
High Lipase Breastmilk: What You Need to Know

Breast milk is an essential source of nutrition for newborns and infants, and it is common for mothers to notice specific changes in the makeup of their milk. The smell of pumped, high-lipase breast milk is one of these differences. This article will examine high lipase breastmilk in detail, along with its causes, effects, and management options.

What is lipase?

Lipase is a vital enzyme that aids in the breakdown of breast milk so that your baby can digest and absorb its vital nutrients. 


Breast milk contains lipase naturally, and it is thought that too much of this enzyme can alter the taste of breast milk.

What is High Lipase Breastmilk?

Lipase helps the baby digest the milk properly. However, when the levels of lipase enzymes are too high, the milk can develop an unpleasant, soapy taste and smell. High lipase breast milk is breast milk that has high levels of lipase enzymes. High lipase levels are believed to cause the fats in your milk to break down more quickly when stored at cool temperatures, affecting the flavor and odor.

How Common is High Lipase Breastmilk?

High lipase breast milk affects a small percentage of nursing mothers. The exact prevalence of this condition is unknown, but some studies suggest that up to 15% of women may experience high lipase breast milk.

Why do I have high-lipase milk?

Let us clarify that breast milk with a high lipase activity level does not necessarily mean something is wrong with you. It does not mean you’re a failure or something is physically wrong with you.

Breast milk contains an enzyme called lipase that helps with fat digestion and absorption. The cause of high lipase in breast milk is not entirely clear. Some research suggests that it may be due to genetics, while others believe an excess of the hormone prolactin may cause it. Breast milk could develop a high lipase content for no apparent reason. Simply put, some mothers’ breast milk contains too much lipase while others do not.

How to Test if my Breastmilk Has High Lipase Levels?

Yes, you can and should taste your breast milk. To test for high lipase breastmilk, express a small amount of milk and smell it. You can also try tasting the milk to determine if it has an unusual flavor. If the milk has a sour or soapy smell, it likely has high levels of lipase enzymes.

What do I do if I have high lipase breast milk?

It is important to understand that your baby will not be harmed if you are a lactating mother with high lipase levels in your breast milk. High lipase levels, however, can give your breast milk a sour or soapy taste, which might make it challenging for your baby to eat. Following are some actions you can take:

  • Consult your doctor: If you are worried about your lipase levels, it is essential to talk to your doctor, who can help you identify the underlying cause.
  • Try various feeding methods; Some babies might prefer to feed from the breast rather than a bottle because it can reduce exposure to milk with a high lipase level.
  • If scalding your breast milk is not an option, you might think about storing it in breast milk storage bags and freezing it as soon as you express it. This can lessen the impact that high lipase has on milk flavor.

Remember that while high lipase levels in breast milk can affect the flavor of your milk, they are not harmful to your baby. You can lessen the adverse effects of high lipase on your breastfeeding experience by attempting to scald your breast milk and experimenting with various feeding methods.

You can try warming it to room temperature or mixing it with fresh breast milk. Some mothers also find success in mixing high-lipase breastmilk with formula or with foods like cereal or oatmeal or using it as the base for smoothies; these options are only suitable for children that are weaned.

How to Store High Lipase Breastmilk?

To preserve high-lipase breastmilk, You can freeze it for up to six months, but using it as soon as possible is best.

Is the Health of my Baby Affected by High Lipase Milk?

Clinical research does not support high-lipase breast milk’s short- or long-term effects on an infant’s health. Additionally, there are no known adverse effects. Lipolysis only causes the flavor and taste of milk that has been stored to change.

It might imply that your baby will benefit from these changes. Indeed, a study demonstrated that lipase in breast milk could replace pancreatic lipase functions during infancy, promoting healthy growth, especially in preterm infants. 

In conclusion,

High lipase breast milk is a common condition that affects some nursing mothers. While it can cause stress and anxiety for the mother, it is essential to remember that the milk is still nutritious and safe for the baby to consume. Mothers can ensure that their babies receive the best possible nutrition by understanding what high lipase breastmilk is, how to test for it, and how to store and use it properly.

If you are struggling with high lipase breast milk, do not hesitate to contact a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider for support and guidance.

How To Transition From Breastmilk to Formula

Breast milk is known for its numerous health benefits, including minerals, vitamins, and immune cells. These nutrients help babies adjust to their new environment and grow strong and healthy. As a result, learning how to transition from breastmilk to formula is a core part of every child’s development.

Breast milk provides all the necessary ingredients for growth and development, such as proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals. It also has antibodies and immune factors to protect babies from infections and illnesses. Breastfeeding offers numerous motherly benefits, such as postpartum weight loss and reduced cancer risk

how to transition from breastmilk to formula

However, there may be situations where breastfeeding is impossible or the milk supply is insufficient. Therefore, the only option is to transition from breast milk to formula.

In this post, you would find details on how to transition from breastmilk to formula; what works, and the steps to follow.

Keep reading!

The Most Important Reasons to Switch from Breast Milk to Formula

Many reasons a parent might choose to switch from breast milk to formula. Some common reasons include the following:

  • Insufficient milk supply: Some mothers cannot produce enough breast milk to meet their baby’s needs, making formula supplementation necessary.
  • Going back to work: Many working mothers find it challenging to continue breastfeeding after returning to work and choose to switch to formula.
  • Medical reasons: Certain medical conditions, such as breast surgery or a chronic illness, may make breastfeeding difficult or impossible.

Regardless of the reason, switching from breast milk to formula is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with your baby’s pediatrician.

What to know about formulas before transiting 

When transitioning from breastmilk to formula, selecting a formula that is age and nutritionally appropriate for your baby is critical. There are four main types of formulas: 

  • Cow’s milk-based formula: is the most commonly used and is made from cow’s milk proteins with added lactose or other sugars and oils. Some milk-based formulas are specially processed to make them easier for babies to digest. This formula provides all the essential nutrients for a baby’s early stages of development and is well-tolerated by most babies.
  • Soy-based formula: uses soy protein instead of cow’s milk protein and replaces lactose with sucrose or glucose. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), there is no advantage to choosing soy-based formula over cow’s milk-based formula, except in rare cases where a baby has galactosemia. In such cases, a doctor may recommend a hydrolyzed formula. According to the AAP, there is no evidence that soy-based formula helps with colic or fussiness.
  • Hypoallergenic formulas: are cow’s milk-based but feature proteins broken down into smaller proteins through hydrolysis. This makes the proteins unrecognizable to the body as cow’s milk, making them suitable for babies with milk protein allergies that cause skin rashes or wheezing. 
  • Specialized formulas: are for infants born premature or with specific conditions, such as heart disease, malabsorption syndromes, or difficulties digesting fat or processing certain amino acids. These formulas are tailored to meet the unique nutritional needs of these infants.

Types of weaning 

It’s important to note that every mother and baby is different, and the best method of weaning will vary based on individual circumstances and preferences. The three significant types of weaning.

  1. Gradual weaning: This method slowly reduces the frequency and amount of breastfeeding. It allows the mother’s body to adjust to the decrease in demand for milk production, which can minimize discomfort and engorgement.
  2. Cold turkey weaning: This method abruptly stops breastfeeding, often due to a specific event or need, such as returning to work or the baby refusing to breastfeed. While this method can be effective, it can also result in more discomfort for the mother due to engorgement and a sudden decrease in milk production.
  3. Combination weaning: This method involves a combination of gradual and cold turkey weaning, where the mother may gradually reduce breastfeeding frequency while supplementing with formula or solid foods. 

