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In Nigeria, pregnancy is usually seen as a woman’s domain. Their partners are sometimes uninvolved in their pregnancy journey.

After all, apart from the baby-making process, it is the women who do most of the work growing and birthing the baby. Their partners don’t throw up every morning, afternoon or evening.

In Nigeria, pregnancy is usually seen as a woman’s domain.

In addition, there’s no one kicking in their belly, and there are no midnight cravings.

Many mothers with Nigerian partners feel that their partners do not understand the changes that come with pregnancy. To some others, the fathers don’t even make an effort to get involved.

If this is your situation, we absolutely understand. All you want is to feel supported and understood. You want your partner to actively participate and to see the pregnancy as real as you see it.

If your partner does not seem to show as much interest as you would like, don’t give up. Chances are he doesn’t even know what to do, but you can easily show him.

a man holding his heads

Here are the best ways to get your partner more involved in your pregnancy:

1) Invite Your Partner To Your Appointments

It is increasingly common for fathers-to-be to attend ante-natal appointments these days. In one of the foremost government run maternal hospitals in Lagos, fathers are required to attend the first antenatal clinic.

Ask you partner to take time off work to accompany you for clinic visits

Ask your partner if he can take time off work to accompany you to some of your visits. Seeing your midwife or health care provider will provide your partner with the opportunity to ask any questions he might have.

Furthermore, if you plan to have him as a birthing partner, it is a good time for him to get familiar with your doctors and hospital.

2) Exercise With Your Partner

Exercise is an important part of your pregnancy.

It would help you stay fit and maintain a healthy pregnancy weight. Having your partner exercise with you will help you stay motivated.

Exercise balls aid to have for activities with your partner during pregnancy ​
Exercise balls are great to use for stretches with your partner during pregnancy

As a bonus, it would provide a perfect bonding time for you, your partner, and your baby. There are plenty exercises you could try, from swimming to yoga and even walking.

Just do what works best for the three of you.

3) Get Your Partner Involved in Decision Making

Most of the time, and for many couples, the brunt of decision making about the pregnancy and birth falls on the woman.

Expectant mothers tend to be more overwhelmed with planning and preparation. However, involving him when making decisions will make him feel valued.

Invite your partner to go baby shopping with you

Discuss your ideas and plans with him, even the minor ones. Ask for his opinion on things, especially when making big decisions. Invite him to go baby shopping with you and encourage him to pick his favourite items too.

This will get him excited and motivate him to show more interest.

4) Ask Your Partner To Decorate The Nursery With You

This is one way to make him feel important and needed in this entire pregnancy process.

You can let him pick the colours or props for the nursery. He will also be able to help with any heavy lifting of shelves, tables or cribs. Both of you could plan a weekend to design the nursery together.

This would not only tick a big task off your list, but will also create a bonding time for both of you. Going through the process of designing the nursery and having it ready and waiting will make the pregnancy feel real for him.

5) Encourage Your Husband To Touch Your Bump

As the mother, you get the opportunity to carry your baby wherever you go.

However, your partner does not. While it would be easy for you to naturally bond with your baby, it will be more difficult for your partner.

Help him by encouraging him to bond with your baby before birth.

Encourage your hsband to touch your tummy especially when your baby kicks

Let him know when the baby starts kicking and give him plenty opportunities to feel these kicks. You can also encourage him to talk to the bump too, and this will earn you a few extra kicks.

6) Give Your Partner Attention

It is very easy for the focus to shift from your relationship with your partner to your relationship with your baby. Babies after all are always the center of attention. However, this might make your partner to feel left out during the pregnancy as it may seem that he has become second fiddle.

Don’t let this happen.

While you need to pay attention to your growing baby, you should not forget your partner. Your relationship is now more important than ever, as a baby is on the way.

Go on lots of dates.

Set our time for dates nights to reconnect with your partner
Source: Tenor

You could try seeing a movie, going to the beach, taking walks, eating out, or even going on a vacation together if you can afford it. Now is the best time because once the baby comes, it will be more difficult.

7) Create Your Birth Plan Together

You would need a birth plan to make your labour and delivery process as smooth as possible.

Prepare your birth plan with your partner so he can advocate for you during labour

Even though you are the one popping out the baby, your partner plays a major role too. Let him in on your birthing preferences, and what you expect of him during and after the birth. This will help him advocate for your wishes while you are in labour.

Avoid just telling him what you want.

You will get him more involved if you ask for his opinions too. Prepare the plan together, and you will prepare him for birth. Encourage him to pack a hospital bag too, he will need it. What goes in the bag? Things like snacks, socks, a toothbrush, music and headphones. Things to make his stay with you in hospital more comfortable. Being involved like this will help him understand better what is at hand.

8) Attend Birthing Classes Together

This is especially important if you plan to make him your birthing partner.

