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Why Do We Keep Track Of Child Development?

Why is child development important?

Observing and taking note of your child’s development is an important tool. It ensures that your child meets their ‘developmental milestones’. Developmental milestones are a ‘loose’ list of skills that are believed to be mastered at roughly the same time period for all children. They act as a useful guideline of ideal growth, maturity, proper functioning. This is in addition to the integration of the functions of organs and systems particularly the musclarand nervous system. These all work together to help your child learn, communicate, take care of themselves independently, survive and so on.

Checking your child’s progress at various ages and marking them against selected time frames, gives you a way to monitor your child’s development. Read our article on when babies can start sleeping on their stomach

This ensures that your child is roughly ‘on track’ for their age. Furthermore, this checking of developmental milestones can be helpful in the early detection of any problems in development.

This ‘check’ is usually carried out through various child/mother services. and Pa. Also, the checks are done later through preschool and school term skills assessments.

Common Problems You May Encounter During Child Development

Problems in child development can arise due to:

  • genetics,
  • circumstances surrounding their mum’s pregnancy and childbirth
  • the presence of a specific diagnosis or medical factors
  • a lack of opportunity or exposure to helpful stimuli

Development Problems Fall Into Several Categories.

These categories affect ongoing functional developmental milestones. These milestone categories include:

  • Language skills: How well can your child communicate
  • Cognitive development: How does your child understand the world around them, remember things, think and learn.
  • Social and emotional development: How do they interact with others, express their feelings, react to internal and external stressors or modulate their reactions.
  • Gross motor and fine motor skills: These are skills that play a role in your child’s ability to perform tasks with their hand such as writing, buttoning clothes, running, jumping, skipping.

Most developmental problems over lap and cross over. Therefore, we often observe a combination of issues with attaining several types of developmental milestones or problems within one disorder.

Some common problems during child development that could be encountered include the following:

  • Absence of smiling, in early childhood.
  • Excessively putting objects in rows, in early childhood.
  • Difficulty in finding appropriate ways to express frustration, in later childhood.
  • Inability to know how to use toys, but the child may have an attachment to one object, in early childhood.
  • The child does not respond to his or her name, in early childhood.
  • Inappropriate social outbursts beyond the child’s control, in later childhood.
  • Difficulty paying attention.
  • Impulsivity, acting or talking without thinking first.
  • Constant blaming, resentment or anger.
  • Deliberate attempts to annoy others.
  • Disruptive behaviours

In short, there are a host of other problems that could also be noticed. Anything you notice that seems abnormal or is a source of concern to you should be reported to a doctor immediately. This is because they could be pointers to a disease condition in the child. Sometimes early detection gives us the chance to intervene so as to help the child catch up or have a good quality of life such as in autism.


BestStart, 2020. BestStart. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 June 2020].

CCRC, 2019. CCRC. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 June 2020].

HealthLine, 2019. HealthLine. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 June 2020].

Sense, K., 2020. Kid Sense. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 June 2020].

Staff, H. E., 2018. Health Grades. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 June 2020]., 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 June 2020].


This pregnancy was confusing! Chike wondered what would make a pregnant woman want to eat paper. His wife, Louis had developed an insatiable desire for books, but not in a good way.

eating paper

Speaking to their family doctor, Chike complained his wife eats the paper. Ripping away pages, one by one, putting them in her mouth and chewing greedily on them.

Apart from her voracious appetite for books, his wife Louis was otherwise normal. In fact, she’d just given birth to their first daughter.

During the pregnancy, everything was normal; there was no complication or usual discomfort. Everything about her diet remained regular (except the paper consumption, of course).

He had no idea when it began nor how to stop it. He had first noticed it when she was consuming just bits of paper, loose pages, cutouts of newspapers, small flyers, and the likes. At that time, he thought it was just a phase that would soon pass away. However, Chike gradually watched his wife progress from bits of paper to whole books!

At this point, he decided to seek help

“What is happening?”, Chike asked the doctor. “Is this going to hurt her?”, “Is she depressed?”, “Should I be worried?”.

The questions kept on coming.

The desire to eat non-food items or things not normally considered to be food is known as PICA.

It is an eating disorder that makes people to eat things with no nutritional value such as paper, cloth, dirt, ashes, string, wool, starch, matches, cardboard, hair, laundry detergent, chalk and soap, talcum powder, gum, metal, pebbles, charcoal, paint chips, ice, among other things.


There are no laboratory tests to detect PICA. Instead, diagnosis is made through a patient’s medical history.

For efficiency, this diagnosis should be followed by lab tests for anemia and digestive tract blockages which may arise from the substances consumed.


In Nigeria, most cases of PICA are usually unnoticed.

Therefore, it is unclear about how many people are affected by pica. However, one study reported that pica was a normal occurrence for pregnant women in Malawi, as this is how they know they are pregnant. Similar studies also reported a high prevalence of pica in Tanzania (63.7%), Kenya (73%) and Nigeria (50%).


