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This pregnancy was confusing! Chike wondered what would make a pregnant woman want to eat paper. His wife, Louis had developed an insatiable desire for books, but not in a good way.

eating paper

Speaking to their family doctor, Chike complained his wife eats the paper. Ripping away pages, one by one, putting them in her mouth and chewing greedily on them.

Apart from her voracious appetite for books, his wife Louis was otherwise normal. In fact, she’d just given birth to their first daughter.

During the pregnancy, everything was normal; there was no complication or usual discomfort. Everything about her diet remained regular (except the paper consumption, of course).

He had no idea when it began nor how to stop it. He had first noticed it when she was consuming just bits of paper, loose pages, cutouts of newspapers, small flyers, and the likes. At that time, he thought it was just a phase that would soon pass away. However, Chike gradually watched his wife progress from bits of paper to whole books!

At this point, he decided to seek help

“What is happening?”, Chike asked the doctor. “Is this going to hurt her?”, “Is she depressed?”, “Should I be worried?”.

The questions kept on coming.

The desire to eat non-food items or things not normally considered to be food is known as PICA.

It is an eating disorder that makes people to eat things with no nutritional value such as paper, cloth, dirt, ashes, string, wool, starch, matches, cardboard, hair, laundry detergent, chalk and soap, talcum powder, gum, metal, pebbles, charcoal, paint chips, ice, among other things.


There are no laboratory tests to detect PICA. Instead, diagnosis is made through a patient’s medical history.

For efficiency, this diagnosis should be followed by lab tests for anemia and digestive tract blockages which may arise from the substances consumed.


In Nigeria, most cases of PICA are usually unnoticed.

Therefore, it is unclear about how many people are affected by pica. However, one study reported that pica was a normal occurrence for pregnant women in Malawi, as this is how they know they are pregnant. Similar studies also reported a high prevalence of pica in Tanzania (63.7%), Kenya (73%) and Nigeria (50%).


Some of them include:

  • Stomach upset
  • Stomach pain.
  • Bloody stool
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bowel problems


Repeated consumption of non-food items for a long period of time could prove dangerous. This is because some of these items have toxic, poisonous and bacterial content. Some health implications include;

  • Lead poisoning
  • Intestinal blockage or tearing
  • Teeth injuries
  • Infections
  • Iron defi


Some risk factors of pica include;

  • Mental health disorders like autism, schizophrenia, e.t.c
  • Iron-deficiency anemia
  • Malnutrition
  • Pregnancy
Why you need folic acid during pregnancy


The first course of treatment for pica is checking for nutritional deficiencies.


At times, the development of pica is an indication that your body is trying to compensate for a mineral or vitamin lack. Thus, using vitamins or nutritional supplements to treat such deficiencies usually helps resolve the pica. 

However, if pica is not caused by malnutrition or does not stop after nutritional supplementation, other forms of management need to be considered. There are a variety of behavioral therapies available.

Your health care providers will be in the best position to recommend one.

In Conclusion

A majority of pica cases go unreported in Africa, because most people who have this disorder tend to be secretive about it. The onus thus is in the court of health-care providers to pay key attention to any tell tale signs or even inquire specifically about any abnormal eating habits. Find out about foods to avoid during pregnancy

  • Mary S. Jackson, A. Christson Adedoyin & Sarah N. Winnick (2020) Pica Disorder among African American Women: A Call for Action and Further Research, Social Work in Public Health, 35:5, 261-270, DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2020.1791778
  • Pica. (2018, February 22). National Eating Disorders Association.
  • Abu, Brenda & van den Berg-van Antwerpen, Violet & Raubenheimer, Jacques & Louw, Vernon. (2017). Pica Practices among Apparently Healthy Women and Their Young Children in Ghana. Physiology & Behavior. 177. 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.04.012.
  • Dr. Baffah Muhammad, Aminu & Mohammed, Alkali & Muhammed, Bala & Abdulrazak, Toyin & Chinedu, Aniobi. (2020). Prevalence of pica among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in a tertiary facility in Nigeria. Annals of African Medical Research. 2. 10.4081/aamr.2019.89.
  • Sule S. Madugu HN. Pica in pregnant women in Zaria, Nigeria, Niger J Med 2001;10:25-7
  • Nyarohucha CN. Food cravings, aversions and pica among pregnant women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzan J Health Res 2009;11:29-34

Do You Think You’re Pregnant? Well, You May Be Wrong!