Suggestions for a Smooth Transition

Here are some steps you can follow to make the transition from breastmilk to formula as smooth as possible:

Consult a pediatrician

Before making the switch, you must consult a pediatrician to determine the best formula for your baby. Your pediatrician can help you choose the right formula based on your baby’s age, health, and nutritional needs.

Gradually introduce formula

If your baby is used to breastfeeding, a sudden switch to formula can shock their system. To avoid any upset, try to gradually introduce formula into their diet by slowly replacing one feeding formula daily. This gradual transition will give your baby time to adjust and prevent digestive issues.

Use a slow-flow bottle

To prevent overfeeding and reduce the risk of nipple confusion, it is critical to utilize a slow-flow bottle when switching from breastfeeding to formula. The slow-flow bottle will aid in controlling the flow of the formula and preventing your baby from choking.

Follow the instructions on the formula label

It is essential to follow them closely to ensure that your baby gets the proper nutrition. Overfeeding or underfeeding your baby can lead to health problems and affect their growth and development. Make sure to measure the formula accurately and prepare it as directed.

how to transition from breastmilk to formula

Be patient

Transitioning from breastmilk to formula can be difficult for both baby and parent. Be patient and give your baby time to adjust to the change. Some babies may take a few days to get used to the new taste and texture, while others may take a little longer. If your baby seems uncomfortable or fussy, try offering the bottle in a different position or warming it to a different temperature.

Practice Proper Hygiene

In addition to all we’ve listed above, it is also important to practice proper hygiene with bottle usage. Remember to wash your baby’s bottle after each use with soap and warm water. This way, you’d be protecting your little one from infections that lead to sicknesses during the transition.

Consider breastfeeding support

If you are still breastfeeding and switching to formula, consider breastfeeding support. Several resources are available to help you with the transition. These include lactation consultants, breastfeeding support groups, and online resources. Also, talking to other mothers who have gone through the same experience can be especially helpful.

Caring for Yourself During the Weaning Process

Weaning is not just about your baby, it’s also about taking care of yourself.

Even if your baby adapts well to formula, paying attention to your health as you gradually reduce breastfeeding is essential. Sudden cessation of breastfeeding can lead to health problems for mothers, so approach weaning safely.

Also, it helps to note that breastfeeding and formula feeding can be combined if it is possible and convenient for you.


While transitioning from breastmilk to formula can be challenging, it is essential to remember that formula can provide your baby with the nutrition they need to grow and thrive. Additionally, it can provide a sense of independence and freedom for mothers who are unable to breastfeed.

Breast Milk Storage Bags: Things To Know

As a new mom or a soon-to-be mom, you’re most likely preparing the necessary accessories that your baby will need when he or she finally arrives. It is strongly recommended that you breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first six months of life. If you are planning to breastfeed, you’ve probably considered pumping some milk for your baby, especially if you will have to resume work soon. Apart from the breast pump, you would need to express milk for your baby, and you would also need breast milk storage bags.

In this article, you will find out what breast milk storage bags are, what to look for in a good storage bag, if you can reuse breast milk storage bags, and the five best breast milk storage bags to choose from.

What are breast milk storage bags?

Breast milk storage bags are bags used to store breast milk for later use, which can be kept in a refrigerator. They are much thicker compared to food storage bags and are FDA-approved for the use of storing and protecting breast milk during transportation and freezing.

These bags also come with graduations in ounces or milliliters on the side. This helps to measure the volume of milk you are storing and feeding your baby.

breast milk storage bags

What to look for in a good storage bag

In as much as you really need a breast milk storage bag, you should not be in a hurry to buy one. You should carefully select a bag and here are some things to consider when choosing a breast milk storage bag:

1. Ensure that the bag is sealed: An unbroken seal around the bag’s mouth ensures that it is clean and uncontaminated. Make sure you are breaking the seal by yourself.

2. Quality: Make sure that the storage bag you’re going for is made of food-grade plastic. This way you are assured that the storage bag is made specifically to store breast milk.

3. Storage Pattern: Good breast milk storage bags will freeze flat and not take up so much space in your refrigerator.

4. Consider bags that let you pump directly into them instead of bottles: This helps you save time and also skips the process of transferring the milk from a bottle into a bag. This also means that you won’t have extra bottles to clean.

5. Durability: Ensure that you choose storage bags that are puncture-proof and leak-proof and that can also withstand being packed tightly in a refrigerator. It ensures that the bag does not get a hole in it and the content does not spill out.

6. Size: Breast milk storage bags come in different sizes. The size you should get for your baby depends on how well your baby feeds. The more your baby eats, the larger the bag you should get.

Are breast milk storage bags reusable?

It is highly recommended that breast milk storage bags are used only once. This is because babies are very sensitive to bacteria, and their immune systems are not strong enough to combat infections. Reusing your breast milk storage bag could pose a potential bacterial risk to your baby.

Alternatively sterilizing breast milk storage bags properly in hot water can make these bags reusable. You have to ensure that the bags are thoroughly cleaned and the breast milk is hygienically stored to ensure that your baby’s health and nutrition are well taken care of.

breast milk storage bags

Five best breast milk storage bags

1. Lansinoh breast milk storage bags

This bag saves you from having to clean up your refrigerator due to breast milk spills. It also gives you the advantage of pumping extra milk in case there’s a loss. They have a pourable spout that helps you get the breast milk into bottles without spilling.

Lansinoh breast milk storage bags are designed to lay flat in your refrigerator to save some space for storing multiple bags. These bags are made of good quality and can contain up to 180 milliliters of breast milk.

2. Kiinde twist pouch breast milk storage bags

These bags, as the name implies, have twist and lock designs that allow you to pump directly into them and then use them for milk transfer when you’re finished.

This bag can accommodate up to 150 milliliters of breast milk. Guess what? These bags are recyclable.

3. Medela breast milk storage bags

These bags are made from a double-layered durable material with a double zipper seal that ensures that the contents of the bag do not leak. It can contain as much as 180 milliliters of breast milk.

4. Ameda store N pour breast milk storage bag

This storage bag allows easy pouring out of the breast milk. The only disadvantage of this bag is that it has an irregular shape that makes them more difficult to store. It has a capacity of about 150 milliliters.

5. Nuk seal n go breast milk bag

These bags are guaranteed to be 100 percent leakproof. They also have a top seal that prevents tampering. These bags can stand by themselves and be stacked in the refrigerator to save space. It contains about 180 milliliters of breast milk.


Breast milk storage bags are a good option for you, especially if you are going to be resuming back to work soon. This enables your baby to still have the best supply of breast milk even when you’re not around.

Getting a good breast milk storage bag is very important so that your baby will have the best supply of breast milk at any given time.

Can You Feed Your Baby In a Car Seat? – What You Need To Know

It is good that you have access to a car for easy mobility, especially now that your baby is on the way or has already arrived. One of the things access to a car also gives you is privacy. You can do what you want when you want it. But does this include feeding your baby in a car seat?

Sometimes, it may seem like an excellent idea for you to feed your baby in the car seat while driving. However, it is important to ask: Is this a really safe practice?

In this article, we will consider how safe it is for you to feed your baby in a car seat, how and what to feed your baby, and some extra tips on feeding your baby in the car seat.

Furthermore, here’s a link to find the best baby car seat options available worldwide.

Can you feed your baby in a car?

