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Newborn Grunting: Causes and Remedies

Babies can make grunting noises at various times of the day and night, from newborns to toddlers. Some parents are concerned about these noises even though, in most cases, they are perfectly normal. This grunting, however, can occasionally point to a medical problem, such as mucus buildup, gastric reflux, or irregular breathing.

This article discusses the causes of newborn grunting. It also explains the related symptoms, home treatments, and when to see a doctor. Let’s get right into it!

Is Newborn Grunting Normal?

You watch every single sound and movement your baby makes as a new parent. Most of the time, your baby’s gurgling sounds and squirms seem so adorable and helpless. However, if they moan, you may wonder if they’re in pain or in need of assistance.

Grunting in newborns typically has to do with digesting.

Simply put, your infant is adjusting to breast milk or formula. Due to the fact that they haven’t yet learned how to get things through, babies may feel uncomfortable due to gas or pressure in their stomachs. Although grunting is generally acceptable, if your baby is grunting constantly, has a fever, or seems to be in distress, visit your doctor. This grunting may be an indication of a more serious respiratory issue that requires urgent care.

Causes of Newborn Grunting

As they get used to having bowel motions, newborns frequently grunt. This is commonly referred to as “grunting baby syndrome” by doctors. Rest assured, it’s fairly common and rarely a sign of something serious.

Adults frequently relax their pelvic floor while passing stools by applying pressure with their stomach muscles, which aids in moving the feces through the digestive tract. A newborn uses their diaphragm muscle to move their intestines, initially because their stomach muscles are not yet strong enough to do so. They may grunt as a result of pressure on the voice box caused by the diaphragm’s workout.

newborn grunting

Other reasons why infants grunt include:

  1. Irregular Breathing Patterns: as they learn to manage their breathing patterns, newborns may grunt.
  2. Mucus in the Nose and Nasal Passages: your baby’s nasal canal and nose are both rather small. It makes feeding easier as they generally breathe through their noses. Babies frequently produce a lot of mucus. Their little nose or nasal canal can become obstructed very easily, resulting in odd noises, coughs, and sneezes. 

Wipe your baby’s nose, use a nasal aspirator, or give them a baby-specific saline nasal rinse to help them clear their nasal channel. If your infant is groaning with each breath, call a doctor right away. 

  1. Acid Reflux: Some infants get acid reflux. During digestion, this may cause gurgling and grunting noises. The muscles in your baby’s digestive tract are still growing, so they occasionally fail to keep the muscle between the stomach and esophagus closed properly. The majority of baby actions, including resting flat, contribute to this condition. Acid reflux in infants most of the time is entirely normal. Rarely, newborn reflux may indicate a more serious condition, especially if it is accompanied by any of the symptoms listed below:
  • Failure to gain weight
  • Frequent forceful vomiting
  • Spit up is green, yellow, red (blood-like), or brown
  • Won’t eat
  • Has blood in their stool or diaper
  1. Constipation: babies frequently experience some minor feces difficulties as gravity helps feces leave your body when you stand up. It can be more challenging for babies because they frequently lie horizontally. When your baby is attempting to push out an uncomfortable bowel movement, they may groan and become red-faced. 

How can you tell if your child has constipation? They might be constipated if they have pebble-like, pebble-hard bowel movements or if they cry whenever they poop in their diaper. Consult your pediatrician for suggestions if your infant is constipated. They might suggest that you give them more fruit juice or water. You can read this post to learn when and how to offer fruit juice to your baby.

Seek immediate medical assistance if your kid develops constipation, a fever, vomiting, blood in the stool, or a swollen stomach.

Remedies for Newborn Grunting

There are several natural remedies for infant grunting depending on the cause of the grunts.

1. Irregular Breathing

Unless the infant exhibits symptoms of respiratory issues, irregular breathing patterns are generally harmless. When the newborn is sleeping, you can use a baby monitor to look for any signs of irregular breathing. Additionally, some people utilize movement monitors, which alert the user if the baby stops moving for a prolonged period of time.

2. Learning to Pass Stools

The grunting that occurs when a newborn is first learning to pass feces is typically normal and doesn’t need to be treated. When a newborn learns to relax their pelvic floor and their stomach muscles develop, the grunting frequently disappears. This often occurs at around three months of age.

Rub petroleum jelly on the infant’s anus if they appear to be having problems passing stool. However, if it happens too frequently, the infant may not learn how to pass stools on their own.

3. Trapped Mucus

If a baby is moaning because mucus is clogging their airways, a nasal aspirator can help.

newborn grunting

4. Acid Reflux

The home remedies listed below can assist in treating acid reflux in newborns:

  • Feeding the infant frequently.
  • Feeding the infant more gradually
  • Avoiding bottle nipples with big pores since they can make the flow go too quickly
  • Oatmeal can be used to thicken milk or formula, but first, consult a doctor
  • More frequent baby burping

When to Consult a Doctor

If these home remedies do not help, the newborn may have a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If the infant is not gaining weight, if their digestive troubles don’t go away, or if they exhibit signs that could point to lung issues.

newborn grunting

Every breath should not be grunted. A grunting sound at the end of each breath can indicate respiratory trouble. Consult your doctor if your baby is grunting frequently and is exhibiting other symptoms of sickness, such as a temperature, or seems to be in distress. This may be a symptom of a significant medical disease that needs to be treated right away. Grunting with breathing could indicate:

  • Asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Sepsis
  • Meningitis
  • Heart Failure

To assess whether your baby’s grunts are normal or indicative of another issue, look for further symptoms of respiratory distress or sickness. Additional indications of respiratory issues include:

  • Blue tongue or skin
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Nasal flaring
  • Pauses in breathing


When they are gaining the muscle power necessary to pass stools, newborns frequently grunt. Typically, the grunting is nothing to worry about. However, the grunting may be a sign of an underlying disease if certain symptoms are present. Seek immediate medical attention if a newborn is groaning and displaying any of the more serious signs mentioned above.

Although it might sound a little frightening, your baby’s grunting usually serves a very beneficial and healthy purpose. Grunting is rarely an indication of disease if your kid is healthy, active, seems content, and is getting enough to eat.

