will I be able to have a vaginal birth after C-section?

In summary, childbirth brings about a lot of changes in a woman’s life. These changes can be physical, emotional, or even mental.

Therefore, it is necessary to take your postpartum appointment with the doctor very important and ask all required questions in this article.

Remember, you are not alone.

  • Bjorkman, S. (2020). The questions you must ask at your 6 weeks postpartum checkup. Accessed June 19th, 2020 from
  • Waltman, A and Stevens, L. (2019). What to Expect at Your 6-Week Postpartum Exam. Accessed June 19th, 2020 from
  • Masters, M. (2020). Your Postpartum Checkups. Accessed June 19th, 2020 from

6 (Six) Things to do if you have a miscarriage.

Miscarriage or pregnancy loss
Pregnancy Loss / Miscarriage in Nigeria

Having a miscarriage be such a shock, it can leave your head spinning. We’re here to help. In this article, we’ve compiled some suggestions on the next steps to take and things to look out for.

1. Visit Your Doctor

You may need to sit with your doctor and discuss what happened; the cause (if known), the treatment you were given, possible complications and what to do next. This may give you and your partner some direction and closure eventually.

2. Get A Report

You may want to get a written report of what happened for your personal records . This is so you don’t forget, can process the situation when your mind is clearer. You can also to refer to this report of what happened and the possible cause of the miscarriage in the future as part of your medical history. Knowing the circumstances around the miscarriage will be very helpful in managing your nect pregnancy.

3. Get The Necessary Medication

There may be some abdominal cramping in response to your womb trying to return to its pre-pregnancy size following a miscarriage. In addition, the medication given to you by your doctor also facilitates this contractions. Do not hesitate to request for further pain relief if you need it. You are perfectly within your rights.

4. Get A Scan After A Miscarriage

It’s important that you have a scan done before and after your womb has been evacuated. Depending on the age of the pregnancy at the time it came to an end, there will be some bleeding which may resolve within a few days. This scan confirms that the pregnancy was actually situated within your womb (ie. is not an ectopic). An ultrasound scan ensures that all the products of conception which could cause prolonged bleeding, infection or formation of adhesions have been removed completely. These are complications which could compromise future fertility.

5. More Medication

Some women produce breast milk after evacuation of the pregnancy following a miscarriage. It depends on the age of the pregnancy when it was lost. This can be an inconvenience as well. In addition, milk production is a source of some discomfort if the mother gets engorged (breasts swollen with milk). There are medications that should be prescribed to suppress breast milk production.

In some countries, mothers have been known to donate their milk. This milk goes to breast milk banks or intensive care units for premature babies who need it. Sadly, we aren’t there yet in Nigeria, but it’s reassuring to know that this option exists.

6. Watch Out For The Warning Signs

As with regular childbirth, after you have a miscarriage, please do not hesitate to go back to the hospital for treatment if you observe warning signs. These signs include:

  • Fever of 38 degrees centigrade and above
  • Foul smelling vaginal discharge
  • Sudden , continuous bleeding which soaks a sanitary pad or more within an hour
  • Finally, passing of clots larger than an egg or golf ball and dizziness.

As with regular childbirth, after you have a miscarriage, please do not hesitate to go back to the hospital for treatment if you observe warning signs.

Tips on how to manage your feelings after a miscarriage

Spotting After Sex During Pregnancy

Spotting or light bleeding after sex is not uncommon during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. This is because the cervix becomes more sensitive during pregnancy due to increased blood flow. Also, hormonal changes can also cause the cervix to bleed more easily.

However, it is always important to inform your healthcare provider if you experience any bleeding during pregnancy, including after sex. They may want to examine you to ensure that everything is okay with you and your baby.

In this article, you will find out if spotting after sex is normal, what can cause spotting after pregnancy, and how to prevent and treat spotting after pregnancy.

Is spotting after sex during pregnancy normal?

Spotting after sex, also known as post-coital bleeding, is not always normal and can have several causes. Therefore, it’s important to determine the underlying cause in order to determine whether it’s normal or not.

In some cases, spotting after sex can be normal, especially if it’s a person’s first sexual experience or due to vaginal dryness during intercourse. However, if the spotting or bleeding is persistent or accompanied by pain, discomfort, or other symptoms, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires attention.