Some of them include:

  • Stomach upset
  • Stomach pain.
  • Bloody stool
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bowel problems


Repeated consumption of non-food items for a long period of time could prove dangerous. This is because some of these items have toxic, poisonous and bacterial content. Some health implications include;

  • Lead poisoning
  • Intestinal blockage or tearing
  • Teeth injuries
  • Infections
  • Iron defi


Some risk factors of pica include;

  • Mental health disorders like autism, schizophrenia, e.t.c
  • Iron-deficiency anemia
  • Malnutrition
  • Pregnancy
Why you need folic acid during pregnancy


The first course of treatment for pica is checking for nutritional deficiencies.


At times, the development of pica is an indication that your body is trying to compensate for a mineral or vitamin lack. Thus, using vitamins or nutritional supplements to treat such deficiencies usually helps resolve the pica. 

However, if pica is not caused by malnutrition or does not stop after nutritional supplementation, other forms of management need to be considered. There are a variety of behavioral therapies available.

Your health care providers will be in the best position to recommend one.

In Conclusion

A majority of pica cases go unreported in Africa, because most people who have this disorder tend to be secretive about it. The onus thus is in the court of health-care providers to pay key attention to any tell tale signs or even inquire specifically about any abnormal eating habits. Find out about foods to avoid during pregnancy

  • Mary S. Jackson, A. Christson Adedoyin & Sarah N. Winnick (2020) Pica Disorder among African American Women: A Call for Action and Further Research, Social Work in Public Health, 35:5, 261-270, DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2020.1791778
  • Pica. (2018, February 22). National Eating Disorders Association.
  • Abu, Brenda & van den Berg-van Antwerpen, Violet & Raubenheimer, Jacques & Louw, Vernon. (2017). Pica Practices among Apparently Healthy Women and Their Young Children in Ghana. Physiology & Behavior. 177. 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.04.012.
  • Dr. Baffah Muhammad, Aminu & Mohammed, Alkali & Muhammed, Bala & Abdulrazak, Toyin & Chinedu, Aniobi. (2020). Prevalence of pica among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in a tertiary facility in Nigeria. Annals of African Medical Research. 2. 10.4081/aamr.2019.89.
  • Sule S. Madugu HN. Pica in pregnant women in Zaria, Nigeria, Niger J Med 2001;10:25-7
  • Nyarohucha CN. Food cravings, aversions and pica among pregnant women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzan J Health Res 2009;11:29-34

Five Online Pregnancy Calculators In Nigeria

You are a pregnant, expecting woman. Perhaps you want to know how far in you are or when you would possibly deliver. Or you are a busy woman who would like to plan her life adequately around her pregnancy period. Maybe you are just not sure or do not even know your due date. Cue in online pregnancy calculators.

These algorithms help you figure out your estimated due date for delivery. They work on various information you will be asked for.

How do pregnancies occur?

As a benefit of this digital and internet powered age, these calculators are now to be easily accessed online. Either via websites or as applications for your android or IOS powered phones.

A lot of us have mobile phones and access to the internet. Therefore, this makes it very convenient for these form of help to be easily gotten.

Online pregnancy calculators include applications and websites such as:

Ovia Pregnancy Tracker (Baby due date countdown)

This application helps you figure out how many weeks you are in your pregnancy. It also gives a countdown to your delivery day. Added benefits of this application are weekly video simulations of what your baby looks like on that day during countdown.

It also provides baby names, pregnancy related daily articles and safety lookup tools. As well as a community for questions and answers and support for its users.

Image from Google Play Store
An online pregnancy calculator with baby names.

Pregnancy +

This application gives you your due date. It also provides an avenue for you to put in various information you might want to monitor during your pregnancy. You can monitor your baby’s kicks via the kick counter, contraction times, weight monitor among other things.  

You can monitor your baby’s kicks via the kick counter, contraction times, weight monitor among other things with pregnancy+.
Image from Google Play Store
An online pregnancy calculator showing week of pregnancy

An easily remembered site if we might say. This site as with others mentioned, gives you your pregnancy week and possible delivery date. It also gives other probable information based on other data provided. Furthermore, it lets you know of the changes to expect in your body by week and trimester. Information is then provided on how to prepare or get used to them.

If you are not pregnant yet, this site also acts as an ovulation calculator. It helps you monitor when you are likely to ovulate. This increases your chances of getting pregnant.

If you are not pregnant yet, also acts as an ovulation calculator. It helps you monitor when you are likely to ovulate.
Image from Google Play Store
An online pregnancy calculator showing what baby might look like.

This website gives you information on how to make the calculations yourself offline if you want to do that. It also answers other questions you just might have with their frequently posted articles. Furthermore, they also have a phone application – Pregnancy & Baby Tracker.

What to expect" answers other questions you just might have with their frequently posted articles
Image from Google Play Store
An online pregnancy calculator showing baby size
Image from Google Play Store
An online pregnancy calculator explaining body changes

Pregnancy Tracker Week by Week

This application as with the basics already mentioned above comes with other plans. For example, there’s a diet plan that guides you on proper nutrition for during pregnancy. It gives you quizzes to test your knowledge and get you ready for childbirth. There are also great tips for each week of your pregnancy.