Pregnancy and Ovulation | All You Need To Know

Ovulation is a stage of the 28-day menstrual cycle. Ovulation specifically refers to the release of the egg (ovum) from the ovary of a female. If the egg is not fertilized during that time, it disintegrates (breaks down), and menstruation (your period) begins approximately two weeks (14 days) later. In this post, you’ll learn all you need to know about pregnancy and ovulation.

Don’t stop reading.

What Is Ovulation?

Reproductive hormones cooperate to activate the ovaries during the menstrual cycle, which leads to the development of follicles. Every follicle contains an immature egg. Ovulation is the release of an egg, or ovum, from the ovaries.

Pregnancy and Ovulation

In most women, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.

After ovulation, the egg moves through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus. When the sperm and egg come into contact at the proper time, conception may occur.

Signs of Ovulation

There are specific signs and also various methods of detecting ovulation. A proper understanding of these signs and symptoms is helpful while trying to conceive. You can also read this post about 7 interesting signs of ovulation.

These signs include:

1. Fertile quality vaginal discharge

Cervical mucus production is enhanced by an increase in estrogen levels before ovulation. Cervical mucus also undergoes a change in appearance, going from having a stickier, clumpier texture to resembling raw egg whites.

2. Ovulation predictor test strips

Thankfully, there are also tests available that can tell you when ovulation is about to occur, you urinate on the test to acquire a result, they operate similarly to pregnancy tests. This test strip works by detecting luteinizing hormone in your bloodstream.

3. Ovulation monitor

The ovulation monitor is a fancier form of an ovulation test strip. Some digital ovulation monitors utilize urine test strips to evaluate hormone levels, while others determine upcoming ovulation by measuring saliva, cervical secretions, or temperature.

Pregnancy and Ovulation

4. Cervical opening

The cervix rises upward, softens to the touch, and opens slightly as ovulation approaches.

5. Basal body temperature

This is the most common method of determining ovulation dates. It depends on software that uses temperature data to track the progress of your menstrual cycle. However, this method is not reliable for women with irregular periods.

6. Typical cycle length

An ovulation calendar can help you determine when you are most fertile. Although it is not 100% accurate, the findings are adequate if you have regular cycles.

Conception and Fertilization

When an egg cell from a woman travels down one of the fallopian tubes from the ovary to the uterus and it combines with a sperm cell from a fertile man as it swims up through the vagina and into the uterus, conception occurs.

You can also read this article on how to calculate your conception date.

An embryo is the product formed when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Interestingly, the baby’s DNA and sex are determined at the time of fertilization. Your child will be a boy if the sperm carries the Y chromosome and a girl if the sperm carries the X chromosome.

The fertilized egg spends about 3 to 4 days in the fallopian tube after fertilization. Within the next 24 hours, this fertilized egg rapidly divides into multiple cells. It continues to divide as it slowly passes through the fallopian tube and enters the uterus.

At this point, your body begins to release various hormones that serve as the basis of a pregnancy test and promote prenatal development.

It is at this stage that a woman experiences a missed period.

Do you stop ovulating immediately after conception?

Yes, ovulation stops after conception.

After ovulation, the absence or failure of fertilization leads to menstruation or periods. On the other hand, if the ovulated egg is fertilized, your body knows that you’re pregnant and stops the process of ovulation. This is because the hormones that cause the various signs of pregnancy also inhibit ovulation.


Furthermore, you won’t have periods while pregnant because the uterine lining remains fixed to ensure proper prenatal development during pregnancy. In the rare instance that you experience periods or heavy bleeding in the early stage of pregnancy, please consult your doctor.

Does Ovulation Happen During Pregnancy?

Although it is possible to get a positive ovulation test result during pregnancy, you cannot ovulate while pregnant.

This only happens in cases of false positive ovulation test results arising from fluctuating hormone levels. Remember, a lot of these home test kits are only about 99% accurate.

Additionally, because pregnancy causes a significant rise in hormone levels, those levels could be a little too high, causing the test to show a positive result for ovulation. Therefore, a positive ovulation test result may simply be the consequence of hormonal changes or, in that case, a flawed test.


Only extensive tests that look for many eggs or ultrasounds that check to see if an egg has been released can provide a 100% guarantee of ovulation. In some circumstances, your body may be just about to become pregnant or, regrettably, just about to have a miscarriage.

Since our biological mechanisms are designed to stop the ovulation cycle once the uterus has a fertilized egg to care for, ovulation stops once an egg is fertilized and the woman is pregnant.

Conception Dates – How Accurate Are They

Some women don’t get to know they are pregnant until a few weeks or even months after conception. It is possible that this bundle of joy will start developing inside you and you won’t know except you’re very familiar with the early signs of pregnancy. Since the time frame between conception and getting to know you’re pregnant is a little wide, an accurate estimation of the conception date becomes difficult.

The conception date is the date your baby was conceived. It can be a little difficult, if not impossible for you to know this date by yourself. This is because you can’t tell when the sperm actually fertilized your egg. In fact, you can have sperms living in your womb for about three to five days following intercourse.

conception dates

As you continue reading this article you will get to know why it is important to know your conception date, how you can know it, and the accuracy of ultrasound in knowing your conception date.

How early can you know you are pregnant?

You can go for a pregnancy test if you think you have missed your period or you have symptoms related to early pregnancy. The earliest time to take a pregnancy test is two weeks after fertilization has taken place. This is because, at that time, your body is already responding to the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy.

Thankfully, you can conduct a pregnancy test at home using a pregnancy test strip.

Why Is Your Conception Date Important?

There are a couple of reasons why you should know your conception date. Knowing your conception date is important because it helps to calculate your due date. With an accurate conception date, your health care provider can use a mathematical formula to calculate when it’s likely for you to deliver. If you don’t get to know your conception date, only an approximate delivery date will be used based on your last menstrual period (LMP).

You can also read this article to learn how to calculate your conception and baby due dates.

Another important reason why you should know your conception date is that it helps to keep track of your baby’s development. Your baby’s body development in the womb depends on the number of weeks he or she has spent there. Different parts of the body develop at different times. Therefore, knowing your timeline would help you follow the stages of pregnancy and prenatal development.