Unlike you, your partner probably has no idea what the entire birthing process will involve. These classes would teach both of you about the birthing process, birthing choices and what to expect with a newborn baby. He’ll learn to bath a baby, change diapers, how to tell if the baby is hungry etc. It will make life for you as a new mum easier. It will also give your partner the opportunity to bond with other expectant fathers as well.

Testimonials from Dad’s who attended Tolu The Midwife’s class for Dads

A Final Note

Pregnancy and childbirth can be overwhelming for you and your partner.

Despite popular opinions, most Nigerian men actually want to do their best to support both mother and child. The only problem is they do not know what to do or how to go about it.

Show your partner what he needs to do and how to do it

Help your partner. Show him what he needs to do and how to do it. Don’t stop at pregnancy. His support is also needed in your breastfeeding journey and your child’s development. Furthermore, In the light of the toll of the current COVID -19 pandemic and it’s effect on your care during pregnancy, you need all the help you can get at home. Involve him in even the little decisions and you will be surprised at how involved and interested he would get.



Babies grow at a remarkable rate from the moment they are born. Mothers often worry about selecting the best formula to meet their babies’ needs. Once chosen, you may feel a bit nervous about how to prepare and store this formula safely.

Mothers often worry about selecting the best formula to meet their baby's needs.

A lot of nutrients are required to support the amazing growth rate of babies. The best way to provide your baby with these nutrients is through breast milk. However, some situations where challenges to breastfeeding exist necessitate formula feeding. It’s also become increasingly popular in recent times.

In plain terms, this is the feeding of an infant or toddler with a prepared formula. This formula can be used to feed your baby on its own or to supplement breast milk.

What Nutrients Are Present In Formula

Whether from breast milk or formula, some basic nutrients and vitamins that your growing child needs to stay healthy are:

  1. Calcium: For strong teeth and bones.
  2. Fat. Provides energy and protection against infections. Also helps with brain development and maintenance of healthy skin and hair.
  3. Folate. Helps in growth and development.
  4. Iron. This aids brain development and building of blood cells.
  5. Protein and Carbohydrates. Serves as a source of energy and fuel for your growing baby.
  6. Zinc. Encourages cell growth and repair.
  7. Vitamins: Vit. A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E and K are essential for healthy skin, hair, vision, blood cells, brain, immune system, bones, teeth, muscles, e.t.c.
baby formulas are fotified with nutrients some of the nutrients your baby needs

Although most infant formulas are gotten from cow’s milk, they are enriched with the necessary nutrients. Whether your situation makes the use of formula from the start necessary or to introduce it to your baby later on, you will likely have a lot of questions.

How do I choose the best formula for my baby?
How do I prepare and store my baby’s formula?
What formula is right for my baby’s age?
Is my baby getting enough milk?

In this article is all the information you need to know about infant formula. Determining your baby’s hunger and satiety cues will also help to make this journey easier.

Always follow the instructions on the label when making formula

 Types of Infant Formula

The three main types of infant formula are:

1. Cow Milk Protein-Based

This is the most common type of infant formula available as most formulas are made from cow’s milk. These formulas have been fortified to contain the right amount of nutrients that would support your baby’s growth. In addition, they are formulated to make it easier for your baby to digest. However, some babies are allergic to the proteins in cow’s milk and thus need other types of formula.

2. Soy-Based

These are perfect for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk formula. Occasionally, a baby may be intolerant of both cow’s milk and soy milk as well. In this case, another kind of formula is needed.

3. Protein Hydrolysate Formulas

Protein hydrolysate formulas are best suitable for babies who have a protein allergy and cannot digest either cow or soy milk. The proteins in this formula have been broken down into smaller components that such babies can tolerate.

Apart from these 3, there are special formula preparations for infants who are born preterm or have special health conditions.

How are they sold?

There are 3 preparations of infant formula that you can choose from based on what suits you best. These include:

Powdered Formula

This is the most common and affordable. It comes in powder form that needs to be dissolved with water.

Concentrated Liquid Formula

Even though it’s in liquid form, this formula preparation is also required to be mixed with water before feeding your baby.

Ready-to-Use Formula

Just like the name implies, this is ready-to-use to feed a baby. It does not need to be prepared with any water. It is the most convenient type of infant formula. However, it’s also very expensive. 


Based on age, infant formulas can be classified into 3 stages;

Stage 1 ( 0-6 Months)

This infant formula is creamy and attempts are made to make it similar to breast milk. In addition, contains starch as well as lactose and would keep your baby full.

Stage 2 (6 Months Onward)

You may notice that this formula is creamier than stage 1 formula and contains more energy. You are to begin this formula when your baby is ready to start eating baby food. Depending on your preference, it can either be fed to your baby alone or used to supplement baby food. This formula will leave your growing baby more satisfied with his/her food.