"pregnancy tracker week by week gives you quizzes to test your knowledge and get you ready for childbirth
Image from Google Play Store
An online pregnancy calculator showing weight and length of baby

The special features on these websites and applications are all helpful in one way or the other . A guide to knowing what to expect can make pregnancies easier to deal with. Try a bunch of them before deciding which works for you. Don’t forget, they don’t replace the medical advice from you doctor.

References, 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 June 2020].

Daramola, A., 2019. HOWTOTECH. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 June 2020].

expect, W. t., 2020. What to expect. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 June 2020]., 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 June 2020].

How can I know when I am ovulating?

Ovulation involves the release of an egg from the female ovary in preparation for fertilisation and pregnancy.

Do I hear you say why should I care?

Source: Giphy

For women trying to get pregnant, knowing when you ovulate is quite important in determining the fertile window (that is, the period where intercourse is likeliest to lead to pregnancy).

The sperm can live up to five days in the female reproductive system, so having sex within this window greatly increases the chance of pregnancy.

eggs and sperm illustratedusing noodles and sunny side up eggs
sperm fertilise female eggs for conception

When does ovulation occur?

In a regular, 28-day circle, ovulation usually takes place around day 14. However, most women’s menstrual cycle are not usually this regular. In this setting, ovulation usually takes place within four days before or after the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.

How would I know I am ovulating?

Basal body temperature: The body temperature slightly increases after ovulation. By getting a thermometer specifically made for that purpose, track your body temperature over a period of time till a pattern emerges. Having observed this pattern, you can have sex just before you are expecting a rise in your temperature.

Change in cervical mucus: Before ovulation, you might observe that the cervical mucus becomes clearer (some people say it looks like egg whites), slippery and quite stretchy. This will be observed as a vaginal discharge

eggs and sperm illustratedusing noodles and sunny side up eggs
cervical mucous chages to an egg white consistency

Progesterone ovulation tests: These test strips check for progesterone metabolites levels in the urine. The level of these metabolites usually increases after ovulation, so studying your body and timing sex before a rise in progesterone levels help increase the chance of pregnancy.

Ovulation predictor kits: The levels of Luteinising hormone (LH) usually increase during ovulation, so these test kits give you a fairly accurate idea of your fertile window. By monitoring the levels of LH throughout your menstrual cycle, you would be able to determine your fertile window.


None of these methods are 100% reliable.

It is very important that you are patient with yourself and your body while you are trying to conceive. Please, also carry your doctor along in any steps you may be taking to get pregnant.


WebMD; 28/7/2020;

Rachel Gurevich; 28/7/2020;

10 meals you can use to wean your baby off breast milk

While most parents would prefer to wean their child on canned/pureed food, the Nigerian economy makes constant shopping for imported meals very difficult. In this article, we would run through markers showing you that your child is old enough to be weaned and local foods that you can use to wean your baby.


We have everything in our Nigerian food basket to increase your breastmilk supply and keep our babies nourished.

How do you know if baby is old enough to be weaned?

Your baby can sit upright and hold their head straight up without lagging.

The baby shows interest in your meals and can open their mouth when food comes their way.

Your baby can swallow food from a spoon into his/her throat

Baby weaning food
Your baby should be able to hold her back straight by themselves and swallow from a spoon

What foods can I use to wean my baby?

1. Pap/Ogi/Akamu

Who hasn’t taken Ogi before? This jack-of-all-trades meal is especially better for babies as it does not have to be chewed. To make this more nutritious for your baby, you should get involved in making pap from scratch. You could make a blend of more than one cereal; guinea corn, millet, maize. Soya beans, groundnuts, ginger and others can be blended in. It can be sweetened with mashed fruit such as banana and milk. Pap to be fed to babies should however be waterier in order to aid digestion.

2. Custard

Ogi that travelled abroad, the custard is similar to pap but is industrially processed instead. Like ogi, it can be spiced up for better nutrition for the baby. It comes with the added advantage of being ‘relatively’ more hygienic for the baby than pap bought from the roadside. Do you know you can also make custard from scratch at home?

3. Semovita

Another versatile meal, semo can be consumed by the baby in solid or semi-liquid form. Semo can be taken with soup in its solid form. In semi-solid form, please ensure that it Is slightly thick. You can also add ground crayfish or milk to make it more nutritious.

4. Fruits

Fruits are jampacked with nutrients that are very integral to your baby’s health. Depending on the type of fruits, they can be mashed (e.g. bananas, avocado pear), blended (e.g. watermelons), and even mixed to give variety. Also, you can conveniently give these to your little one using a baby food pouch. Unripe bananas particularly can be made into a blended savory porridge with fish powder and green vegetables.

Baby weaning food, banana

5. Eggs

A great source of protein, eggs should be boiled and properly mashed before being fed to the baby. The quantity should also be slowly increased from half an egg to a whole egg over a period of six months.

6. Vegetables

Vegetables are nutrient-laden foods and very good for the baby. You can prepare delicious meals with okra or ewedu prepared with mashed mackerel. Local pumpkin can also be boiled or steamed and pureed for baby.

7. Avocados

Avocados contain omega-3 fatty acids which are very good for the heart. They can be mashed and eaten alone or blended with other fruits.