How can you know your conception date?

There are different methods to know or calculate your conception date. One of them is using your LMP. If you remember your LMP, it is easy to use mathematical formulas to know the range of days conception took place.

Read this post to see the mathematical formula to calculate conception dates.

This method has a number of shortfalls. Firstly, it is not possible to find the actual conception date, as one only gets a range. Secondly, some women don’t remember their LMP. This makes it difficult for the health care provider to estimate their conception date.

Another method to find conception dates is via an ultrasound. It is a medical device that uses sound waves to look inside your body and convert these waves to images.

During an ultrasound, a transducer at the top of your stomach emits sound waves that bounce off on your baby in the womb. The transducer then picks the echoes produced and translates them into the image of your baby and this is what you get to see on the screen.

In addition to being really easy to conduct, ultrasounds are safe for both the mother and the child.

How do ultrasounds determine conception dates?

Ultrasounds can tell how far you’ve gone in pregnancy. This happens by comparing your baby’s growth with standard growth patterns for babies. While in the womb, babies grow really fast and the growth pattern is similar for babies all around the world.

When an ultrasound converts the sound waves to images on the screen, the image that pops up is compared with the available standard growth patterns for babies. The appearance of some organs or parts of the body also tells the possible week your pregnancy might be.

The baby’s size can also be measured alongside certain other distinguishing features since specific parts or organs of the body grow at different rates and at different times. With a careful analysis of all these factors, an accurate estimate of the conception date is gotten.

Are ultrasounds really accurate in knowing your conception date?

Ultrasounds are very accurate in determining the date you actually conceived your baby. It measures the crown to rump length of your baby (i.e. head to buttocks) and this length can be used to estimate how old your baby is in the womb.

This can be traced back or compared with standard patterns to tell your conception date.

How can you get an ultrasound?

Most health care facilities, especially obstetrics and gynecology clinics have ultrasound machines. Some even offer free ultrasound scanning during antenatal clinics. With effective ultrasounds, you can easily track the progress of your pregnancy.


If you think you are pregnant or you recently discovered that you are pregnant, it is good that you get to see a doctor. It is very important to know your conception date as you monitor the progress of your pregnancy. The accuracy of the available methods of estimating the conception date differs.

Nevertheless, with an ultrasound, you’re as sure as you can ever be.

Acne During Pregnancy | Causes, Remedies & Solutions

For most women, pregnancy comes with a world of changes. From belly button changes to the mom butt issue, and even developing acne during pregnancy. If you’re in these shoes, there’s really no cause for alarm. You are not alone, and just like many women around the world, you’d find answers to the causes, remedies, and solutions to acne during pregnancy in this article.

acne during pregnancy

Don’t stop reading.

What is Pregnancy Acne?

While expecting, the accompanying hormonal fluctuations may lead to skin changes during pregnancy like breakouts or acne. In fact, studies show that at least 5 in 10 women would have acne during pregnancy.

Thankfully, understanding the causes and possible treatment of acne in pregnancy may prevent scarring and reduce discomfort on this journey.

You can also read this article to learn about the causes and treatment of perimenopausal acne.

Causes of Pregnancy Acne

As we mentioned earlier, elevated or fluctuating hormone levels during pregnancy can lead to pregnancy-related acne. In fact, high hormone levels increase natural oil production in a woman’s skin. Although it is really difficult to predict who would or wouldn’t have acne during pregnancy, it may also be related to genetic and environmental factors.

In plain terms, women who experienced acne and skin changes during puberty have a higher chance of having acne during pregnancy. Thankfully, if you don’t get acne in the first trimester, it’s unlikely that you’ll experience unusual breakouts in the second or third trimesters.

Treatment of Pregnancy Acne

Managing acne while pregnant can be difficult.

Women can treat pregnancy acne with medication or natural remedies. Nonetheless, medical treatments often come with significant risks of birth abnormalities associated with numerous prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

acne during pregnancy

Although over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription acne remedies exist, women may have concerns about the possible risks of using these products during pregnancy. In general, you should avoid any drug that even slightly increases the risk that your child will suffer injury.


According to research, there are numerous medications that can increase the risk of congenital disabilities and pregnancy complications during the period of your pregnancy. Some of these medications include:

  • Hormonal therapy 
  • Isotretinoin 
  • Oral tetracyclines 
  • Topical retinoids

The good news is: The task of treating acne during pregnancy is not impossible.

Acne products containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and erythromycin are suitable for acne treatment. Beta hydroxy acids such as salicylic acid aid to treat acne by removing dead skin cells that clog pores. Furthermore, acne-causing bacteria are killed by benzoyl peroxide, which also removes excess oil and dead skin cells from pores.

Home Remedies

Pregnant women can also attempt using natural remedies for their acne conditions. Natural remedies are the safest and most reliable solution because there are minimal or no risks. These natural remedies may be from nutrients in food consumed or by application to the skin.

Here are a few options to try:


Zinc is a crucial mineral that promotes cell division and protein production. According to recent research, pregnant women or nursing moms face an increased risk of zinc insufficiency. Therefore, they are advised to consume 11–13 milligrams (mg) of zinc per day.

The health risks of zinc deficiency include: 

On the other hand, higher zinc levels can reduce the severity of acne in pregnancy, according to studies. The results of a study showed that erythromycin and zinc acetate combined as a topical acne therapy is more effective than erythromycin alone in a gel form.

Food items that are rich in zinc include; oysters, meat, beef, pork, poultry, shellfish, beans, nuts, seeds, and yogurt.


The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects of several honey constituents may be used to treat acne. Applying honey directly to acne blemishes can be used as a spot therapy option. They can also combine honey with a few drops of lemon juice or lavender oil to create a face mask.

acne during pregnancy

Vitamin A

Vitamin A contains a group of chemical compounds called retinoids. These retinoids support a wide range of important body functions, including:

  • Immune function
  • Vision
  • Reproduction
  • Communication between cells

Topical retinoids help lessen acne symptoms and stop new acne lesions from developing. They continue to be the primary method of treating acne. However, because some retinoid drugs have the potential to result in congenital defects as earlier discussed, pregnant women should consult with a doctor before using these treatments.