You are seeing all the signs of pregnancy. Your period is late, your breasts are tender and swollen and you have gained a few kilos. Let us not even talk about the morning sickness. Are you pregnant?

The internet says all these are symptoms of pregnancy. For some, this news may be a reason for joy. For others, however, it is a cause for alarm. Regardless of which side of the fence you are on, you may begin to make some preparations.


Your period was late ? read this before you jump to conclusions.
Source: Giphy

What if I told you that you may not really be pregnant? That the pregnancy signs you are having may not be because a baby is growing in your womb?

Before you jump to any conclusions, about signs of pregnancy, take a deep breath and read this article.

Before you jump to any conclusions, take a deep breath and read this article. What you find out may either stop your worry or deaden your excitement.

In here, we have compiled 5 signs of pregnancy that may actually be symptoms of something else!

1. Missed Period

There is a reason why doctors always ask when you had your last menstrual period. This is because a missed or late period is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. However, your period might also not come for a variety of other reasons:

  • Hormonal Imbalance: Having irregular periods is a common sign that your hormones are off. At times, this may confuse you into thinking you are pregnant. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by stress, medications, and some medical conditions.
  • Stress: This is a common cause for late periods. You may even miss your period entirely. Are you preparing for your finals? Working extra time to bag that promotion? Well, do not be surprised if “madame” comes a little bit late!
  • Medical disorders: Some medical conditions can also make your period late. Especially ones which affect your thyroid gland or ovaries.
  • Weight Changes: Your menstrual cycle may be affected if your weight changes too fast. Experts suggest that gaining or losing about 20% of your body weight can cause you to miss your periods.
  • Contraceptives: Some types of birth control can also affect your period. Discuss with your doctor about your concerns if any about contraceptive options.

2. Tender or Swollen Breast

This is also another sign that is usually associated with pregnancy.

tender swollen breasts is a sign-of-pregnancy and other conditions as well

Still, having aching or swollen breasts do not necessarily mean you are pregnant. It could just be a sign that you are about to have your period. Or it could mean that you are working too hard at the gym and you need to slow down a bit, especially with the heavy lifting.

3. Nausea

Morning sickness is widely regarded as the hallmark sign of pregnancy. Truth be told, this is not unusual because it occurs in about 70% of all pregnancies.

Puking your guts out is still no sure sign of pregnancy.
Vomiting may be a symptom of something else

Yet, puking your guts out is still no sure sign that you are pregnant. Vomiting or stomach upset can also be as a result of:

  • Intense stress
  • Intestinal issues
  • Some medications
  • Viral infections
  • Ulcers
  • Food poisoning, amongst many others.

4. Drowsiness and Fatigue

Everybody knows a pregnant woman is a tired and sleepy woman.

Especially one in her first trimester. This is because of hormonal changes. However, exhaustion and drowsiness may be caused by other reasons such as:

  • Increased physical activity
  • Reduced sleep
  • Overeating
  • Extreme weight loss diets
  • Some medications
  • Some medical conditions e.g low blood levels, depression, e.t.c.


5. Mood Swings

Feel like your emotions are all over the place? Well, that could be a sign that you are pregnant… or not. Mood swings could also be as a result of:

  • Menopause
  • Menstruation
  • Anxiety & Depression 
  • Certain Diet & Exercise Plans

Regardless of what the internet or other mothers may tell you, the only actual way to know if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.

You can even use a pregnancy test strip at home.

A pregnancy test confirms if the symptoms you feel are due to pregnancy
A pregnancy test confirms if the symptoms you feel are due to pregnancy

Even with that, do not jump to conclusions yet. Go to the hospital. Get a blood test. Have your doctor confirm whether you are pregnant or not. Only then can you be.

How To Lose Baby Weight Fast

It has been two weeks since you had your baby. By now, you expect that you’d have shed most of the baby weight you gained during pregnancy.

Getting on a scale can be scarey
Getting on a scale can be scary

After all, you’ve seen celebrities do it.