Avocado as a baby weaning food
Avocados can be served alone or in combination with other pureed vegetables

8. Potatoes

You can use Irish or sweet potatoes. They are alternative sources of carbohydrates for babies. However, potatoes that would be fed to babies should be properly cooked and mashed. You can also cook it with blended crayfish, scent leaves (nchowu aka ntong) and “Titus” (mackerel) fish.

9. Beans

Beans are a good source of fibre for the baby, thus easing bowel movement for the baby. However, please cook the beans till soft and mash before giving the baby.

10. Rice

While this is a staple for many Nigerian families, it is a delicate meal for babies. Unpolished (brown) rice is rich in vitamin B. It should be boiled till soft and mashed or blended so that the baby can easily eat. It can be served as a sweet pudding with pureed bananas, cinamon and coconut milk.

Rice as a baby weaning food
Rice especially brown rice can be made as a savoury or pudding for babies
Image: Shutterstock
Nutrients for childhood development
Nigerian foods that can increase breastmilk supply



Babies grow at a remarkable rate from the moment they are born. Mothers often worry about selecting the best formula to meet their babies’ needs. Once chosen, you may feel a bit nervous about how to prepare and store this formula safely.

Mothers often worry about selecting the best formula to meet their baby's needs.

A lot of nutrients are required to support the amazing growth rate of babies. The best way to provide your baby with these nutrients is through breast milk. However, some situations where challenges to breastfeeding exist necessitate formula feeding. It’s also become increasingly popular in recent times.

In plain terms, this is the feeding of an infant or toddler with a prepared formula. This formula can be used to feed your baby on its own or to supplement breast milk.

What Nutrients Are Present In Formula

Whether from breast milk or formula, some basic nutrients and vitamins that your growing child needs to stay healthy are:

  1. Calcium: For strong teeth and bones.
  2. Fat. Provides energy and protection against infections. Also helps with brain development and maintenance of healthy skin and hair.
  3. Folate. Helps in growth and development.
  4. Iron. This aids brain development and building of blood cells.
  5. Protein and Carbohydrates. Serves as a source of energy and fuel for your growing baby.
  6. Zinc. Encourages cell growth and repair.
  7. Vitamins: Vit. A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E and K are essential for healthy skin, hair, vision, blood cells, brain, immune system, bones, teeth, muscles, e.t.c.
baby formulas are fotified with nutrients some of the nutrients your baby needs

Although most infant formulas are gotten from cow’s milk, they are enriched with the necessary nutrients. Whether your situation makes the use of formula from the start necessary or to introduce it to your baby later on, you will likely have a lot of questions.

How do I choose the best formula for my baby?
How do I prepare and store my baby’s formula?
What formula is right for my baby’s age?
Is my baby getting enough milk?

In this article is all the information you need to know about infant formula. Determining your baby’s hunger and satiety cues will also help to make this journey easier.

Always follow the instructions on the label when making formula

 Types of Infant Formula

The three main types of infant formula are:

1. Cow Milk Protein-Based

This is the most common type of infant formula available as most formulas are made from cow’s milk. These formulas have been fortified to contain the right amount of nutrients that would support your baby’s growth. In addition, they are formulated to make it easier for your baby to digest. However, some babies are allergic to the proteins in cow’s milk and thus need other types of formula.

2. Soy-Based

These are perfect for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk formula. Occasionally, a baby may be intolerant of both cow’s milk and soy milk as well. In this case, another kind of formula is needed.

3. Protein Hydrolysate Formulas

Protein hydrolysate formulas are best suitable for babies who have a protein allergy and cannot digest either cow or soy milk. The proteins in this formula have been broken down into smaller components that such babies can tolerate.

Apart from these 3, there are special formula preparations for infants who are born preterm or have special health conditions.

How are they sold?

There are 3 preparations of infant formula that you can choose from based on what suits you best. These include:

Powdered Formula

This is the most common and affordable. It comes in powder form that needs to be dissolved with water.

Concentrated Liquid Formula

Even though it’s in liquid form, this formula preparation is also required to be mixed with water before feeding your baby.

Ready-to-Use Formula

Just like the name implies, this is ready-to-use to feed a baby. It does not need to be prepared with any water. It is the most convenient type of infant formula. However, it’s also very expensive. 


Based on age, infant formulas can be classified into 3 stages;

Stage 1 ( 0-6 Months)

This infant formula is creamy and attempts are made to make it similar to breast milk. In addition, contains starch as well as lactose and would keep your baby full.

Stage 2 (6 Months Onward)

You may notice that this formula is creamier than stage 1 formula and contains more energy. You are to begin this formula when your baby is ready to start eating baby food. Depending on your preference, it can either be fed to your baby alone or used to supplement baby food. This formula will leave your growing baby more satisfied with his/her food.

Stage 3 (10 Months Onward)

This final formula is contains more starch, nutrients and energy to suit your growing baby’s needs.

How to Prepare Your Baby’s Formula

  • Remember to wash your hands well before preparing your baby’s food.
  • Clean and sanitize the area where you plan to make your baby’s food.
  • Wash and sterilize your baby’s bottles and other feeding utensils.
Always wash your hands before preparing formula
  • If you are using powdered formula:

1) Use water from a safe source to prepare your baby’s formula. It is advisable to use distilled or boiled water. Please, do not use sachet water.