Food sources rich in vitamin A, include; beef, liver, chicken, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruits, and fortified dairy products.

Pregnancy Acne Prevention

The safest course of action is good skin care. Here are some drug-free ways to treat pregnancy acne:

  • Avoid irritants
  • Wash with gentle, oil-free, alcohol-free, and a non-abrasive cleanser
  • Avoid over-cleansing so as not to overstimulate the skin’s oil glands
  • Apply shampoo regularly. If you have oily skin, it’s best to use daily
  • Change bed sheets and pillowcases frequently
  • Do not squeeze blemishes as they can result in infection and scarring
  • Watch what touches your skin because it may contain bacteria

Is Acne a Sign of Pregnancy?

Despite the fact that many women get acne during pregnancy, being pregnant is not always indicated by the presence of acne. Hormonal changes can lead to acne development. During their periods, some women may have fresh breakouts. Health issues that impact hormone levels may also cause acne.


Skin alterations are frequent during pregnancy. While other women might observe their acne clearing up, some women may experience more severe breakouts. Most over-the-counter topical acne medications for pregnant acne like erythromycin are safe to use on women. Retinoids and oral acne medications should be avoided by women who are expecting or nursing. However, consuming meals high in zinc and vitamin A may help lessen acne symptoms. Furthermore, honey is another effective acne therapy option.

Nevertheless, if you are concerned about pregnancy acne, it is best you consult your doctor. You can both weigh the benefits and risks of possible treatment options.

Effects of alcohol consumption in pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, many women have various questions running through their minds. One question that women commonly ask concerning pregnancy is whether or not they should take alcohol while pregnant. If you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you may wonder if it’s safe to take alcohol or even the extent of the effects of alcohol consumption in pregnancy.

Don’t worry, you are not alone. 

If you have any questions regarding the safety of whiskey or other alcohol consumption during pregnancy is safe, the simple answer is no. A recent study has shown that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The general guideline is to avoid drinking altogether all through your pregnancy.

alcohol effects in pregnancy

This article discusses the possible effects of alcohol consumption in pregnancy. Keep reading!

Alcohol and pregnancy

When you drink while pregnant, alcohol passes from your blood to your baby through the placenta. Your baby cannot process alcohol well at this stage because the liver is not yet developed. This means that your baby’s blood alcohol level remains increased compared to your alcohol level. This can harm your baby in different ways including a higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and cognitive disabilities.

The disabilities that arise as a result of alcohol consumption during pregnancy are collectively known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). 

In addition to the health risks to the baby, women who drink during pregnancy may put their health to risk due to the following:

What is FASD?

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) refers to a range of physical, mental, behavioral, and learning disabilities that a baby may experience due to alcohol exposure during pregnancy. 

alcohol effects in pregnancy

FASD is generally characterized by this range of symptoms:

  • Abnormal facial features such as a smooth ridge (philtrum) between the nose and upper lip.
  • Below average height
  • Small head size
  • Hyperactive behavior
  • Low IQ 
  • Learning disabilities
  • Heart, kidney, or bone problems
  • Communication and speech problems
  • Low body weight

Is it safe to drink alcohol when trying to conceive?

As stated earlier, it is safest to abstain from alcohol from the period of conception up till the end of pregnancy. Studies have shown that chronic drinking may lead to changes in ovulation and menstrual cycles which consequently affect conception. Also, there is evidence to suggest that even moderate alcohol consumption can negatively affect the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization. Whether you are already pregnant or you are trying to conceive, the safest thing to do is to completely avoid alcohol consumption.

alcohol effects in pregnancy

However, if you find out you are pregnant after already having drunk in early pregnancy, you should give up further drinking. You should also speak to your doctor if you have concerns about your alcohol consumption could have affected your baby. 

Which amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy?

There is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy. Experts generally ask pregnant women to stay away from alcohol all through pregnancy. Alcohol use during the first 3 months of pregnancy poses to be the most harmful. However, you should take note that alcohol can be harmful to your unborn child at any time during pregnancy. 

Alcohol includes beer, wine, wine coolers, spirits, and vodka. 

Tips to avoid during pregnancy

You must cut down on alcohol consumption totally if you’re trying to get pregnant or if you have discovered that you are pregnant. This may be difficult especially if you have a drinking habit or you’re frequently in social gatherings where people drink. Here are some helpful tips to help you stay away from alcohol all through your pregnancy:

  1. Avoid social gatherings where people may be drinking
  2. Remove all alcohol from your home
  3. Replace drinking with other activities 
  4. Seek support from friends and family by asking them not to bring alcohol into your home
  5. Try meditation and yoga
  6. Join a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
  7. Seek professional help from a doctor or therapist


Doctors and experts have always advised against alcohol consumption at any time during pregnancy. There is no known safe amount of alcohol that can be consumed while pregnant. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases the risks of miscarriage, stillbirths, low birth weight, and premature delivery. Fetal alcohol exposure can also result in a series of disabilities known as Fetal Alcohol Disorders Syndrome which can be very harmful to your baby.

If you are trying to conceive, you should give up alcohol consumption to prevent any risks to your baby when pregnancy finally occurs. In the same manner, if you didn’t know you were pregnant and drank alcohol, you should stop drinking as soon as you discover you’re pregnant. The sooner you cut down on alcohol, the higher the chance of having a healthy baby.

In a case where you find it difficult to control your drinking, you should avoid being around other people who drink. You can also seek help from a doctor or trained therapist. 

Bleeding and other side effects of Nexplanon

Contraceptives are a great way of controlling birth. This is because they allow time for planning before conception takes place and this helps to prevent unplanned pregnancies. There are different types of contraceptives that perform different functions and can last for different periods of time. However, some of these contraceptive options may come with unusual side effects like bleeding on nexplanon after 1 year or much later.

Therefore, before deciding on a contraceptive method to use, you need to consult your doctor to know which option is best for you and your partner.

In this article you will get to understand what Nexplanon is and how it functions, how effective it is, the various side effects it can cause, and when to avoid Nexplanon.

