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6 (Six) Things to do if you have a miscarriage.

Miscarriage or pregnancy loss
Pregnancy Loss / Miscarriage in Nigeria

Having a miscarriage be such a shock, it can leave your head spinning. We’re here to help. In this article, we’ve compiled some suggestions on the next steps to take and things to look out for.

1. Visit Your Doctor

You may need to sit with your doctor and discuss what happened; the cause (if known), the treatment you were given, possible complications and what to do next. This may give you and your partner some direction and closure eventually.

2. Get A Report

You may want to get a written report of what happened for your personal records . This is so you don’t forget, can process the situation when your mind is clearer. You can also to refer to this report of what happened and the possible cause of the miscarriage in the future as part of your medical history. Knowing the circumstances around the miscarriage will be very helpful in managing your nect pregnancy.

3. Get The Necessary Medication

There may be some abdominal cramping in response to your womb trying to return to its pre-pregnancy size following a miscarriage. In addition, the medication given to you by your doctor also facilitates this contractions. Do not hesitate to request for further pain relief if you need it. You are perfectly within your rights.

4. Get A Scan After A Miscarriage

It’s important that you have a scan done before and after your womb has been evacuated. Depending on the age of the pregnancy at the time it came to an end, there will be some bleeding which may resolve within a few days. This scan confirms that the pregnancy was actually situated within your womb (ie. is not an ectopic). An ultrasound scan ensures that all the products of conception which could cause prolonged bleeding, infection or formation of adhesions have been removed completely. These are complications which could compromise future fertility.

5. More Medication

Some women produce breast milk after evacuation of the pregnancy following a miscarriage. It depends on the age of the pregnancy when it was lost. This can be an inconvenience as well. In addition, milk production is a source of some discomfort if the mother gets engorged (breasts swollen with milk). There are medications that should be prescribed to suppress breast milk production.

In some countries, mothers have been known to donate their milk. This milk goes to breast milk banks or intensive care units for premature babies who need it. Sadly, we aren’t there yet in Nigeria, but it’s reassuring to know that this option exists.

6. Watch Out For The Warning Signs

As with regular childbirth, after you have a miscarriage, please do not hesitate to go back to the hospital for treatment if you observe warning signs. These signs include:

  • Fever of 38 degrees centigrade and above
  • Foul smelling vaginal discharge
  • Sudden , continuous bleeding which soaks a sanitary pad or more within an hour
  • Finally, passing of clots larger than an egg or golf ball and dizziness.

As with regular childbirth, after you have a miscarriage, please do not hesitate to go back to the hospital for treatment if you observe warning signs.

Tips on how to manage your feelings after a miscarriage