2) Check the instructions on the formula container for the quantity of water to use. Most feeding bottles come calibrated and can be used to get an accurate measurement. Please use the exact amount stated because:

  • Too much water can make the preparation too dilute and unable to meet your baby’s nutritional needs.
  • Too little water can make the preparation too concentrated. This would cause your baby’s organs to work extra hard, leaving your baby dehydrated and or constipated.


Use the prepared formula quickly or store it immediately.

  • Unopened infant formula should be stored indoors in a cool and dry place. Do not put your baby’s formula in your vehicles, garage, or any other place outdoors for a long period of time.
  • Always make sure you check the expiry date on the container of the infant formula before you use it.
  • Use it within 2hours after you prepare it or 1hour after you start feeding your baby. Do not leave your prepared formula out at room temperature longer than this. It would get spoilt.

If you are mixed feeding, follow this link to learn more about storing breastmilk.

How do I decide on what formula to use?


  • If you do not plan on using your prepared formula within 2hours, store it in the fridge immediately and use within 24hours.
  • Use warm water to heat up your baby’s formula. You can place it for a few minutes under running warm water, or place it in a bowl of warm water. Never use a microwave to warm your baby’s formula.
  • Before you feed your baby, pour a few drops on the back of your hand to make sure it is not too hot.
  • Get rid of any remnant formula after feeding your baby and wash the feeding bottle immediately. The combination of the formula and your baby’s saliva can allow bacteria to grow, making it unhealthy for your baby’s consumption.
  • Make sure you clean and sterilize the feeding bottles before each feed.

Although no formula can truly replicate breast milk, modern formulas provide a close alternative where a mother chooses not to breastfeed or breastmilk from a mum or a donor is unavailable.

Bottle feeding moments are amazing opportunities for you and your baby to get closer and to know each other more.

Also, bottle feeding allows your partner and other family members to help you with some of the feeding sessions so you can rest or return to work. If for any reason your baby doesn’t like bottles, you can learn about alternative ways of feeding baby

7 Signs your baby is hungry

Malaria In Pregnancy: Prevention and Treatment

Malaria is one of the most common health challenges for pregnant women in Nigeria. Although malaria can be life-threatening, it is preventable. During pregnancy, the prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy is done with simple behavior changes and medication.

Let’s consider the causes, treatment and prevention of malaria in pregnancy.

What Causes Malaria?

Malaria is caused by a parasite carried by the female anopheles mosquito. These mosquitoes transmit the parasite to humans when they bite us. They prefer to bite at dusk and dawn.

So far, the strains of malaria parasites identified include Plasmodium Malariae, Plasmodium Ovale, Plasmodium Vivax and Plasmodium Falciparum. Even though Plasmodium Falciparum is the most lethal strain, Plasmodium Vivax, on the other hand, is the most common, and has a tendency to remain latent in the liver and placenta causing relapses of malaria.

During pregnancy, women have a decreased immunity that places them at a higher risk of contracting malaria. In addition to this, the weather condition in Nigeria also plays a major part. During the rainy season, mosquitoes grow faster and the spread of malaria increases.

Pregnancy and Malaria

Malaria is common in pregnant women. Their immune system during pregnancy does a poor job of protecting mums from malaria infection during pregnancy. Once they get into the bloodstream, the parasites love to hide and multiply in the placenta. ⠀

Immunity is lowest during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters. As a result, it is really important to be extra careful in this period.

 Malaria is caused by a parasite carried by the female anopheles mosquito

Signs and Symptoms of Malaria

The basic signs and symptoms of malaria include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Diarrhoea
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweats
  • Tummy aches
  • Weakness / Fatigue
  • Chills

Note that some mums may have the parasites and not experience symptoms. They can still pass malaria to their growing babies.

Risk factors of malaria in pregnant women

  • Living in a region where malaria is common
  • Living in a dirty environment: A dirty environment provides a good breeding space for mosquitoes. If a pregnant woman is living in an area that is dirty and/or there are collections of stagnant water around, she has a very high risk of contracting malaria. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water collected in disused containers, vehicle tires, clogged-up gutters, and so on.
  • Blood transfusion: Receiving blood from someone who has malaria or has just been treated for malaria puts the pregnant woman at risk for malaria. The baby also has a chance of contracting the malaria from the mother’s blood in severe cases.

Malaria Drugs For Pregnant Women

For malaria in pregnancy, prevention and treatment must follow proper medical guidance. Your treatment depends on your age, pregnancy stage, and severity of symptoms.

Malaria treatment for pregnant women should be done under proper medical guidance.

Your doctor is in the best position to tell you what drug to use at that particular time. This is because certain malaria medications are unsafe in the first trimester. So be sure you are not pregnant or in the early stages before taking them. Others, if taken too close to delivery can cause jaundice in the newborn. However, the WHO recommends sulfadoxin- pyrimethamine as a drug of choice for prevention and artemisinin based combination for treatment of pregnant women with malaria.