What is Nexplanon?

Nexplanon is one of the many available prescriptions for women who do not want to get pregnant. It is a birth control therapy that comes in form of a thin rod, which is implanted in the arm.

nexplanon implant

It is as effective as the birth control pills, just that it has the advantage of working without daily dosing, unlike the pills. Nexplanon is small, thin, and very flexible and is placed under the skin of the non-dominant upper arm by your health care professional.

It functions by the use of a hormone. As a result, Nexplanon can act as a contraceptive via three main means. First, the hormone can stop the egg from being released by your ovary. Second, it can also prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Lastly, it can thin the lining of your uterus which does not accommodate the implantation of a fertilized egg.

These three mechanisms of action provide triple protection from conception. In case one fails, the others can back up. This also makes the effectiveness of the implant very high.

Is Nexplanon effective?

Nexplanon is very effective with over 99% effectiveness each year. It can last in the body for as long as three years but must be removed after the third year. It can be removed at any time before the three years elapse if you want to. This means that if you change your mind about childbirth, you can speak with your health care provider to help you get it out.

Does Nexplanon cause irregular bleeding?

Bleeding on nexplanon is one of the most common side effects of Nexplanon. For some women, nexplanon can cause changes in the normal menstrual bleeding pattern.

These changes in your menstrual bleeding pattern can occur in the first 6 to 12 months of using the implant. They include:

  • Heavier or lighter bleeding during your period

If you are on Nexplanon, you may notice that your bleeding is coming heavier than it was. If your periods have been heavy before the use of Nexplanon, you may also notice that they are coming lighter.

  • Longer or shorter duration of bleeding during your period

Normally, periods last for 3-5 days. However, a woman who uses Nexplanon may notice either an increase or a decrease in the number of days that her period lasts.

Bleeding on nexplanon
  • Spotting between your periods

Another thing you can notice with the use of Nexplanon as it pertains to your period is spotting. Spotting means you get stained with blood, even though your period is not yet around. This is usually a common phenomenon within the first few months of use of Nexplanon.

Bleeding on nexplanon
  • Varying duration of time between your period

It is not uncommon for the number of days in your menstrual cycle to vary while using Nexplanon. The average days are between 21 to 35 days but it can be longer or shorter if you’re on Nexplanon.

  • No bleeding at all during the time of your period

It is also very possible that the blood may cease to flow with the use of Nexplanon. If you miss two consecutive periods, consult your doctor for a pregnancy test or conduct one at home using a pregnancy test strip.

Whichever side effect you notice, do well to consult your doctor for proper monitoring, follow-up, and counseling.

Other common side effects

Irregular menstrual bleeding is not the only side effect of using Nexplanon. Some of the other side effects include:

However, it is important to note that these side effects are not set in stone. That is, you may use nexplanon as a birth control method without experiencing any of the side effects mentioned above.

When to avoid Nexplanon

Although Nexplanon is very effective, it is not suitable for every woman. Do not use Nexplanon if you have any of the following:

  • If you are pregnant or you think you may be pregnant.
  • If you have liver disease or liver tumor.
  • If you have unexplained vaginal bleeding.
  • If you have or have had breast cancer or any other cancer that is sensitive to progestin.
  • If you have or have had conditions related to blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in the leg), pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs), total or partial blindness (blood clot in the eye), stroke (blood clot in the brain), or heart attack (blood clot in the heart).
  • If you are allergic to anything in Nexplanon.

Also, if you have any of the following medical conditions, you can speak with your doctor about getting an alternative method of birth control:

  • Headaches or migraine.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Gallbladder problems.
  • History of depression.
  • High cholesterol or triglycerides.
  • Diabetes.
  • Allergy to anesthetics or antiseptics.


Nexplanon is a very effective method of birth control. Only a few women have stopped the use of Nexplanon because of its side effects. However, the side effects of Nexplanon do not happen to all women. Let your doctor know if you are bleeding on nexplanon or experiencing any of the other side effects in this article.

It is also important for you to remove the implant after three years as that is the maximum number of years it can provide adequate protection against pregnancy. Peradventure you wish to remove it before these three years, you can speak with your doctor.

You should note that having the Nexplanon implant does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV. You should seek extra protection from these diseases.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Planning

Planning is really important, especially when it relates to childbirth. It requires great and adequate preparation on the part of the parent. Thankfully, family planning provides a great means to plan and prepare for the coming of a new child and also to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

Family planning methods are of great health importance in every society. However, it is super important to have a solid understanding of the benefits and possible disadvantages of any family planning method.

This article will help you understand what family planning is; the types of family planning methods available, and the advantages or disadvantages of family planning.

family planning

What does family planning mean?

The primary goal of family planning is to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Family planning entails the different methods by which pregnancy is prevented. It can be through sexual practices, use of barriers, drugs, devices, or even surgical procedures.  In short, we can say that any act, practice, or device that prevents a woman from getting pregnant is a contraceptive.

Family planning does not just prevent a woman from getting pregnant, it also considers the health status of the woman and her readiness to start a family. Furthermore, family planning can be used to space pregnancies. that is you can space pregnancies A and B with effective family planning methods.

Types of family planning methods

There are different types of family planning methods. Thankfully, these methods can be placed into two broad groups:

  • Natural or traditional methods: This includes knowing your calendar and having sex during your safe period. It also includes the withdrawal method. In the withdrawal method, the man pulls out his penis from the woman’s vagina before ejaculating. However, the withdrawal method is largely ineffective and isn’t one of the top contraceptive options for males.
  • Artificial or modern methods: There are several modern methods of contraceptives. They include the barrier methods (use of male and female condoms, cervical cap, and diaphragm); contraceptive pills, implants, and surgical methods.

Advantages of family planning

Reduces unsafe abortions from unintended or unplanned pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a great delight when you and your partner are ready for it.

A larger percentage of women who become pregnant without planning for it end up aborting the pregnancy. This is because either or both parties involved may not be ready for it at the moment or may not have the capacity to shoulder the responsibility of a new child.

Thankfully, family planning helps to reduce this by ensuring that the woman tries to be pregnant when the family is ready for a new addition.