Sadly, your current body may be far from its pre-pregnancy state. There may be fat in your tummy, arranged in rolls that weren’t there before. Perhaps, your clothes still don’t fit and putting on jeans has become a deep struggle.

lose baby weight

Just like you, many women struggle with shedding excess weight after childbirth. In fact, most give up along the way, thinking it is an impossible feat.

If you’re in these shoes, you need not worry.

Losing baby weight is achievable and we are here to help you with the right way to go about it.          

What Is Baby Weight?  

Weight gain during pregnancy is normal.

Your body stores extra fat to prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding. Storing too much causes excess weight gain, called “baby weight”.

How Can I Lose Baby Weight Fast?

 A combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise is the best way to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape.

lose baby weight

The extent of weight loss achievable varies from woman to woman. The amount of weight gained during pregnancy also plays a role.

However, regardless of your body type, we have compiled some tips to help you lose the extra pounds, especially around your tummy!

1. Calorie Counting

Counting calories is a great way to lose weight. Experts recommend that your calorie budget should be designed so that you lose no more than 1 pound (approximately 1/2kg) per week.

This can be achieved by subtracting 500 calories from your daily calorie requirement, creating a weekly deficit of 3,500 calories. This equates to 1pound.

As a nursing mother, you do not need to subtract from your daily requirement. Producing breast milk requires about 450-500 extra calories. Therefore, taking the same number of calories as you did before getting pregnant would still help you lose weight.

2. Food Logging

A food log is a diary where you record down everything you eat. It is an efficient way to keep track of calories. You can do this with a physical diary where you write down everything you eat.

Calorie counting apps can also be used to keep track of your calorie intake. Some of these apps give you the caloric content of foods.

This helps you know the right portions to eat for your budget.

Food planning as a means of losing baby weight
Planning is crucial!
Source: Canva

3. A Healthy Diet Is Key

A healthy diet does not translate to boring food, neither does it mean eating fruits and vegetables only.

Your aim is a well-balanced diet that provides the right nutrients in the right quantity, at the same time, helping you lose general body weight and tummy fat.

Some modifications you could make to your diet include;

  • Cutting back on carbs (White bread, pasta and chips)
  • Including more protein (Lean beef, Seafood, Eggs and Beans)
  • Eating more vegetables (Tomatoes, Bitter leaves, Water leaves, Cabbage, Cucumbers and Carrots)
  • Consuming only healthy fats (Olive, Coconut and Avocado oils)
  • Eating high-fibre foods (Oats, Abacha [African salad], Avocados and Whole-wheat bread)
  • Taking more fruits (Apples, Berries and Oranges)

4. Avoid Junk Food

Junk food is not your friend when trying to lose to baby weight, especially around your tummy.

It does very little for your body.

Sugary drinks, alcohol and foods containing refined sugars are high in calories and low in nutrients. In addition, processed, fried and salty foods like chips, cookies and baked goods do not help you.

Avoiding junk food as a means of losing baby weight
Avoid food with high-level calories
Source: Shutterstock

Try replacing them with fresh, whole foods and watch the inches disappear from your waist!

Other Means of Losing Baby Weight Include:

5. Getting More Sleep

Lack of sleep may affect your weight loss negatively. The recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours a day. Although it may prove difficult with your newborn, try to get as much sleep as you can.

6. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to burn extra calories. Go easy if you are a new mum, you can even try taking a walk with your baby. Yoga is also a good way to help you relax; some poses like the camel pose could help reduce tummy fat.

Pelvic exercises like kegel exercises are also encouraged. You could also include cardio exercises, e.g. jogging, running, and cycling as time passes. The good thing about cardio exercises is that they also help to tighten loose skin after childbirth.

lose baby weight

7. Ask For Help

Your partner, family and friends are there for you. They could help prepare healthy meals or take care of your baby. This allows you rest, catch up on some lost sleep and exercise.

Also, if you need professional help, your doctor, family nurse, or a psychologist could offer support.

What You Should Avoid

8. Starvation

Depriving yourself of food is going to harm you and your baby. Food is not your enemy, your body needs it to stay alive.

Losing excess baby weight is necessary, but starvation is not the way to go about it. Sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan is a better approach guaranteed to get you desired results.