Please, avoid over-the-counter drugs at all times. Ensure that your doctor is well informed regarding all matters pertaining to your health during your pregnancy .


  • Stay in a clean environment. Eliminate stagnant water completely and make sure that your garbage is properly disposed.
  • Use of long acting insecticide treated mosquito nets while sleeping and mosquito repellent is encouraged.
  • When you’re using mosquito repellents, ensure you use in the appropriate quantity specified by the manufacturer. An excess use of repellent does not equal an extra kill effect on the mosquitoes, rather, you are placing your health at a higher risk.
  • Wear light-coloured clothes as much as possible. This is because mosquitoes are more attracted to dark colours. Ensure your dresses are full-length and long-sleeved especially at night.
  • The World Health Organisation recommends intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) for all pregnant women. This is with a medication called sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine(SP) (Fansidar) for mums who don’t react to sulfur. From the second trimester, this is to be taken twice in pregnancy for regular mums and 3 times for HIV positive mothers. This treatment reduces the number of episodes of malaria. It reduces the chances of anaemia in mum and baby as well as infant death. Your doctor will advise on the dosage and timing.
IPTp reduces the number of episodes of malaria in pregnancy, and reduces the chances of anaemia in mum and baby as well as infant death.

Effects of Malaria on Pregnancy

  • Anaemia : The parasite makes us ill by destroying the oxygen carrying red blood cells starving the tissues of the fuel they need to function and thrive. This explains the weakness and fatigue associated with malaria
  • Miscarriages⠀⠀
  • Low birth weight: Malaria can cause poor growth and malformations in the baby
  • Still birth
  • Malaria in the newborn: The new born also has a risk of coming down with malaria after getting infected through the placenta.


Take care of your surroundings and ensure that your environment is clean at all times. Please try and get your doses of preventive anti-malaria medication during your antenatal care period. Not all fevers are malaria. Remember, it is important for every sick mum to take a test before getting malaria drugs.

Call or visit the clinic whenever you feel unwell. Please avoid the use of over-the-counter drugs at all costs.

  • Romita P (2017). Malaria During Pregnancy. Accessed on 21st August, 2020 from
  • WHO, 2017. Malaria in pregnant women, Geneva: WHO.
  • WHO, 2014. “WHO policy brief for the implementation of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP).” [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30th August 2020].

Why Does Your Child Need To Sleep Early?

The benefits and dangers of inadequate quality sleep

Sleep is an essential part of human development. Sleeping early and adequately is as important as food to the body.

Lack of adequate sleep can spell dangers in the body, but I won’t be going into the science details of it.

How do you feel as a parent when you’ve not had enough consolidated sleep? Imagine sleeping for 3-4 hours consecutively for about 3 days. Tell me: tired, cranky, unhappy, exhausted, unproductive, the list is not exhaustive. Now, imagine what your children go through each day when they are not having enough good sleep. Mainly due to frequent wakes and late nights .

How do you feel as a parent when you have not had enough sleep?

6 Benefits of good consolidated sleep

  • Children are more alert at school, easily grasp and comprehend things. Which parent wouldn’t want this for their child? Yes, we know children can be forgetful, but it’s totally different from not being able to comprehend things quicker.
  • Increase in concentration level. 
  • Physically and emotionally healthy as the brain repair and recovery takes place during a consolidated sleep period.
  • Your child’s growth hormone is developed adequately during sleep.
  • You get to have Me time for yourself when your child is fast asleep. You get to be more productive, have mummy time to make things happen.You can read a book or even raise your leg up and watch your favourite TV shows..
  • It also provides more hours for bonding time with your partner. Don’t you love the sound of this….no interruption from your adorable one.

Mistakes parents make that hinder good sleep habits in their children:

  • Bad habits by allowing your child to share the bed with you and your partner.
  • Guilt:  As a working parent as you give yourself the excuse that you need to bond with your child. However, most times, you don’t bond, rather everyone gets occupied with gadgets.
  • Convenience to you due to lack of patience in putting your child to bed. You just don’t want to stop what you’re doing at the expense of your child’s health.
  • You just want to give in or do not want your child to cry. Your child doesn’t want to go to bed. You then agree to let your child call the shots. Who is the parent? Who is the child?

5 Signs that show your child’s pattern needs to be improved

Frequent tantrums may be a sign your child needs more sleep
Frequent tantrums may be a sign your child needs more sleep
  • Your child throws too many unnecessary tantrums.
  • Your child cries too much especially in the mornings.
  • If you have to wake the child up in the mornings and the child is refusing to wake up or is sleepy till he or she is ready for school.
  • You are in and out of hospital many days except your child has a form of health challenge.
  • You aren’t as productive as you should be as a mum.
getting your kids to bed at a good time will give you more time for selfcare and productivity

Creating a pattern for your child needs consistency and a realistic sleep routine.

If you are having challenges creating a great consolidated sleep pattern for your child, you are advised to train your child.

Sleep training is basically a process of helping a baby learn to sleep well. Children need an average of about 10-14 hours of consolidated sleep everyday depending on their age. Newborns need about 14-16 hours.