Reduces maternal morbidity and mortality.

Family planning prevents unintended pregnancies, thereby reducing maternal mortality and morbidity. It allows spacing of pregnancies and delaying of pregnancies in young girls who are at an increased risk of health problems that may arise from early childbearing. Furthermore, it protects older women from pregnancy-related health risks.

It helps to limit the size of the family.

Family planning helps couples who wish to limit the number of their family do so. It also helps them space the birthing period for as long as they want.

family planning disadvantages

Reduces newborn and infant mortality.

Some of the world’s highest infant mortality rates are caused by closely spaced and ill-timed pregnancies and birth. With effective family planning, this issue can be controlled.

Reduces adolescent pregnancies.

Adolescents who become pregnant are at risk of preterm and low birth weight babies. They also have a higher rate of neonatal mortality. These and other adolescent pregnancy-related issues can be reduced with proper family planning. Also, preventing unintended pregnancy in adolescents helps to improve their sexual and reproductive health and also their social and economic wellbeing.

Disadvantages of family planning


The cost of family planning depends on which method you are going for. The cost of maintaining some family planning methods is high. The methods that are not permanent need to be replaced daily or monthly, e.g. contraceptive pills. The cost of getting the very effective ones like intrauterine devices (IUD) is very expensive. In fact, if you don’t have insurance, you may not be able to get one.

To solve this problem, certain contraceptive and family planning options have now become completely free in government hospitals in some countries like Nigeria.


The surgical family planning methods (hysterectomy, tubal ligation, and vasectomy) are irreversible. This means that if you change your mind in the future about having babies, you may not be able to be pregnant again. There are no means of reversing the effect once you opt for them.

Side Effects

Many women who opt for contraceptive pills are at risk of many side effects including breast tenderness, depression, headache or migraine, irregular bleeding, nausea, change in appetite, weight gain, hair loss, or increased hair on the face or body, change in sexual desire and vaginal irritation.

Some of the pills can also put women at risk of certain cancers. A common side effect of most family planning procedures is pain. The convenience of consistently using birth control pills is also a problem.

Risk of failure

Some of the family planning methods are not a hundred percent effective. Certain studies show that a woman may still get pregnant after using a contraceptive or family planning method. In fact, women who use contraceptive pills can still become pregnant if they skip the pills for one day.

No protection against HIV and STDs.

Most family planning methods do not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). As a result, people still require protection from sexually-related diseases in addition to protection from unwanted pregnancies.


The use of contraception is very important and useful in every society. Of course, your choice of a family planning option would go a long way in maintaining your sexual and reproductive health. Thankfully, your doctors and healthcare providers are always available to guide you to the right option for you and your partner. 

Effects of Birth Control Implants

For years, people have tried different methods of preventing pregnancy. This has led to the discovery of various contraceptive options that may either be for temporary or long-term use. Birth control implants are a long-term birth control option for women. Women all over the world are increasingly embracing the use of birth control implants for fertility regulation. However, like many other birth control options, there are certain implant side effects to take note of.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about birth control implants, including the benefits as well as side effects.

Let’s get into it.

What is a birth control implant?

A birth control implant is a form of hormonal birth control. Typically, it is in the form of a flexible plastic rod (about the size of a matchstick), that is placed under the skin of the upper arm in women.

implant side effect

How does it work?

The implant releases small amounts of a progestational hormone called etonogestrel once it has been placed under the skin. What this hormone does is that it sends a signal to the brain to suppress ovulation. This means that your ovaries will not release eggs. In the same manner, the hormone thickens the cervical mucus which makes it harder for sperm to reach any eggs that may be released. 

Typically, you can use a birth control implant for about 3-5 years before getting a replacement or getting pregnant. However, this fact largely depends on the type of implant involved.  

Benefits of using birth control implants

The major upside to using a birth control implant is that it is a long-term option that may be easier than any of the barrier contraceptive options. However, there are other reasons why many women consider using them.

Here are some of the benefits of using a birth control implant:

  • Effectiveness: A study has shown that fewer than 1 in 100 women using an implant will get pregnant each year. This simply means that implants are about 99% effective.
  • Convenience: Unlike other birth control options, implants are way easier and more convenient to use. The best part is, you don’t have to worry about using them the wrong way or remembering to use them.
  • They are easily reversible: If or when you decide to get pregnant, you can remove the implants and get started on that front.  
  • Ease: Birth control implants can improve cramps and generally, relieve painful periods. 
implant side effects

While birth control implants have a lot of advantages, there are certain drawbacks to their usage. These include:

  1. Birth control implants do not offer any form of protection against STIs or HIV. 
  2. It is quite expensive to get and remove. However, it is important to note that implants may be free in certain countries like Nigeria.
  3. In rare cases, the implant can move from the insertion site to another. This makes removal difficult as a doctor may not be able to find it. 

Can any woman use the implant?

Sadly, the answer is no.

Birth control implants are not suitable for all women. You shouldn’t use birth control implants if you suspect that you are already pregnant. You can take a pregnancy test using a pregnancy test (PT) strip to confirm your pregnancy status. 

Also, you shouldn’t use birth control implants if you have any of the following:

  1. History of breast cancer
  2. Sensitivity to any of the ingredients or materials in the implant
  3. History of heart attack or stroke
  4. History of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis)
  5. Unexplained vaginal bleeding
  6. Liver disease or tumors

You should speak to your healthcare provider before using an implant if you have:

  1. A history of depression
  2. High cholesterol
  3. High blood glucose level or Diabetes. You can read this article on what to eat before a glucose test for the best result.
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Headaches

Implant Side Effects

As with other contraceptive methods, there are side effects of using a birth control implant. Some women experience side effects while many women don’t. Possible side effects of using birth control implants include:

  1. Irregular menstrual bleeding
  2. Acne
  3. Weight gain
  4. Breast pain
  5. Nausea and abdominal pain
  6. Non-cancerous ovarian cysts
  7. Depression and other mood changes
  8. Infection at the insertion site of implant
  9. Vaginal itching or discharge

The side effects are usually not serious and go away after a few months. You should contact your healthcare provider if any symptom persists. 

