How To Make Soya Beans Powder For Infants and Weight Gain

Families need to know how to make soya beans powder for infants at home from scratch. With a rising need for more foods with complete proteins that are dairy-free, more children are being fed with soya beans.


  • They are accessible
  • Locally grown and
  • Highly nutritious.

Does Soybean Have Any Health Benefits?

  • It’s a rich source of protein (essential amino acids). The protein content is equivalent to that from animal sources. This makes it very important for vegetarians and undernourished children in underserved areas.
  • It’s high in fibre. This property makes it good for preventing constipation, lowering cholesterol and controlling blood sugar for people with diabetes.
Dry soya beans are  used to make soya beans powder

However, poor processing can lead to indigestion, intolerances or worse. It is important to ensure that the soyabeans powder being used is produced by a trusted brand or made at home in the proper way.

Here is a simple recipe for processing soya beans powder at home that ensures your child gets the full benefits of the legume.

How To Make Soya beans Powder?

If you have been wondering how to make soya beans powder, then do not worry. Follow this process and you’d get your soya beans powder.

  1. Soaking- Soak raw soybeans in clean water for 3-4 days. Replace the water every 48hours. This process is known as fermentation. Fermentation helps introduce probiotics into the legume, as well as increases the legume’s nutritional value. It also makes the soy easier to digest.
  2. Drying- Sieve the soybeans then airdry till all moisture is gone.
  1. Frying or Roasting-Fry without oil or Roast the soyabeans on medium heat till cooked through. The soyabeans would release their own oil to prevent the legume from burning.
  1. Milling-Once completely cooled, mill the soyabeans into powder and stored in an airtight container.

Fermentation helps introduce probiotics into the legume, as well as increases the legume’s nutritional value. It also makes the soy easier to digest.

How Do I Use Soya Bean Powder ?

You can add soybeans powder directly to meals such as pap when processed this way. Alternatively, you can use it to make soya milk for an infant 6 months and above. Soya bean powder is also a component of Tom Brown. Pap and Tom Brown are two staples used to wean babies off breast milk, as well as encourage weight gain in malnourished children.

This method of processing soyabeans powder ensures easier digestion and reduces the risk of any child eating raw or undercooked soya beans.

Ifeyinwa talks about basic food condiments in Nigeria
How to make pap (ogi) to go with your soya bean powder

FAQs About Soya Beans Powder

Yes. We know that learning how to make soya beans powder is only the first step on your journey to eating and living healthy.

The big question is: What comes next?

In this section, we’ve answered all of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) on soya beans powder and its health benefits.

What Are The Health Benefits of Soya Beans Powder?

As we mentioned earlier in this post, soya beans powder is a healthy food option for you and your baby. This is because it:

  • Is highly proteinous
  • Can help in diabetes or high blood sugar management
  • Helps build healthy and strong bones
  • Improves blood flow
  • Aids digestion and relieves constipation

Does Soya Beans Powder Cause Weight Gain?

Yes. Soya beans powder is one of the many food options that can cause weight gain in most people. This is because it contains ingredients that can boost appetite and increase food consumption.

Furthermore, adding milk or honey to soya beans powder before eating can improve the quality and cause weight gain.