It is expected that you will need to feed your baby in a car seat, but you have to find a safe spot and park your car before you start feeding. This way, you’d get to monitor your baby’s feeding properly while driving.

Can you feed baby in car seat

Even though you can feed your baby in the car seat, you should know that it is not recommended by pediatricians. Nonetheless, everyone agrees that if it is done with adequate care, you can feed your baby safely in the car seat.

How to feed your baby in a car seat

If your journey will be long and feeding your baby becomes inevitable, you should add some extra time to your journey. This will help you stop and feed your baby properly. If you are expelling breast milk for your baby, you can give your baby a bottle of breast milk. On the other hand, you can also prepare a bottle of baby formula ahead of time or buy a ready-made formula.

Read this post to learn how to prepare and store baby formula.

While breastfeeding your baby in the car seat, make sure you buckle your baby in a safe seat. You should never leave your baby unattended in a car seat, no matter how fast the errand you want to run may be. Also, be sure to follow the instructions with the car seat for proper setup.

Normalize using a bottle holder or strap to help keep the bottle in place while feeding your baby in a car seat. You should also avoid giving your baby solid food items that can cause choking. While breastfeeding in public, make sure you use a cloth to cover your breast to limit exposure

Don’t try to multitask while your baby is feeding in the car seat. Always give your baby optimum attention while feeding.

Can you feed baby in car seat

You should not allow your infants or newborns to drink in a bottle in a car seat while the car is moving. This is because they cannot hold the bottle themselves; neither can they remove it if they have too much milk in their mouth. The excess milk or formula can cause choking and your baby will not be able to prevent it.

In addition, most babies are used to feeding in a calm and still environment, therefore, car movements while feeding will be new to them. This can lead to extra gas inflow, and they may not be old enough to control it.

Feeding your baby in a car seat while your partner or someone else is driving is preferable. If you really have to feed your baby in a car, make sure someone else is driving. This helps to monitor your baby’s feeding without distractions.

Can you feed baby in car seat

What to feed your baby in a car seat

There are a number of foods you can give your baby in a car seat. Make sure your child is able to chew their food properly and also able to grasp things before they can travel in a car seat.

Some of the foods you can give your baby include:

  • Fruits or vegetables. This should have been cut up into small pieces.
  • Finger foods like crackers, cheerios, oatmeal, dry cereals, etc.

Extra tips

  1. Avoid giving your child hard candies or whole grapes to avoid choking.
  2. Don’t leave your child to bottle-feed alone in a car seat. This helps to prevent choking and also reduces messes in the car seat.
  3. You can use a blanket, towel, or bib to prevent the car seat from food or drink spills.
  4. Ensure that your child is safely and properly buckled into the car seat before you start to drive.
  5. If you would be spending a very long time on the road, it is good and advisable to take regular breaks so that you and your child can relax, stretch and also get some fresh air.
  6. Avoid whole grapes and cherry tomatoes. It prevents choking hazards.
  7. If you are bottle-feeding, make sure your baby’s head is higher than the stomach and the bottle is filled with formula and not air.
  8. Don’t give your child carbonated drinks or food items with caffeine in them.
  9. Avoid giving your baby hot foods while driving.
  10. Try as much as possible to give your baby healthy foods and not just junk.
  11. Take caution when giving your child soft or sticky foods like candies and ice cream.
  12. Some foods like chips and salty snacks can cause dehydration. You should give your child water to drink after eating these snacks.
  13. Nuts like peanuts and cashew nuts can cause allergic reactions. If you are not sure if your baby is allergic to them or not, don’t give them at all.
  14. You should pack some snacks and drinks for yourself too; you don’t want to be famished while feeding your child.


Feeding your baby in a car seat may be inevitable.

Try as much as possible to feed your baby when you are not in motion. When this is not possible, let someone else have the driver’s seat. Also, avoid choking your baby by all means. Avoid foods that can cause choking and don’t use methods of feeding that predispose your baby to choking.

You and your little one are going to be just fine, Mama!

Breastfeeding and Sex | All you need to know

Sex after delivery is usually a big change for most new mothers. Generally, most healthcare experts recommend waiting for about 4–6 weeks before having sex again. This gives enough time for you to heal following delivery or surgery.  Now, it is not uncommon for new moms to have questions concerning sexual intimacy post-delivery. One of the most common ones being, “Can I have sex when I’m breastfeeding?”

If you’re a new mom who has wondered about this, the simple answer is:

Yes, you can.

Rowland M, Foxcroft L, Hopman WM, Patel R. Breastfeeding and sexuality immediately post partum. Can Fam Physician. 2005 Oct;51(10):1366-7. PMID: 16926969; PMCID: PMC1479788.

It is safe for a breastfeeding mom to have sex, and having sex will not affect her milk supply or the quality of her milk.

Breastfeeding and Sex

This post gives more insight into the relationship between breastfeeding and sex. Read through to find out all you need to know about having sex while breastfeeding. 

How does breastfeeding affect sex drive?

Here’s the deal: breastfeeding can affect your sex drive, and we’ll help you understand why and how.

After delivery, there is a rise in the secretion of the hormone prolactin, which helps to stimulate your breast to produce milk. Consequently, high prolactin levels push down estrogen levels, and this can dampen your sexual desire. 

Breastfeeding and Sex

Also, increased prolactin may result in great pleasure from breastfeeding. This means that your emotional and physical intimacy needs may be met by breastfeeding your baby and as a result, decrease your desire for sex. Furthermore, the stress and altered sleep patterns experienced by new moms may also negatively impact sex drive.

If you think breastfeeding is affecting your sex drive, know that you’re not alone and it is a normal occurrence.

With time, your libido will go back to what it was before the arrival of your little one. 

Is Breastfeeding a form of birth control?

Breastfeeding may be a natural form of birth control. This is generally known as the “lactation amenorrhea” method.

For this method to be effective, the following criteria must be met:

  • Your baby must be less than 6 months old.
  • You must exclusively breastfeed your baby every two to three hours. This means that you shouldn’t add formula or any solid food to breastfeeding. Remember, the higher the breastfeeding rate, the higher the rate of prolactin secretion.
  • You must not have had any period since childbirth. 

If all these criteria are met, breastfeeding can be about 98% effective at preventing pregnancy within the first 6 months of your baby’s delivery. Nonetheless, there’s still a 2% chance of getting pregnant while breastfeeding.

Sex and leaky breasts

There’s a possibility of having leaky breasts during intimacy.

However, it is important to note that this is not a problem and it is just a sign that good things are happening. In fact, you can receive proper guidance from your doctor or health practitioner about this.

You may release breastmilk when your nipples are rubbed, touched, or stimulated in any manner.

This is normal and common.

Sometimes, you may even leak breast milk during an orgasm. This is because milk letdown and the contractions felt during orgasm are triggered by the same hormone: oxytocin. There is nothing wrong with lactating during sex.

However, if you’d rather avoid this, you can try the following:

  1. Breastfeed or pump before having sex. This will reduce the amount of milk in your breast and reduce the risk of a leak during sex.
  2. Wear a proper bra that has nursing pads during sex.

Many new moms have asked about vaginal dryness while breastfeeding. As explained earlier, your body produces less estrogen during lactation. Estrogen is the major hormone responsible for sexual arousal and natural vaginal lubrication. Therefore, it is not uncommon to experience vaginal dryness and increased vaginal tenderness while breastfeeding. This can result in painful sexual intercourse.