Are there any risks of using a birth control implant?

It is rare for serious complications to arise from using birth control implants, however, you should still be informed about the potential risks.

These may include:

  • Improper insertion can lead to the implant moving to a delicate organ.
  • Injury to nerves and vessels in a case whereby the implant breaks
  • Increased risk of serious blood clots


Over the years, many women have tried different contraceptive methods. Selecting which type of birth control to use can be very confusing. From birth control pills to birth control implants, there are many options to choose from. 

Birth control implants are commonly being used because of their long-term effect. However, they are not suitable for everyone. It is important to understand the way they work as well as the possible side effects before deciding to get one. Thankfully, the information in this article has provided you with what you need to know. 

Side effects are common to all methods of contraception and will typically go after a few months. If the side effects persist, you should contact your healthcare provider to discuss the possible problem. 

IUD and Birth Control | All You Need To Know

Birth control is very important in preventing unplanned pregnancies. There are a number of options available to consider when choosing a birth control method, and this includes an IUD or Intrauterine Device.

Although it is not advisable for every woman, IUDs are often safe and long-lasting. One other importance of IUDs is that they are not permanent. This means you can stop it or get it removed when you are ready to have children.

This article contains the necessary information you need to know about IUDs including what an IUD is, the types available, how it is inserted, risks associated with using an IUD, and lots more.

Let’s Get Started!

What is an IUD?

IUD simply means intrauterine device. It is a small device shaped in form of a letter T. It is placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. An IUD prevents pregnancy by preventing the sperms from reaching the eggs, thus, stopping fertilization from occurring.


An IUD can also be called an IUCD meaning intrauterine contraception device.

Are IUDs effective?

IUDs are one of the most effective methods of contraception. They have been tested to be over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

What are the types of IUDs?

There are five types of IUDs that are currently available. These include:

  • Paragard, also known as Copper T
  • Mirena
  • Skyla
  • Kyleena
  • Liletta.

These five types can be classified into two broad categories: hormonal and non-hormonal.

The Paragard is a non-hormonal type of IUD. It is also called the Copper IUD or Copper T because it is made of copper. The copper ions contained in Paragard are released into the uterus which then creates a hostile environment for the sperm. This renders the sperm powerless and unable to fertilize the egg.

The Mirena, Skyla, Kyleena, and Liletta are examples of hormonal IUDs. They contain progestin, the synthetic form of the natural hormone, progesterone. This progestin is released into the uterus, thickens the cervical mucus, and prevents the sperm from entering the uterus, thereby inhibiting the movement of the sperm, making it difficult for it to reach and fertilize the egg. The hormone also thins the lining of the uterus, so an egg is not likely to implant on it.

What are the pros and cons of IUDs?


  • IUDs are a very effective method of birth control.
  • They are reversible.
  • They are convenient
  • They can last for a very long period of time depending on the type. The time range from 3 to 12 years.
  • Ease of Access: For example, IUDs are completely free in all Government Health Centres in Nigeria.


  • IUDs can be very expensive, especially if you don’t have insurance.
  • They do not protect against STIs.
  • The insertion process can be very uncomfortable.

Who can use an IUD?

IUDs can be used by most healthy women. They are also best for women with one partner who are at low risk of contracting an STI.

You should not use an IUD if you have any of the following:

  • If you are pregnant.
  • If you have an STD.
  • If you have a recent pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • If you are bleeding from your vagina.
  • If you have cancer of the cervix or uterus.
  • If you have certain blood disorders that prevent your blood from clotting.


  • If you have an allergy to copper or Wilson’s disease (a disease that causes the excess accumulation of copper in the body), don’t use the Paragard IUD.
  • If you have liver disease, or breast cancer (or you’re at high risk for it), don’t use any of the hormonal IUDs.

How an IUD is inserted

IUDs are usually inserted by a health care professional. These professionals are known as FP providers or Contraceptive Care providers. The whole process does not take so much time; in about 30 minutes you should be done. The insertion procedure itself takes less than 5 minutes.


The process of inserting an IUD starts with you putting your feet in stirrups. The doctor places a speculum into your vagina to keep your vagina open. The IUD is then placed into a small tube which helps in the insertion process. The tube containing the IUD is inserted into the vagina and pushed up through the cervix and then to the uterus. Once the tube is in the uterus, the IUD is pushed out of the tube and the tube is pulled out of the uterus.

How to prepare for your IUD insertion appointment

The process of inserting an IUD can be very uncomfortable, so it is necessary that you make adequate preparation for it. The following tips can help you prepare adequately for your appointment:

  • Wear one of your most comfortable clothes. Think of one that is very easy to get off and back on.
  • Get an over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief or one prescribed by your doctor. This will help you relieve any pain that you may feel after the procedure.
  • Taking the pain relief before the procedure can also help.
  • You will need a heating pad, some pads or panty liners after the procedure, so it’s best to get them ready before the procedure.

Risks associated with using an IUD

The following risks are possible with the use of an IUD, although the chance of them occurring is very low.

  • Infection: There’s a small chance that you will have an infection after an IUD insertion. This risk is highest within the first 20 days after the insertion and then drops drastically.
  • Perforation: The risk of the IUD getting perforated during insertion is very low. It occurs in about 1 to 2 in 1000 women.
  • Expulsion: If you have never been pregnant or are under the age of 20, the chances of your IUD falling out of place is high compared to those who are not in this category.

When can the IUD be removed?

You can remove your IUD at any time you feel like doing so. Just make an appointment with your doctor to get it removed.

Your IUD can protect against pregnancy as long as you have it in. It is advisable not to keep it longer than its expiration date. The expiration date depends on the type and brand of IUD that you’re using.

When to consult a doctor

IUDs don’t pose any serious threat or complication to you but you should watch out for some signs that may indicate that something has gone wrong. Call your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • If you have severe pain in your stomach or lower abdomen.
  • If the IUD feels like it has shifted or is coming out.
  • If penetrative sex becomes more painful.
  • If you bleed during or after sexual activity.
  • If the IUD string feels longer or shorter.
  • If there’s a change in the appearance of your vaginal discharge.
  • If you have a fever or chills.
  • If you have unprotected sex with someone who has an STI.
  • If you think you are pregnant.


