
Unisom In Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Morning sickness is a prevalent symptom of pregnancy. In plain terms, morning sickness refers to nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that can occur at any time of day or night. Morning sickness usually begins around the sixth week and lasts throughout the first trimester. As a result, many moms-to-be always search for various treatment options, including using Unisom in pregnancy.

In this article, you will find info about unisom use in pregnancy; the side effects, uses, and possible alternatives to unisom for morning sickness treatment during pregnancy.

When does morning sickness become dangerous?

If your morning sickness is truly incapacitating and no amount of medication is providing relief, you may be suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. Hyperemesis gravidarum, a more severe form of morning sickness, affects up to 3% of pregnant women.

A woman is diagnosed with this condition when she loses more than 5% of her pre-pregnancy weight and exhibits dehydration symptoms. Women with hyperemesis gravidarum may require medical treatment or hospitalization.

Symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum include:

  • severe nausea
  • weight loss
  • vomiting
  • dehydration
  • disruption to your electrolyte balance

Hyperemesis gravidarum can be treated with dietary changes, additional rest, and medications like antacids.

Dos and Don’ts of morning sickness

Here are a few tips, lifestyle, and dietary interventions to manage and control morning sickness or to keep it to the minimum 

  • Eat smaller meals but eat more often
  • not lying down right after a meal
  • eating non-spicy easily digested foods like rice, bananas, or cereal
  • avoiding smells that upset your stomach
  • Drink water about 30 minutes before and after meals; do not drink water while eating.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking drinks throughout the day.
  • Snacking on ice chips or popsicles to help stay hydrated
  • Exercise regularly, try yoga and long walks
  • Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages, especially in the afternoon and evening.
  • Good sleep hygiene habits include going to bed at the same time every day, turning off your phone at least an hour before bed, and sleeping in a dark, cool room.

You can also read this article on different foods for morning sickness.

Unisom in pregnancy

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the combination of Unisom and vitamin B6 is an excellent morning sickness cure, as long as your doctor recommends it.

This medicine combination may act on brain neurotransmitters that cause nausea or disturb other body systems that cause vomiting.

What is Unisom?

Unisom Sleeptabs (Doxylamine) is a sleep medicine used to treat insomnia, a mild cold, and other sleep disturbances. Unisom belongs to the antihistamine class of medicines, which are commonly used to treat allergies. As a result, unisom acts by inhibiting the histamine receptor, which promotes sleep and drowsiness.

It’s also worth noting that the active ingredient in Unisom SleepGels and certain other Unisom formulations is diphenhydramine (not doxylamine). Check the active components again to ensure you’re getting the appropriate sort.

Dosage and Usage

If vitamin B6 hasn’t worked and you’re ready to try combination therapy, take 10 to 25 mg three times per day, every 6 to 8 hours. Unisom SleepTabs 25 mg should be taken once before going to bed.

Side effects of Unisom

Although it is generally effective, taking Unisom in pregnancy may cause any of the following side effects:

  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash
  • Upset stomach
  • Blurred vision
  • painful urination or difficulty urinating
  • confusion
  • Shortness of breath
  • Blurred vision

If you experience any of these side effects listed above, you should stop taking both Vitamin B6 and Unisom during pregnancy immediately and see a doctor as soon as possible.

Alternatives to Unisom during Pregnancy

Your doctor may prescribe Diclegis along with other medications such as ondansetron (Zofran), trimethobenzamide (Tebamide), or promethazine (Phenergan antihistamine) (doxylamine with pyridoxine) as an alternative to Vitamin B6 and Unisom.

Diclegis is a  medicine for morning sickness and has been authorized by the Food and Drug Administration(USA). You may find it easier to take just one type of medication for morning sickness relief rather than combining vitamin B6 and Unisom. Diclegis work a lot slower than the combination of Vitamin B6 and Unisom, but the relief is long-lasting.


If you are concerned about the intensity of your morning sickness, consult your doctor or a birthing professional immediately. Unisom, is generally safe to take as needed while pregnant, including as a sleep aid on occasion. 

Studies show that this medication is safe to consume during pregnancy and has no negative effects on the fetus. However, If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant, consult your doctor about the risks of combining vitamin B6 and Unisom.

Finally, please remember, Unisom would make you drowsy, so do not use it if you would be driving.

Adeola Adebo

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