Stage 3 (10 Months Onward)

This final formula is contains more starch, nutrients and energy to suit your growing baby’s needs.

How to Prepare Your Baby’s Formula

  • Remember to wash your hands well before preparing your baby’s food.
  • Clean and sanitize the area where you plan to make your baby’s food.
  • Wash and sterilize your baby’s bottles and other feeding utensils.
Always wash your hands before preparing formula
  • If you are using powdered formula:

1) Use water from a safe source to prepare your baby’s formula. It is advisable to use distilled or boiled water. Please, do not use sachet water.

2) Check the instructions on the formula container for the quantity of water to use. Most feeding bottles come calibrated and can be used to get an accurate measurement. Please use the exact amount stated because:

  • Too much water can make the preparation too dilute and unable to meet your baby’s nutritional needs.
  • Too little water can make the preparation too concentrated. This would cause your baby’s organs to work extra hard, leaving your baby dehydrated and or constipated.


Use the prepared formula quickly or store it immediately.

  • Unopened infant formula should be stored indoors in a cool and dry place. Do not put your baby’s formula in your vehicles, garage, or any other place outdoors for a long period of time.
  • Always make sure you check the expiry date on the container of the infant formula before you use it.
  • Use it within 2hours after you prepare it or 1hour after you start feeding your baby. Do not leave your prepared formula out at room temperature longer than this. It would get spoilt.

If you are mixed feeding, follow this link to learn more about storing breastmilk.

How do I decide on what formula to use?


  • If you do not plan on using your prepared formula within 2hours, store it in the fridge immediately and use within 24hours.
  • Use warm water to heat up your baby’s formula. You can place it for a few minutes under running warm water, or place it in a bowl of warm water. Never use a microwave to warm your baby’s formula.
  • Before you feed your baby, pour a few drops on the back of your hand to make sure it is not too hot.
  • Get rid of any remnant formula after feeding your baby and wash the feeding bottle immediately. The combination of the formula and your baby’s saliva can allow bacteria to grow, making it unhealthy for your baby’s consumption.
  • Make sure you clean and sterilize the feeding bottles before each feed.

Although no formula can truly replicate breast milk, modern formulas provide a close alternative where a mother chooses not to breastfeed or breastmilk from a mum or a donor is unavailable.

Bottle feeding moments are amazing opportunities for you and your baby to get closer and to know each other more.

Also, bottle feeding allows your partner and other family members to help you with some of the feeding sessions so you can rest or return to work. If for any reason your baby doesn’t like bottles, you can learn about alternative ways of feeding baby

7 Signs your baby is hungry

10 Nigerian Foods That Boost Breast Milk Supply

Nigerian Foods That Increase Breast Milk Supply

In Nigeria, traditional postpartum care remains an age-long custom. This celebrated activity is commonly called omugwo in Igbo, ojojo omo in Yoruba and wanka’n jegoin Hausa. As expected, mothers place a lot of attention on Nigerian foods that boost breast milk supply. Thankfully, this article contains the list you’ve been searching for to increase breast milk production.

During this highly anticipated period, new mothers(especially first-timers) are usually encouraged to rest as they ease into their new roles as mothers. An important aspect of this role is child nourishment, new mothers are usually put through indigenous methods to improve milk production.

Believe it or not….

Nigerian mothers depend largely on regular suckling by the infant to boost breast milk supply. That is, the more a baby suckles at its mother’s breast, the more milk is produced. It would interest you to know that this is not just a superstition, it is a known scientific fact.

Therefore, the best way to improve breast milk production is to keep on nursing your baby on demand. To achieve this, moms use the power pumping technique. This is 3-4 intermittent pumping sessions for 10 minutes with breaks in between.

However, for some mothers, this is strategy is often insufficient as they often deal with pain while breastfeeding and struggle daily to produce enough milk for their babies.

Nigerian foods that boost breast milk production

If you’re like the typical mom who can’t bear the sound of their lovely baby’s cries of hunger, we’ve got you covered with this list of Nigerian foods that will help you increase the rate at which your breast produces milk.

List of Nigerian Foods That Boost Breast Milk Production

1. Fura de nunu ( Milk and Millet Gruel)

This is a common beverage originating from the Fulani people of West Africa. With Fura de nunu, you have a rich, delicious blend of fermented cow’s milk (nunu) and millet dough (fura).

In addition to refreshing you on a hot afternoon, Fura contains many essential nutrients which improve breast milk production.

Hausa Millet porridge for breastfeeding mums

It would interest you to know that Nunu is an excellent source of protein, calcium, phosphorous and vitamins A, C, E and B complex. Fura is also contains essential amino acids, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and micronutrients. If taken regularly, this is a sure way to increase the production of very rich breast milk for your little one.