If you experience spotting after sex, it’s important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the cause. This way, your doctor can map out an appropriate treatment plan. They may perform a pelvic exam, Pap test, or other tests to diagnose the underlying issue.

Can having sex during pregnancy cause spotting?

Sex during pregnancy is generally safe for most women with uncomplicated pregnancies. However, it is possible for sexual activity to cause some vaginal spotting or bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

Spotting after sex during pregnancy can occur because the cervix (the opening to the uterus) is more sensitive and engorged with blood during pregnancy. As a result, even minor trauma to the cervix during sex can cause some bleeding. This is more likely to occur in the first trimester when the cervix is still closed and more sensitive.

If you experience vaginal bleeding or spotting after sex during pregnancy, it’s important to inform your healthcare provider. While spotting after sex is usually not a cause for concern, it’s essential to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the bleeding.

In general, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider about what activities are safe for you during pregnancy and what to watch out for in terms of warning signs of complications.

Causes of spotting after sex during pregnancy 

Spotting after sex during pregnancy can be caused by various factors. Some possible causes include:

Cervical irritation: The cervix, which is the opening to the uterus, can become irritated and bleed during pregnancy due to increased blood flow and sensitivity.

Infection: An infection in the vagina or cervix can cause bleeding after sex during pregnancy. This can include sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or bacterial vaginosis.

Cervical polyp: A cervical polyp is a growth on the cervix that can cause bleeding after sex during pregnancy. These polyps are usually benign and do not pose a risk to the pregnancy.

Placenta previa: Placenta previa is a condition where the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix, causing bleeding. This condition requires medical attention and monitoring, as it can be dangerous for the mother and baby.

Spotting After sex during pregnancy

Miscarriage: In some cases, bleeding after sex during pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage. If you experience any other symptoms such as cramping or heavy bleeding, seek medical attention immediately.

Vaginal dryness: If there is not enough vaginal lubrication during sex, it can cause irritation and bleeding.

Cervical or uterine cancer: Bleeding after sex can be a symptom of cervical or uterine cancer.

Trauma or injury: Rough sex or injury to the genital area can cause bleeding.

Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormones can cause changes in the thickness and health of vaginal tissue, which can lead to bleeding after sex.

Preventing spotting after sex during pregnancy

Here are some tips on how to prevent spotting after sex:

Use lubrication: Vaginal dryness can cause friction during sex, leading to small tears or cuts in the vaginal tissue. Using a water-based lubricant can help reduce friction and prevent bleeding.

Practice safe sex: Using condoms during sex can help prevent infections that may cause bleeding. Additionally, condoms can help reduce friction during sex, which can prevent vaginal tears.

Communicate with your partner: If you experience pain or discomfort during sex, it’s important to communicate with your partner. They may need to adjust their technique or use more lubrication.

Get regular check-ups: Regular gynecological exams can help detect and treat any abnormalities in the cervix or other parts of the reproductive system that may cause bleeding after sex.

Avoid sex during menstruation: Having sex during your period can increase the risk of bleeding, so it’s best to avoid it during this time.

Seek medical attention: If bleeding after sex persists or is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or discharge, it’s important to seek medical attention. Your doctor can help determine the underlying cause and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of spotting after sex during pregnancy 

It is always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider if you experience spotting or bleeding during pregnancy, especially after sex. Your healthcare provider may perform a pelvic exam and order an ultrasound to check the health of your pregnancy and rule out any possible complications.

Depending on the cause of the spotting, your healthcare provider may recommend the following treatments:

Rest: Your healthcare provider may advise you to rest and avoid any strenuous activity, including sexual intercourse.

Pelvic rest: This may be recommended if there is a risk of preterm labor or if the spotting is caused by cervical changes. Pelvic rest involves avoiding sexual intercourse, tampons, douching, and anything else that could irritate the cervix.

Medications: If the spotting is caused by an infection or inflammation, your healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication.

Bed rest: In some cases, bed rest may be recommended to prevent further bleeding and ensure the health of the pregnancy.


It is essential to follow your healthcare provider’s advice and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure that you and your baby are healthy. If the bleeding is heavy, accompanied by cramping or abdominal pain, or if you experience a sudden increase in bleeding, seek medical attention immediately.