The following tips are helpful when dealing with vaginal dryness while breastfeeding:

  1. Stay hydrated because dehydration can cause the skin around the vagina to become dry.
  2. Use a quality water-based lubricant.
  3. Take your time with foreplay to ensure you’re properly stimulated before penetration. 

Overall, it is best to be open and honest with your partner during this period in your life. Have honest conversations about sex and how you feel about it at every point in time. 

Breastfeeding and Sex


Parenthood can come with a lot of challenges. From the moment you come home with your little one from the hospital, there will be a lot of changes, learning, adjustments, and so on. However, you don’t have to give up on yourself and neglect your needs. 

Sex during breastfeeding? Of course, you’re allowed to.

There’s absolutely no harm in having sex while breastfeeding. As long as you’re ready to make adjustments to accommodate your sexual needs during this period. Breastfeeding can decrease your sexual desire or in other cases, increase your libido.

Whatever you may be experiencing, you can find ways to be intimate with your partner even in the presence of your little one. Honest communication with your partner is a great start to developing intimacy. 

Menopause And Breast Tenderness

Regardless of age, most women can relate to what it feels like to have sore or tender breasts. In fact, studies show that about 70% of women have experienced breast pain at least once in their lifetime. Ranging from hormonal fluctuations or changes to underlying health conditions, there are many reasons why a woman may have breast pain. Interestingly, there’s even a link between menopause and breast tenderness.

Breast pain or “mastalgia” is a common condition in women, especially during their reproductive years. However, breast pain may continue after menopause (a period whereby a woman has stopped having her menstrual cycle).

This post gives an overview of the link between menopause and breast tenderness, as well as how to take care of it.

What Are The Types of Breast Pain?

There are two basic types of breast pain namely:

1. Cyclic breast pain(mastalgia)

This type of breast pain is associated with your period or menstrual cycle. It is the most common type and accounts for up to 75% of all breast pain in women. Hormonal changes that accompany puberty, menstrual period, pregnancy, and perimenopause is responsible for this pain. Cyclic breast pain typically stops after menopause and is not a symptom of any health condition.

The most notable symptoms of cyclic mastalgia are: generalized breast pain (which increases as menstruation approaches), swelling, lumpiness, and soreness of the breasts.

2. Non-cyclical breast pain(mastalgia):

On the other hand, this type of breast pain is not associated with hormonal changes and is most likely an indicator of an underlying problem. If you are past menopause and you are experiencing breast pain, the pain is said to be non-cyclical.

Usually, in non-cyclical breast pain, the pain is specific to a particular area of the breast. Non-cyclical pain is typically a pointer to health problems like cysts in the breast, trauma, benign tumor, and conditions affecting the chest wall.

What Are The Symptoms of Breast Pain?

Symptoms of breast soreness will differ depending on the type of breast pain you are suffering from.

With cyclical breast pain, your breasts will likely feel tender, swollen, lumpy and sore.

In non-cyclical breast pain, the symptoms are a little different. Usually, you will feel the following in your breast:

  • A sharper, more acute pain that occurs intermittently
  • The pain is usually restricted to a specific area of the breast
  • A burning sensation in the affected area

Breast Pain After Menopause, Should I Be Worried?

As you grow older, the hormones responsible for your menstrual cycle start to decrease and finally, your period stops at menopause. Menopause however isn’t a sudden stop. It is a gradual life event preceded by changes and fluctuations in your hormone levels. During this period of hormonal fluctuation, your cycle becomes more irregular and this period is referred to as perimenopause.


You are considered to have reached menopause if only you haven’t had a period in 12 months. During this period, you may experience symptoms like hot flashes, fever, dizziness, and sore breasts amongst others. Just like fibroids after menopause, breast pain associated with the onset of menopause is not strange. In fact, this breast pain is not usually considered a problem and will resolve post-menopause.

On the other hand, if you have persisting breast pain after menopause, then it may be a sign of a health problem. You should visit your doctor to discuss your symptoms and make a proper diagnosis.

Possible Causes of Breast Pain After Menopause

Fluctuation in hormone levels is the primary cause of breast pain in women during pre-menopause, perimenopause, and menopause. Breast pain should normally improve and eventually go away once you are past menopause. In non-cyclical breast pain, breast soreness is not due to hormonal changes and occurs after menopause.

Here are the risk factors for breast pain after menopause:

  1. Presence of benign non-cancerous lumps in the breast
  2. Large breasts
  3. Wearing a poorly sized bra or bras with underwires
  4. Breast infections
  5. Hormone therapy treatment for menopause
  6. Trauma to the breast
  7. Referred pain (pain felt in the breast but is coming from another part of the body)
  8. Scar tissue from breast implants

Certain lifestle practices also lead to breast pain in women. These include:

  1. Smoking
  2. Stress
  3. Caffeine consumption.

In rare cases, breast pain can be a symptom of breast cancer. It is however worthy to note that most breast pain is not associated with cancer. If the only symptom is breast pain, then it is less likely that breast cancer is the underlying problem. See your doctor to evaluate your symptoms and give a proper diagnosis if you notice any of these accompanying symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Breast lumps
  • Rashes
  • Changes to the shape and size of breasts
  • Nipple discharge
  • Changes in the nipple such as an inverted nipple
  • Dimpled skin on breasts.

Treatment For Breast Pain After Menopause

Breast pain before menopause does not require treatment. The pain will go away depending on the phase you are in your menstrual cycle.

For breast pain after menopause, your doctor will have to design a treatment plan specific to you according to the diagnosis made.

In the meantime, there are a few things to try out in order to ease the pain or reduce the risk of having breast pain post-menopause.

  • Consider wearing a supportive sports bra
  • Avoid bras with underwires
  • Use over-the-counter pain reliefs like acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Reduce smoking and caffeine intake
  • Try placing a cool or warm compress on your breasts
  • Evening primrose oil


Breast pain is a condition common to all women regardless of age. If you are experiencing breast pain, don’t panic, it will eventually go away. Most breast pain isn’t a sign of a health condition. However, you should consult your doctor if the pain is persistent and you develop other symptoms. Otherwise, you can manage the symptoms with simple self-care and lifestyle practices.

All You Need To Know About Cluster Feeding

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your baby simply refuses to stop eating? Well, it happens. Thankfully, this article contains all you need to know about this situation, which is known as cluster feeding, and how to manage it effectively.

Sometimes, babies just want more. For most new moms, this may be surprising or even stressful. However, it is a normal phenomenon that primarily represents a developmental milestone.

The great news is: Cluster feeding passes quickly.

What Is Cluster Feeding?

Cluster feeding is simply your baby’s way of improving your breast milk supply as he or she grows. It occurs when a baby suddenly begins to eat much more frequently, or in clusters, for a period. This normal behavior is characterized by a rapid increase in appetite demonstrated by an obvious desire for more food.

It is a simple law, really.

With breastfeeding, the more the demand, the more the supply. 

Whenever your baby seems to ‘request’ for more milk by fussing, crying or turning his/her head from side to side, and reaching out to your breasts, he/she is only trying to get your body to produce more milk to suit the rising demand.

baby sucking her mum's breast

It is also important to note that cluster feeding doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong with your breast milk or supply. Your baby is only increasing the demand to help you increase the supply.

How Can I Identify Cluster Feeding?

For most new moms, it may be quite tasking to identify the period of cluster feeding. To help you, we’ve compiled a few common road signs to make the process easier.