2. Kunu (A Northern Nigerian Gruel)

Another staple beverage that is quite popular in most parts of Nigeria, especially the north, is Kunu. Commonly made from millet, rice, sorghum, tiger nuts, guinea corn, maize, or a mixture of some or all of these, this locally made drink is just the right thing for you!

Furthermore, Kunu contains lactic acid, carbohydrates, proteins, and fat which are essential for normal body function. This drink would definitely leave you feeling nourished.

In addition, you get more breast milk to nourish your baby.

3. Pap

Popularly known as Akamu, Ogi, Eko or its fancier name, African Corn Porridge, this is a fermented pudding cereal made from millet, maize or sorghum. It is a ready-to-eat food packed with numerous essential nutrients like carbohydrate, B vitamins, folic acid, vitamins A and C, potassium, zinc and others.

Nigerian foods that boost breast milk production - pap
Pap is highly nutritious and helps in boosting breast milk production

Considering its highly nutritious content, it is no wonder why so many of our mothers swear by this meal to help increase breast milk production. Please note that Pap is best taken with milk and sugar to give you a satisfying experience.

4. Moringa

This nutrient packed plant is a great source of vitamins and minerals, nursing mothers would get more out of these than most other vegetables. It is a multi-purpose herbal plant, that is, all parts of this plant can be used as it contains varying amounts of essential amino acids, anitoxidants, carotenoids and many other nutrients.

Moringa leaves improve breast milk supply

Research has proven that infusing this plant into your meals is an effective means of improving your mother’s milk production. Moringa leaves can be added to soups, salads, or simply taken in juice form.

5. Carrots

Eating carrots is a great way to boost lactation as they contain vitamin A and potassium, both of which help to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk. 

Nigerian foods that boost breast milk production - carrots
Eating carrots are a great way to increase your supply as well as loose weight

As a plus, they’re a great way to lose that stubborn baby fat. They can be snacked on, juiced or eaten raw in the form of salads. Carrots are available everywhere and may just be the boost your mammary glands need.

6. Kaun (Pot-ash/ Keun / Akanwu)

Potash is a general name for potassium-containing compounds. Kaun, a lake- salt, is an ancient Nigerian food additive used in traditional cooking that has been known to add flavour and improve the taste of a dish. It’s a form of potash. Other sources are from palm kernel shells and dried, roasted unripe plantain peels.

Most women do not know that kaun is also helpful when nursing babies. Its high mineral content can serve a great stimulant for lactation. Potash should be taken in moderation in its cooked form. Excessive amounts (more than a teaspoon daily) can cause upset tummy. It can cause uterne contrations and thus must be avoided in pregnancy,


Sweet and juicy watermelons are another great addition to this list of lactogenic foods. This fruit is rich in fiber, fructose and a variety of minerals and vitamins. Additionally, its remarkably high water content would keep you hydrated, get your milk flowing and keep your baby full.

Nigerian foods that boost breast milk production - watermelon

You can slice, dice or even blend this it in addition to other fruits to make a delicious smoothie. In addition, watermelons can be grilled.

8. Ofada Rice

Known globally as brown rice, locally grown Ofada /Abakaliki Rice is an effective addition to your diet as a nursing mother because it contains a variety nutrients like minerals, vitamin B and E. It also contains hormonal stimulants that help to improve lactation and increase breast milk production.

Nigerian foods that boost breast milk production - ofada
Ofada (Brown Rice) is an effective addition to your meal to increase breast milk production

If you’re also planning to lose that persistent baby fat, you should definitely switch white rice for a well prepared bowl of ofada rice and sauce.


Garlic is popular for improving the immune system but do you know that it can also help improve breast milk production? Commonly used as a seasoning or spice in traditional cooking, garlic has a rich supply of enzymes, vitamins and minerals that help improve milk production.

Nigerian foods that boost breast milk production - garlic
Garlic is a natural breast milk booster

But remember to go easy on this one, it’s notorious for causing body odours, especially when taken in large quantities. Therefore, its best to approach this with necessary caution.


Breast milk is essentially made up of water. Therefore, staying hydrated is crucial to breast milk production. And what better way to stay hydrated than to drink lots of water? 

Nigerian foods that boost breast milk production - water
Drink up to 2.5l of water daily to boost your milk supply especially after breastfeeding

A minimum of 8 glasses per day is the target! Remember, the goal is not only to increase the quantity of breast milk you produce, but also to improve its quality.

Yeah…we know we said 10 but there’s more……

  • Ewe bombo (awalagbo in Yoruba)
  • Uda and other herbs used to make pepper soup for pregnant women
  • Tiger nuts and dates
  • Ginger ( preferably freshly grated in warm water)
  • Cumin
  • Fenugreek (It’s called “hulba” grown in Northern Nigeria ladies!)

Finally, an overall healthy diet is key, not only to help nourish your newborn, but also to nourish you.

Learn more about foods that increase your breastmilk supply