Some mums say “I wasn’t sleep trained and I grew up great, why should I train my children?”. But what we forget as parents is that LIFE sleep trained us.

Remember those days of no gadgets, cable TV, or unlimited access to the internet. Remember, children’s TV stations close by 7pm. Your parents went to bed after 10pm news. There was no generator and when power goes off, everyone retires in bed. So we were sleeping well and having our uninterrupted sleep. Fast forward to this digital age with everything running 24 hours. 24-hour access to the internet, electricity, generators, TV, phones, etc. This lifestyle is greatly affecting our sleep patterns thus affecting the quality of our health.

Hence it is necessary to help your child develop a great sleep pattern now. Imagine their lives just 10 years down the line if nothing is done now in this digital age.

If your child isn’t having enough sleep or you as a mum aren’t either , you are harming both of you. Is this what you really want or will you do something about it today? 

Think about it.….

Image: Shutterstock

Do you want to take a step in creating great sleep habits and lifestyle for your child? Click here to enjoy 20% discount on our several sleep packages.

You aren’t sure if purchasing a sleep package or hiring a child sleep consultant would be a good fit for your family? Email us so we can decide together or book a Free 15-minute phone consultation – Schedule now! 

Can’t wait to work with you!

TEMI OLAJIDE is a Certified Child Sleep/Potty Training Consultant and Child Psychologist, and Nigeria’s first Child Sleep Consultant.

She’s the founder of Mummyclinicc, which hosts an online platform that provides strategies and result-driven solutions to the challenges of child rearing in the digital age.

Her latest book , Wi-Fi Kids and Analog Parents, equips parents on how to raise well-rounded kids in the digital age in Africa.

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Postpartum Back Pain: Causes and Treatment

Menstrual pain, labor pain, breastfeeding pain, and now, postpartum back pain?

Does the list ever end?

Of course, bringing a baby into the world is one of the most amazing experiences in every woman’s life. However, the process also comes with its fair share of hurdles.

For some women, this includes postpartum back pain.

postpartum back pain black woman

No one would choose to experience pain of any kind. However, that doesn’t stop it from springing up from time to time. In this article, we’d provide you with accurate and relatable info on the causes and treatment of back pain after childbirth.

What Exactly Is Postpartum Back Pain?

Postpartum back pain is a sore, sharp, or stiff ache at your lower back. For some women, it starts right from pregnancy until delivery. On the other hand, certain women continue to experience it way after delivery.


Let’s talk about some of the major causes of postpartum back pain.

Major Causes of Postpartum Back Pain

1. Hormones

Once again, the hormones are responsible. Hormonal change during pregnancy is a leading cause of postpartum back pain for most women.

During pregnancy, hormones like relaxin are produced to loosen your pelvic ligaments and joints to make childbirth easier. However, if these hormones remain in the body long after delivery, it increases the possibility of experiencing postpartum back pain.

2. Weight Gain

The more weight you gain during pregnancy, the higher your chances of experiencing lower back pain after delivery.


As a result of the increased weight in pregnancy, your knees and muscles have to perform a lot of extra work. Sadly, this can also trigger postpartum back pain.

3. Uterine Changes

Of course, your uterus expands to accommodate your growing baby during pregnancy. As a result, there is an increased strain on your back muscles which can cause pain in your lower back.


4. Sleepless Nights

Motherhood comes with a lot of changes. One of which is an obvious change to sleep patterns. Due to the midnight feeding sessions and sleepless nights, your lower back muscles may get tense and begin to ache.

5. Wrong Posture

In the early stages, many women struggle with finding the right posture for breastfeeding. A wrong posture stresses the lower back muscles, causing pain and discomfort.


Bring baby up to breast level and support your back and arms with pillows during breastfeeding to avoid back pain. Furthermore, it helps to always stand with your back straight and shoulder high.

Don’t fret.

There are many easy ways to relieve postpartum back pain.

What Can I Do To Reduce Postpartum Back Pain?

1. Exercise

As you recover from childbirth, engage in regular and low-intensity postpartum exercise. Take a walk for about 20-30min daily. Start slowly so that you don’t wear yourself out.


Before you do this, don’t forget to consult your doctor to know what routine is best for you (especially if you had a Caesarean section).

2. Avoid Stress

Avoid lifting heaving objects in order to reduce the stress on your muscles and joints. Remember to avoid strenuous exercise in the early days after delivery especially if you had a C-section. In addition to this, give your body time to heal and avoid standing for a long periods.

3. Always Maintain a Good Posture

A good posture is guaranteed to help you relieve (or avoid) postpartum back pain. For example, if you want to pick something up from the floor, bend your knees and not your waist and lift it off from there.

Always maintain good breastfeeding positions to avoid back pain.

Good breastfeeding positions

In addition, get close enough to your baby before stretching or kneeling to carry him/her from the bed or floor.

What’s the bottom line?

Avoid stretching your arms from a distance at all costs.

4. Get a Massage


A proper massage would relax your muscles and ease the tension you may be feeling at your lower back.

5. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eating right helps you lose that baby fat and reduce muscle strain.

The right meal at the right time and in the right quantity will help you lose all that extra weight and in turn reduce the stress on your back muscles.