Your child is likely to be cluster feeding if:

  • Baby is three to six weeks old
  • He/she shows the usual signs of hunger at a more frequent rate
  • Baby does not stop crying until nursing occurs
  • He or she wants to eat constantly or frequently, but only for a short period.
  • Baby seems perfectly sated and happy (almost like nothing else is wrong) while eating
  • He/she still has regular wet or dirty diapers.
  • Baby becomes very fussy and does not stop crying until breast milk is offered.

In addition to this, cluster feeding is more common in the evenings. Therefore, if you observe any or all of these signs in your baby in the evening, there is a high chance that your little one is cluster feeding.

Also, older infants may show these signs for multiple evenings in a row or even eat more frequently throughout the day. In most cases, older children cluster feed as they experience teething or growth bursts.

What Causes Cluster Feeding

By now, you’ve probably realized that cluster feeding is a normal process for most children.

Studies have shown that most newborns feed in a fairly predictable pattern, following this routine:

  • 1 meal every 2-3 hours, leading to a total of 8-12 meals in a 24 hour window

As it occurs, your baby will exceed this count. In fact, he or she may feed every hour or even multiple times in the same hour.

To help you understand the process of cluster feeding better, here are the following factors that may lead to your baby increasing his/her demand for breast milk:

1. An Incoming Developmental Milestone

Healthy babies are expected to grow. This growth process is monitored by certain developmental milestones which indicate how healthy your child is. As your baby prepares to cross a new milestone, there are chances that his or her appetite would also increase to match the body’s demands.

2. Your Baby Is Teething

For adults, it is easy to communicate needs or discomfort. However, babies don’t share this luxury. Whenever your baby is uncomfortable, unhappy, or thirsty, he or she may turn to you for breast milk.

This works well because breast milk contains powerful antibodies which fight illnesses, reduce pain, and soothe your baby from any discomfort he/she may be feeling. Although cluster feeding may occur at any period when your child is teething, it is most common in the first three months of life.

3. Breastfeeding Soothes Your Baby

In addition to the perfect nutrient package that comes with breast milk, it contains certain hormones which develop your baby’s response to day and night changes. At night, babies cluster feed to spur the sleep process, making it easier and more comfortable for them.

baby suckling her breast

4. Milk Flows Slower At Night

Like many other body processes, milk flow tapers at night. As a result, your baby may need to nurse longer to get satisfied. Furthermore, babies feed more at night as they prepare for long hours of sleep at night-time.

When Does Cluster Feeding Start?

For most babies, cluster feeding occurs in the third and sixth weeks of life. In this period, babies experience the first of the numerous growth spurts that characterize childhood. As a result, there is a need to increase the breast milk supply in order to fill their ever-hungry (and growing) bellies.

To know when a cluster feeding session is imminent, you can watch out for the road signs we mentioned earlier. Furthermore, if your child begins to smack their lips, reach for your breasts, or position him/herself to nurse, you may be in for a cluster session.

What’s The Duration of Cluster Feeding?

We understand the physical and emotional strain most moms go through during cluster feeding. However, the marathon feeding sessions may be really important as your little one develops. Stay strong, Mama!

The good news is: Cluster feeding rarely extends beyond two days.

In fact, if you continue to observe the signs of cluster feeding for more than seven days, please consult your pediatrician. This may mean that your child is not getting enough calories.

Effects of Cluster Feeding

Although scientists are yet to understand why babies cluster feed, many studies have pointed out the effects of cluster feeding for both the mother and the child.

Some of the positive effects of cluster feeding include:

  • Improves sleep quality, especially after a cluster feeding session
  • Promote emotional and hormonal regulation
  • Increase skin-to-skin time between mother and child
  • Improve breast milk, and nutrient, supply

On the other hand, the negative effects of cluster feeding include:

  • Increased risk of nipple soreness
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion
  • Time constraints
  • May lead to breast engorgement ‘after’ cluster feeding ends.

Tips on Managing Cluster Feeding

Breastfeeding is designed to be a beautiful period of bonding for you and your little one. In addition, breastfeeding lays the foundation of a strong and healthy life for your little one. However, it is not always an easy ride, especially in the periods of cluster feeding.

Although cluster feeding is normal and brief, it may be a stressful period for the entire family. To make the process easier for you, here are some tips on how to effectively manage cluster feeding:

1.    Understand & Accept the Process

While cluster feeding, your baby would nurse a lot. In fact, it may even be more than you ever imagined. The first step to managing this new reality is to accept it.

Accept that cluster feeding is normal and your baby is very healthy. Although some friends or family members may ask why your little one seems to be eating so much, you can reassure them by explaining any of the possible causes mentioned earlier in this article.

Furthermore, we recommend that you accept the demands of this period and try to make the best use of your time while at it.

While nursing during a cluster feeding session, you can:

  • Spend this time talking with your partner or friends
  • Read a book
  • Enjoy the one-on-one bonding time with your baby
  • Binge-watch your favorite TV series
  • Listen to a podcast about breastfeeding
  • Learn more about breastfeeding and motherhood at

2. Stay Hydrated

Water is really important for breastfeeding moms. As you cluster feed, keep a large bottle of water close and remember to take regular drinks from it.

water ina glass cup

In addition to easing your stress, water would boost your breast milk supply and help your baby get the best out of every gulp.

3.    Get Help

As you cluster feed your baby, it may be really difficult to accomplish many other tasks. Therefore, it is advisable to let others help out with these assignments. For example, your partner can help out with cooking or making dinner while you supply your baby with all he/she needs for a healthy life.

In addition, please do not hesitate to request help. This does not make you weak or incapable as a mother. Your family and friends are here to support you and help you through the process.

4.    Set Up A Nursing Area

Since you’d spend a lot of time nursing, make sure you set up a really comfortable nursing area. You can achieve this by placing pillows to support your baby and your back. For some additional comfort, wear a pair of cozy pajamas and a suitable nursing bra that would not irritate your nipples.

mum breast feeding child on a couch

Click here to find out more about the perfect nursing bra for you.

5. Switch Positions Often

The nursing position you select while cluster feeding is really important. For most moms, sitting on a couch with the baby in their arms may be really uncomfortable.

If you’re in this group, no worries!

You can attempt to nurse in a side-lying or laid-back position. Placing pillows in the right position may also allow some arm movement while nursing.

mom laying down and breastfeeding

6. Treat Nipple Problems

A common drawback of cluster feeding for most moms is the resulting nipple soreness or irritation. Thankfully, you don’t have to endure the pain.

As you breastfeed, apply a nipple cream, or even a few drops of breast milk on your nipples before and after nursing for extra moisture and protection.

ice cream like nipple

Furthermore, if you consider the entire process of breastfeeding to be too painful, check your latch position or consult your lactation consultant.

7. Treat Yourself Too

We understand the natural instinct to focus on your baby’s needs. However, breastfeeding is a two-way street.

Do not forget about you!

The fact is: It is difficult to match the increased demands on your body if you’re tired, hungry, or frustrated. As you cluster feed, remember to eat well, take healthy snacks, lots of water, and sleep whenever your baby sleeps.

Also, whenever you can, do something for you. You can take naps, short walks, or perform some quick exercise routines between nursing sessions.

8. Strap Your Baby

Babies love contact. In fact, it soothes them.

As you cluster feed, it may be helpful to keep your child close. To achieve this, you can use a sling or baby carrier which is designed to help you nurse on the go.

Another advantage of keeping your baby close during this period is that you’re present whenever he or she gets hungry again.

child on mum chest

That way, everyone stays happy always.