IUDs are an effective method of birth control. Consult your doctor to know if this option is good for you and when you can get it done. If you also notice any side effects after getting an IUD, see your doctor.

Best Remedies to Relieve Gas During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a journey that many women find beautiful. It comes with a lot of physical and physiological changes like gas during pregnancy which may be challenging. However, the ability to give life to a baby is truly an amazing experience.

Getting the right knowledge, care, and support is key to managing your pregnancy.

One thing that can cause discomfort during pregnancy is the production of excess gas. During pregnancy, the body changes to accommodate and adapt to the growing fetus. These bodily changes may affect the digestive system and cause gas, bloating, or constipation.

Water Breaking

In this post, you will learn what causes gas in pregnant women and the best remedies to relieve the symptoms. Let’s get to it.

Causes of Gas during Pregnancy

1. Progesterone

The pregnancy hormone, progesterone is one of the major culprits behind excess gas production during pregnancy. The body raises its production of progesterone during pregnancy in order to support your growing baby.

Progesterone is known to relax muscles in the body, including the intestinal muscles. This relaxation of intestinal muscles can lead to slower digestion which may result in constipation, bloating, belching, burping, and flatulence.

2. Increased abdominal pressure

As you journey towards the later stages of your pregnancy, you may also experience more gas. This is because of the increased pressure your growing fetus places on the abdominal cavity. Pressure on the abdominal cavity may slow down digestion, leading to more gas.

How to relieve gas during pregnancy

While excess gas production is common among pregnant women, it can be very uncomfortable and quite embarrassing. Thankfully, there are ways to ease the discomfort and relieve symptoms.

The next part of this post contains effective ways to reduce constipation which causes gas during pregnancy.

Keep reading.

1. Drink water

Water is the best bet when it comes to the digestion of food. Drinking enough water before or after a meal helps your stomach to digest food. Also, water helps to prevent constipation. Taking a lot of water helps stool pass more easily through the colon and outside your body.

gas during pregnancy

To this effect, the United States National Academy of Medicine recommends that pregnant women should drink about 2.3 liters of water per day. You should also note that it is best to sip water slowly from a glass or cup. Gulping water or using a straw makes it more likely to swallow air which can contribute to gas.

2. Regular exercise

Exercise has shown to be able to speed up digestion and reduce constipation.

Exercise during pregnancy helps to improve the overall health of the mother. It is recommended that pregnant women engage in physical activities as a form of exercise to help improve their digestion and reduce gas.

Read this article on safe and effective ab exercises during pregnancy to discover the right routine for you.

3. Loose and comfortable clothing

Tightly fitted clothes especially around the belly area can add pressure on your abdomen which may result in a build-up of gas.

During the later stages of your pregnancy, invest in loose-fitting maternity clothes which allow food and gas to pass easily through your digestive system. This reduces the chances of gas building up.

4. Avoid gassy foods in your diet

The kind of food you eat has an impact on how much gas you produce. There are certain foods that trigger excess gas production. The key is to avoid such foods or cut back on their consumption while pregnant.

Examples of gas-producing foods are broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, cauliflower, and beans. Likewise, certain drinks are also to be avoided during pregnancy. These include carbonated energy drinks, sodas, sparkling water, and so on.

It is necessary to cut back on the consumption of these foods to prevent potential gas buildup.

5. Include more fiber in your diet

Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is very important in pregnancy. In fact, you can read this article to discover 10 healthy pregnancy recipes for you. Furthermore, including fiber in your pregnancy diet is a good way to combat gas.

Fiber Fruits

Although fiber-containing foods can make gas worse in the short term, they help to relieve constipation over a long period of time. This is because of their ability to draw water into the intestines and soften stools. This eases the passage of stool through the colon and outside the body.

Fruits including bananas, prunes, vegetables, oats, and flax meal are examples of food rich in fiber to consider.

Alternatively, you may consider taking fiber supplements during pregnancy to reduce constipation. Ask your doctor which supplement will benefit you the most.

Best positions to relieve gas during pregnancy

Apart from the natural remedies mentioned earlier to relieve gas, there are certain positions to try out that will reduce the buildup of gas.

Let’s see these positions:

1. Child’s pose

This pose helps the stomach move in a way that may help trapped gas move through the digestive system.

·   Start on all fours (with your legs together or apart)

·   Move your hands forward with your palms facing downward and move your bum backward towards the heels.

·   Position your forehead as close as possible to the ground.

·   Breathe there for a few minutes.

Woman Stretching

2. Happy baby pose

·   Lie on the back

·   Lift the knees upwards

·   Hold the outside of your feet

·   Gently rock yourself from side to side or back and forth.

You should note that pregnant women are not advised to lie on their backs for an extended period.

3. Squats

·   Stand face forward with your feet wide apart (any distance comfortable for you)

·   Hold out your arms straight out in front of you with your palm facing downward.

·   Bend your knees in line with the toes

·   Squat down gently while keeping the weight on your heels.

Gas in pregnancy

4. Seated forward fold

·   Sit upright with the legs stretched out straight in front of the body.

·   Slowly bend forward while moving the upper trunk towards your legs

·   Try to reach for your toes with your fingers as you bend forward. You don’t have to touch them.

5. Cow/cat pose

This is a yoga pose that goes hand in hand and helps to relieve gas by contracting the abdominal muscles.


·   Start with the cow pose by starting on all fours.

·   Make sure your back is flat

·   Inhale, arch your back, and allow your belly to sink downwards.

·   Lift your head and allow your shoulders to relax

Female Squatting


·   As you exhale, round your back like a cat up to the ceiling, and simultaneously tuck your tailbone in.

·   Release your head to the floor

·   Continue moving back and forth from Cat to Cow.


Gas can be an embarrassing and weird pregnancy symptom, but it usually doesn’t cause any harm. There are many ways of helping the body reduce constipation which results in excess gas. Lifestyle remedies as well as moving the body in different positions are great ways to relieve this symptom.

You should consult your doctor before engaging in any routine to confirm if it is suitable for you and your pregnancy.