Regardless of all these, if the pain persists, consult your doctor. You may need a full assessment and/or physiotherapy.

A Final Note From Edie & Amy

 Your health is very important, Mama.

The fact is: If you’re not strong and healthy, it may be really difficult to care for your little one. As you recover, follow the tips mentioned in this article to ease any pain in your back as you continue on this beautiful journey of motherhood.

  • Anisha Nain (2019). Back Pain After Delivery. Accessed on 14th August, 2020 from
  • Maria Masters (2020). Postpartum Back Pain. Accessed on 14th August, 2020 from



Pregnancy can be stressful, we know this.

Of course, being pregnant during the spread of a global pandemic can definitely be overwhelming. If you are currently pregnant, we understand how worried you may feel.

Your mind has most likely been tossing and turning with questions about how COVID-19 would affect you and your baby.

being pregnant during the spread of a global pandemic can definitely be overwhelming
Of course, being pregnant during the spread of a global pandemic can definitely be overwhelming. If you are currently pregnant, we understand how worried you may feel.

As usual, we are here for you. Here are some vital things about COVID-19 and your pregnancy that you need to know.

What Is COVID-19?

Pandemic… Coronavirus… COVID-19.

We have heard these terms almost a zillion times these past few months. But what exactly is the COVID-19?

Simply put, it is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus called SARS COV-2

And yes, it is very, very real.

No, it is not a “white man’s disease”. Neither does it affect only “rich people”.

Anybody can get infected because it spreads through human interaction. One can get infected by staying close to an infected person who is coughing or sneezing. The virus can even be contracted by touching an infected person or surface, then touching one’s eyes, mouth or nose.

What do you feel if you get it?

Most signs usually appear within 2 – 14 days after exposure. The common symptoms of covid-19 include;

  • Fever
  • Cough and/or sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chills
  • Body pain
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Diarrhoea

If you or anyone around you has any of these symptoms, please stay at home and contact the NCDC (Nigerian Center for Disease Control) as soon as possible.

Note that some people may be infected and not show symptoms. These people can still spread the virus.

COVID-19 and Pregnancy

A lot is still unknown about the new coronavirus, although a lot of research is ongoing.

It is already known that people with underlying health conditions are more likely to have complications. However, no evidence suggests that pregnant women without underlying health conditions face such risks.

Furthermore, there are a lot of unknowns about how COVID-19 affects pregnancy. As an expecting mom, you are strongly advised to adhere strictly to the social distancing guidelines. Also take extra care to follow proper hygiene by regular hand washing and sanitizing.

COVID-19 And Your Birth Plan

Yes, we know. You already have a lot of plans in place, from your hospital, to your doctor, to your birthing partner, to your birthing videos and pictures, and many more.

some aspects of your birth plan may have to change due to the pandemic

Unfortunately, some of these plans may have to change. The level of change may be different for each hospital or birthing center, but here are a few things that you should prepare you mind for;

  • Change of birthing location or center.
  • Unavailability of your preferred doctor or nurse
  • Compulsory screening for COVID-19
  • Your birthing partner being restricted from entering the delivery room.
  • Your doctors, nurses and you may be required to wear protective gear. `
  • Restrictions on your movement
  • Restrictions on the amount of visitors you can have

COVID -19 and Your Unborn Baby

It is still uncertain whether or not coronavirus can be transferred from mother to child.

Current research however suggests that it is very unlikely. In some countries it is advised though that babies born to mothers who have COVID-19 be separated from their moms for 14 days. This may have negative effects on breastfeeding. If you are well enough and choose to have skin to skin and/or breastfeed and your baby is stable, nothing stops you from doing so following these precautions.

Wash your hands before touching your baby, breast pumps or bottles

Try to avoid coughing or sneezing on your baby

Wearing a mask or face covering when carrying baby

Follow recommendations for pump or bottle cleaning before and after use

Express your breastmilk and consider asking someone who is well to feed your baby

RCOG. Corona Virus Infection and Pregnancy: Information For Pregnant Women and Their Families. U Accessed 13/8/2020

The benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risks.

We know, we know. This is a very distressing thought. However, it is only for a short period of time, and it is for the ultimate benefit of you and your baby. 

How Can You Protect Yourself?

The best way to do this is to practice social distancing, especially if you are pregnant. Even if there is no confirmed case in your area, please stay at home as much as possible.

Protect yourself and others by using a mask
Protect yourself and others by wearing a mask properly

Stock up on essential items if you can. If you must go out in public, always wear your face mask and never forget your hand sanitizer at home.

Wash your hands regularly

The COVID-19 pandemic has left the world at large in a state of shock and uncertainty.

These are stressful times, and we wish the pandemic would just go away. However, for as long as it is here, we need to do our part to live through it. This is only possible if we follow all guidelines that have been laid down for us.

Wash your hands regularly. Sanitize frequently touched surfaces like door handles, tables, stairways, etc. regularly. Practice social distancing, avoid physical touch as much as possible. Doing this would not only protect you, but would protect everyone around you, including your unborn child.

It is our honest hope that you stay safe during these trying times. Once again, please remember to wash your hands and sanitize!