9. Be Patient

All babies have ‘fussy moments’ where it seems like nothing (except food) would soothe them. This is particularly heightened during cluster feeding. Although it may seem like an endless period of multiple nursing sessions, it would be over in a little while.

For now, just take it easy on yourself. Soft pedal a little. Receive help. In fact, ask for it. Furthermore, remember to be patient with your baby if he/she gets really fussy, cluster feeding is simply a response to growth and development.

10. Speak With a Professional

Consult a lactation consultant or pediatrician if you’re really struggling with breastfeeding or cluster feeding. Remember that these professionals are here to hold your hand and make this journey easier for everyone involved.

You can also click here to find out more about how to make breastfeeding easy for you and your little one.

A Final Note from Edie & Amy

Although it can be quite exhausting, cluster feeding is normal, temporary, and important. In a little while, your child would be moving on to other important phases like crawling and teething.

Remember, if your baby remains really fussy even after nursing, consult your pediatrician. Also, if you find breastfeeding to be really difficult, speak with your lactation consultant.

With the explanations and management tips above, we’re sure that everything is going to work out fine for you and your baby.

How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding: 7 Actionable Tips

Are you a new mom? Have you heard that breastfeeding would simply ‘dissolve’ all the extra weight that comes with pregnancy? Does it seem like you’re not losing any weight while breastfeeding? Is the process more difficult than you’d have imagined?

This article is just for you!

a woman standing on a weight checker

Although most women agree that breastfeeding offers many amazing benefits, including weight loss, everything varies from person to person. For some moms, the weight loss is rapid and obvious. For others, it just may take a little longer than imagined.

This post would provide easy and reliable tips on how to lose weight while breastfeeding, as well as guide you on your postpartum weight loss journey as you breastfeed your little one.

Does Breastfeeding Boost Weight Loss?


Medical research shows that breastfeeding can improve weight loss after childbirth, however, the amount of weight loss varies for each person. In fact, for some people the weight loss journey may be a little slower than what was anticipated.

The relationship between weight loss and breastfeeding totally depends on the calories burnt while nursing your little one.

A mom breastfeeding a baby

In fact, a combination of these two factors explains why breastfeeding mothers tend to consistently lose baby weight faster than women who don’t:

  • Calorie Loss
  • Regulated Diet

Studies show that mothers who breastfeed exclusively burn an average of 500 additional calories daily. To provide some context, this is equal to:

  • Performing 55 minutes of medium-intensity exercise, e.g. Yoga or Walking
  • Cutting out a large snack (or big burger) from your daily diet
  • Skipping a small meal

In addition, lactation consultants advice moms to increase the consumption of vegetables, lean-proteins, fiber, and fruits while nursing. This highly regulated diet may also contribute to the weight loss most women experience while breastfeeding.

Statistically, breastfeeding women are 6% more likely to return to their pre-pregnancy weight (or even experience a dip) than non-breastfeeding mothers.

Other studies even show that breastfeeding may have beneficial long-term effects on body weight by reducing overall body fat percentages in breastfeeding moms for up to five years after childbirth.

Finally, most researchers agree that the duration and frequency of breastfeeding affects the quantity and rate of weight loss after childbirth.

How Fast Can I Lose Pregnancy Weight While Breastfeeding?

The following factors will affect how fast baby weight can be lost after pregnancy:

  • Diet
  • Body Metabolism
  • Exercise
  • Amount of weight gained during pregnancy

Remember, we mentioned earlier that everything varies from person to person. Depending on how much weight was gained during pregnancy, it may take about six to nine months (or a year in some cases) to lose baby weight.

Interestingly, some women never get to lose all of it.

It is important to note that there is a rapid drop in weight immediately after childbirth. This occurs as a result of:

  • The removal of your baby
  • Expulsion of the placenta
  • Removal of the amniotic fluid

Again, the amount of weight lost varies based on the baby’s weight and the level of fluid retention in pregnancy.

Following this initial (and rapid) weight loss, you’d need to apply certain strategies to lose more of that stubborn baby weight.

To help you through this process, we’ve compiled 7 easy tips on how to lose weight while breastfeeding.

Read on to find out!

How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

1. Increase Your Meal Quality

The first step on your postpartum weight loss journey is to increase the quality of your meals. Go for foods that provide the following in the right quantity and best quality:

  • Proteins
  • Fiber
  • Vegetables
  • Healthy Fats (e.g. Coconut oil, Avocado oil, and Olive Oil)
  • Fruits
  • Whole Grain

In addition to increasing the quality of your breast milk supply, these meals would regulate your calorie intake and body-fat production. Interestingly, adding them to your diet also helps to tighten loose skin after pregnancy.

To ensure that you’re getting the best quality from every meal while breastfeeding, we recommend that you avoid any of the following empty-calorie foods:

  • Pasta
  • White bread
  • Junk food
  • Baked food
  • Cookies

Consuming quality food options would improve your energy levels, sleep quality, mood and boost your ability to lose weight while breastfeeding. Furthermore, healthy food options would keep your appetite in check and provide all the energy you need to care for your little one.

2. Lower the Carbs

Reducing the amount of carbohydrates you consume would also boost weight loss while breastfeeding. However, it is important to supplement this reduction with lots of fruits, protein, and veggies.

The goal should be to consume a minimum of 1,800 calories daily. This can be achieved by following a well-designed and efficient diet plan. Finally, always consult your doctor or lactation consultant before starting any new diet after childbirth.

3. Count Your Calories

To maintain your optimal body weight while breastfeeding, and keep up milk production, you need to consume at least 1,800 calories daily. Effective weight loss only occurs by creating a healthy calorie deficit, and this is a delicate process for breastfeeding moms.

A drastic cut in calories can leave you constantly tired and hungry, while a mild cut may not produce the weight loss you’ve imagined. Due to the physical strain of breastfeeding, it is normal to feel hungry or even tired after nursing. However, tracking your calories would prevent overeating and keep you on course for an effective weight loss journey.

If you exercise often, remember to increase your calorie intake whenever you workout.

4. Stay Hydrated

Water is really important for nursing moms.

water in a glass cup

In addition to improving your breast milk supply, it also assists in weight loss. We advise that you drink about 12 cups of water each day.

This would detoxify your body regularly and also flush out any water weight. Also, remember to avoid sugary drinks when trying to lose baby weight, because they contain a lot of empty calories.

For most moms, the best way to stay hydrated while breastfeeding is to have a large water bottle handy at all times (even when nursing your precious one).

5. Exercise Moderately

With your doctor’s approval, you can gradually ease back into certain safe exercise routines. We recommend focusing on postpartum-friendly workouts like yoga or walks with your baby. If you love a classic ‘stroll in the park’ with your baby, use a jogging stroller.

Mom planking in front of a child

You can begin by working out for about 30 minutes daily and about 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly. Also, it is important to feed your baby before working out to avoid breast engorgement.

6. Don’t Skip Meals

Although you’re trying to lose weight, skipping meals is bad for you.


Skipping meals may reduce your body’s metabolic rate, thereby reducing energy levels and making it difficult to care for your little one.

Also, consuming too little calories may cause your weight loss to peak or even stop. If you’re too busy to eat regularly, consider taking healthy snacks (or fruits) after breastfeeding your baby to replace lost calories.

7. Rest Regularly

We understand that it can be difficult to find quality time to rest when you’ve just had a baby. However, sleep deprivation may increase hunger, cravings, and stress levels.

woman breastfeeding a child

Attempt to get as much sleep as you can. It works.

Sleep can help your body recover faster and even boost weight loss as you breastfeed. You can try to recover lost sleep by planning a few 30-minute naps for yourself while your baby sleeps, especially after a nursing session.

Regular rest is also important as you return to postpartum exercising. This is because your muscles also need to rest and recover after workout sessions.

Why Do Some Moms Not Lose Weight While Breastfeeding?

Sadly, weight loss while breastfeeding is not equally easy for all new moms.

Here are some of the reasons why some women do not lose weight while breastfeeding:

  • Increased Appetite: It is a known fact that breastfeeding tends to increase hunger. Studies show that some women tend to eat more while nursing. When this is not combined with regular exercise as in Tip #5 above, it results in a weight gain rather than weight loss.
  • Sleep Deprivation: As we mentioned in Tip #7, sleep is really important on your postpartum weight loss journey. However, motherhood comes with irregular and interrupted periods of sleep, as you try to meet your baby’s needs.
  • Sedentary Living: It is important to remember that breastfeeding keeps you in one position for long periods. Women who live a sedentary life after childbirth tend to find it more difficult to shed postpartum weight than people who lead active lives.

Other Important Benefits of Breastfeeding

Asides postpartum weight loss, breastfeeding also offers many benefits for you and your little one.

This includes:

  • Supplies the perfect nutrition package for your baby
  • Protects your child from harmful diseases
  • Enhances brain development and mental capacity
  • Promotes uterine contraction
  • Reduces the risk of postpartum depression
  • Saves money
woman breastfeeding child in a shirt

A Final Note from Edie & Amy

Our final tip is that you don’t stop breastfeeding.

Remember that your postpartum weight loss journey is unique, and absolutely different from anyone else’s. Take it one day at a time, follow the tips above and we’re confident that everything would work out fine.

You are not alone, Mama!

11 Interesting Facts About Breastfeeding

The choice of how to supply her baby with the nutrients necessary for proper development is important for every new mom. Although this is a personal decision, breastfeeding has so many exceptional benefits for both you and your baby. In this article, we’d walk you through 11 interesting facts about breastfeeding and why it is an option worth trying.

Why Is Breast Milk Important?

It would interest you to note that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends six months of exclusive breastfeeding for every child. In fact, the Academy advises moms to continue breastfeeding for the first year, irrespective of the introduction of solid foods.

Breast milk supplies babies with the perfect nutrition package. It has the right amount of nutrients, vitamins, and even water that every child needs in the early stages of life. In addition to this, breast milk is readily available and can be digested easily.

breastfeeding mom

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises that breastfeeding continues until a child is about two years of age because the advantages of this process extend even up to that period. It is important to note that these recommendations are well-founded in facts, and in this article, we’d let you know all about those facts.

Read on to find out 11 interesting (and medical) facts about breastfeeding.

Interesting Breastfeeding Facts for Babies

1. Breastfeeding Supplies the Perfect Nutrition Package.

Do you know breast milk contains every single thing your little one needs for the first six months of life? And in the right proportions too? In fact, the constituents of breast milk even change to suit your baby’s needs in the various developmental stages.

Averagely, each ml of breast milk contains:

  • 87% Water
  • 7%  Lactose (milk)
  • 4% Fat
  • 1% Protein

In the first few days after childbirth, your breast would produce a thick and yellowish fluid called colostrum. This colostrum is quite rich in protein (much more than the 1% present in average breast milk), sugar, and other beneficial compounds. Colostrum helps kick start your baby’s digestive tract and immune system.

2. Breast Milk Contains Immune Boosting Properties

Breastfeeding supplies your baby with essential antibodies which boost his/her immune system. Every day, babies (and adults too) are exposed to harmful viruses and bacteria in the environment. Effective breastfeeding provides the compounds necessary to fight off these harmful agents in the earliest months of life.

Facts about breastfeeding

Colostrum, the type of breast milk produced right after birth, contains high amounts of Immunoglobulin (A) which is an essential part of your baby’s immune system. Furthermore, when a breastfeeding mom is exposed to viruses or bacteria, her body produces antibodies that fight off any possible infection. Eventually, these antibodies go into the breast milk and are passed to her baby via breastfeeding.

Amazing, right?

3. Breastfeeding Reduces the Risk of Childhood Diseases

For this, exclusive breastfeeding is crucial. Exclusive breastfeeding simply means that a baby only receives breast milk for at least the first six months of life.

The antibodies present in breast milk would greatly reduce the risk of various childhood diseases and infections like:

In addition to the antibodies supplied by breast milk, it also contains substances that naturally soothe your baby, preventing uneasiness or discomfort.

4. It Helps Children Reach the Healthy Baby Weight

The average birth weight for healthy term babies is around 7.5 pounds (3.5kg). Although this figure varies in the first few weeks of life, breastfeeding promotes healthy weight gain and even prevents obesity in children.

Breast-fed babies possess high amounts of helpful intestinal bacteria, which improves fat storage, utilization, and distribution. In fact, such babies have more blood leptin (the hormone which regulates appetite and fat distribution) than infants who received only formula.

In addition, babies set the pace during breastfeeding. Therefore, they are able to self-regulate their food intake. This helps breastfed babies develop healthy appetites and eating patterns.

5. Breastfeeding Can Make Your Baby Smarter

Do you want your baby to ace every test? Or get acceptance letters from all Ivy League schools? You should consider breastfeeding. Medical studies suggest that breastfeeding aids brain development and eventually makes babies smarter.

According to most researchers, the relationship between breastfeeding and intelligence may be associated with the close physical and eye contact, as well as the intimacy involved in breastfeeding.

6. Breastfeeding Aids Taste Development

As breastfeeding progresses, the composition of breast milk changes to suit your baby’s needs per time. Interestingly, this also includes changes in taste. Breastfeeding exposes your child to different tastes and flavors, which improves his/her ability to recognize and appreciate various tastes.

7. Breast Milk Is Always Ready

For babies, there is no ready-to-eat meal better than breast milk. It would interest you to note that it is always at the right temperature and ready to serve at any time of the day. Furthermore, breast milk needs no further preparation before consumption by your little one.

Breastfeeding relaxes you too

Interesting Breastfeeding Facts for Moms

Remember, breastfeeding is a two-way process; from a mom to her little one. Therefore, we’ve compiled a number of interesting facts about breastfeeding for moms.

8. Breastfeeding Can Help You Lose Weight

This one is quite common. Although some women gain weight while nursing, others may drop some of that post-pregnancy weight while breastfeeding. Usually, this results from the calories burnt during the process.

9. Breastfeeding Soothes You

While breastfeeding, the body produces certain hormones like oxytocin and prolactin, which reduce stress and enhance positive feelings. Furthermore, breastfeeding reduces the risk of postpartum depression, which is alarmingly common in today’s society.

10. It Also Reduces the Risk of diseases in Moms

Interestingly, breastfeeding provides long-term protection against breast cancer, ovarian cancer, hypertension and arthritis in most women.

Breastfeeding keeps you healthy

In fact, multiple studies have revealed that women who breastfeed have a lower risk for the following conditions:

  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Depression
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Endometrosis

11. Breastfeeding Is Cost Efficient

Our last interesting fact about breastfeeding is fairly straightforward: It Is Cheaper.

In fact, breastfeeding is 100% free. Apart from any external expenses (like a lactation consultant’s fees or the cost of a breastfeeding support group), breastfeeding comes at no cost to the family.

A Final Note from Edie & Amy

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both the mother and her child. In fact, these benefits are expressed in how many reputable health organizations recommend breastfeeding for as long as possible.

Remember that breast milk is naturally designed to provide your child with everything he/she needs to grow well, fight off diseases and become a smart adult. As a plus, there are also many benefits of breastfeeding for you as a mom.

As usual, we’re always here to guide you through the process, Mama!

How To Fix Latching Problems While Breastfeeding

Effective breastfeeding is important for proper development, good health, and the general well-being of babies. While this memorable experience can be easy and fun, it may take a little while to settle into the routine of it, as some women and their babies initially struggle with breastfeeding, especially due to latching problems.

What Is Latching All About?

For breastfeeding to be effective, your baby has to ‘latch’ properly to your nipples. This refers to the position or grip a baby’s mouth has on his/her mom’s nipple during breastfeeding. A proper latch would help him/her get the best out of every meal in the most comfortable position possible.

The Right Latch

With the right latch to the breast during breastfeeding sessions, your baby can receive breast milk easily and in the right quantity. Getting the right latch is really important for you and your baby as it helps him/her get all the nutrients needed to grow strong and healthy. In addition, the right latch makes breastfeeding easy and enjoyable for you as a mom.

latching problems

While breastfeeding, your baby should have a large portion of the lower part of your areola (the dark skin around your nipple) in his/her mouth. Furthermore, your nipple should lie against the roof of his/her mouth, cupped slightly underneath by the tongue.

What Are The Signs of A Good Latch?

Whenever you breastfeed, make sure that:

  • Your baby’s chin touches your breast throughout the process
  • He/she is breathing properly
  • The latch is not painful or overly uncomfortable
  • His/her mouth is wide open and a large portion of your areola, and not just your nipple, is in his/her mouth.

If all these boxes are ticked during nursing sessions, then you and your little one have no latching problems.

Latching Problems

One of the major issues associated with breastfeeding is latching. Although many babies latch properly immediately after birth, certain children may require some time and effort to overcome latching problems during nursing. In this period, the baby may not get enough milk while the mother can develop painful breast conditions like breast engorgement.

This results from a number of factors which include:

  • Premature birth
  • Flat or Inverted Nipples
  • Wrong Positioning
  • Underlying Medical Conditions (Jaundice, Down Syndrome and Tongue Tie)

How to Fix Latching Problems

Breastfeeding problems often come with a lot of questions, anxiety, and concerns for parents. Therefore, we have compiled the following tips that are guaranteed to help you fix latching problems while breastfeeding.

1. Change Your Position

While breastfeeding, try out different positions until you find out what works perfectly for you and your baby. In the right position, your baby’s chin should touch your breasts with his/her mouth open wide and covering most of your areola.

In order to feed effectively, your baby needs to feel comfortable and supported in every way. Make sure you’re not pushing his/her head or holding it firmly. You can slightly adjust his/her head, neck, or back in order to find the right position to get a good latch.

2. Use a Nipple Shield

Nipple shields are thin, cap-shaped structures placed directly above the nipple to protect it during nursing. In addition to protecting your nipple, a nipple shield provides a firm stimulus for your baby’s mouth. This stimulus would reach the roof of his/her mouth and eventually enhance the process of latching.

Nipple Shield

Furthermore, a nipple shield provides a large surface for latching, which is especially important for women with tiny nipples.

3. Pump Out Some Milk

If your baby still has problems with latching on the third or fourth day of life, you should get a good breast pump. With a pump, you can produce all the milk your child needs to stay nourished and healthy, even if he/she is not latching properly.

4. Have Some Skin Time

Another effective way to fix latching problems while breastfeeding is to spend at least two hours daily on ‘skin time’. This process is designed to make your child become more familiar with your skin.

To achieve this, strip your baby down to his/her nappies and lie baby down on your bare chest. This would seriously boost the hormones responsible for breastfeeding and also allow your little one to become more comfortable around you and your breasts.

In addition, effective skin time keeps your baby calm and sated during breastfeeding as a fussy child is more likely to encounter latching problems than a calm and compliant one.

5. Draw Out Your Nipples

If your nipples are flat or inverted, attempt to draw them out using a Nipple Everter, which is a small structure designed to draw out flat nipples and help your baby latch on effectively. Furthermore, you can try Nipple Formers which fit perfectly inside a nursing bra, and applies the gentle pressure needed to draw out your nipples for effective breastfeeding.

6. Get Help

If you have tried all the tips above and your baby is still not latching or feeding well, please consult your lactation consultant or pediatrician. This is really important because it may mean that he/she is not getting enough breast milk to stay healthy and grow well.

Remember, you are not alone. Support is essential to an effective breastfeeding journey. We strongly recommend that you call your pediatrician immediately if:

  • Your baby does not latch on to your nipple in most feeding sessions
  • Baby’s lips and mouth are always dry
  • Your baby’s bowel movements are really low. That is, he/she is not having the normal amount of wet or dirty diapers (less than two stools daily in the first two weeks of life).
  • The soft spot at the top of your baby’s head begins to sink into their skull

Furthermore, getting professional help with latching problems would boost your confidence and assist your child to find the right position during breastfeeding. In cases where the latching problem is associated with other medical conditions (like a tongue tie), a referral may be made to the right professional for treatment.  

How to Get the Right Latch

In this section, we’ve compiled a few steps that are guaranteed to make the latch-on process easy for you and your baby.

1. Help your baby open his/her mouth

This is quite simple. What you have to do is hold your child close with your nipple at the same level as his/her nose. Next, allow your nipple to touch his/her upper lip to encourage him/her to open his/her mouth wide. Always remember that the wider the mouth is opened, the easier it is to get the right latch.

2. Assess your latching position

Before you start nursing your child, make sure his/her head, neck, and spine are in a straight line and not twisted in any way. Furthermore, your baby’s chin should be directed upwards towards your nipple and not downwards to his/her chest. In addition, your comfort is important too; you can use pillows or cushions to support your back, neck, or arms while nursing.  

3. Bring your child to your breast

Immediately your baby has opened his/her mouth wide, guide him/her onto your breast, with the nipple aimed towards the top of his/her mouth. Remember, a baby’s chin must touch your breast first during nursing sessions.

4. Keep Your Baby Close

As much as you can, keep your baby close to you, with his/her chin in contact with your breasts. Thankfully, this does not affect breathing in any way. This is really important because it allows your child to become more comfortable with your skin.

5. Watch Out for the Signs

While your baby feeds, keep an eye out for the signs of a good latch. The latch should not be uncomfortable or painful. In fact, all you should feel is a slight tugging sensation.

Also, you should watch your baby; after the initial rapid sucks to stimulate milk flow, he/she would begin to suck deeply and slowly with some pauses in between. This is usually an indicator that he/she is getting enough milk.

Furthermore, you’re expected to observe notable jaw movements and hear sucking and swallowing sounds from your baby while breastfeeding. Another important sign to watch out for is your baby’s bowel movement during breastfeeding.

In Conclusion

Problems associated with latching may impair the effectiveness of breastfeeding, cause anxiety, pain, or early weaning in most cases. However, with the tips above, most latching problems can be fixed.

We understand that breastfeeding is not always as straightforward as most people imagine. It is usually a period of learning for both mother and child.

Finally, we advise that you remain patient, cheerful, and willing to learn from us, your lactation consultant, and other health care professionals. With this, we are certain that you would overcome any current problems and have a beautiful breastfeeding journey.