9. Crash Dieting

The best weight loss plans are the long-term ones. While crash dieting may give you fast results, these are only temporary.

You would most likely end up gaining all the weight you lost, or even more! Same thing goes for skipping meals.

Comparison Is Wrong

Do not compare yourself to other mothers.

Everybody’s weight loss journey is different, some may take longer than others. Therefore, you should focus on yourself and your baby. You would lose the weight in due time.

How Long Does It Take To Lose Postpartum Weight?

For most women, the extra weight gain during pregnancy is lost within 6-12 months after childbirth.

However, it is essential to note that many factors come into play in this process. If you follow the strategies listed above, you’re guaranteed to lose all that baby weight within this time frame.

How Much Weight Can I Lose After Childbirth?

In the first week after delivery, most new moms can lose up to 6kg of the weight gained during pregnancy. This weight loss includes the ‘removed’ weight of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid.

lose baby weight

In addition, it is necessary to note that the extra fat that comes during pregnancy wouldn’t just disappear on its own. Following the strategies listed above would help you on this weight loss journey.

Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight After Having A Baby?

Even after following the tips above, it may still be hard to lose postpartum weight if you are:

  • Dehydrated
  • Stressed
  • Still Healing
  • Not Eating Enough

Here’s the good part: With a lot of patience and the tips in this article, you’d lose all the extra weight you want to.

Losing Baby Weight And Breast Feeding

Producing breast milk uses up calories. When these calories are gotten from the fat stored in your body, you lose baby weight faster. Additionally, regular suckling by your baby leads to the production of oxytocin

lose baby weight

This hormone causes uterine contraction and helps it shrink back to its pre-pregnancy state. This would, in turn, reduce your tummy size.

It is crucial that you do not lose too much weight too fast. This would not be good for you and your baby. The quantity and quality of your breast milk could suffer. Aim to lose weight gradually. This would give you enough energy and keep your milk supply high.

In Summary

Achieving a healthy weight after pregnancy is important, but it should be done the right way. Being realistic would help you avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Furthermore, keep in mind that despite what many women’s magazines and celebrity stories portray, weight loss after childbirth is not automatic. It would take time, and you may not go back to your pre-baby weight straight away.

Although the amount of weight you lose after giving birth may vary, it is important that you return to a healthy weight range.

The best way to achieve this is through a healthy diet and exercise.

  • Anisha Nair 2018, Yoga after Delivery-Getting Back into Shape After Childbirth, Firstcry Parenting, Viewed on June 16, 2020, <>.
  • Donna Murray 2020, Breastfeeding and Losing Too Much Weight, Verywell Family, Viewed on June 16, 2020, <>.
  • Elise Mandl 2017, 16 Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight After Pregnancy, Healthline, Viewed on June 16, 2020, <>.
  • Kris Gunnars 2019, 50 Foods That Are Super Healthy, Healthline, Viewed on June 16, 2020, <>.
  • Maria Masters 2019, Losing The Baby Weight: The Truth About Shedding Pounds After Birth, What To Expect, Viewed on June 16, 2020, <>.
  • Nicci Micco 2020, Lose That Baby Fat, Parents, Viewed on June 16, 2020, <>.
  • Sarah G. Miller 2016, The Best Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy, Live Science, Viewed on June 16, 2020, <>.
  • Shutterstock Images
How do I loose weight after childbirth?

10 Reasons Why You May Experience Periods While Pregnant

Most women celebrate the news of a positive pregnancy test for many reasons, one of which is a much-needed break from monthly menstrual periods. During a menstrual period, the womb sheds off the extra lining it has built up in case of pregnancy.

Source: Shutterstock

Although a woman may experience uterine bleeding during pregnancy, it is not due to a period. It is not possible to have a true menstrual period during pregnancy due to the hormonal changes which prevent you from menstruating.

In addition, it is also impossible for your womb to shed its entire lining while maintaining a pregnancy. However, it is possible to have menstrual-like bleeding for a variety of reasons during pregnancy.

Some of these reasons include:

1. Implantation or Decidual Bleeding

Women who complain about having periods during pregnancy are simply experiencing Decidual Bleeding, in which a small part of the uterine lining might shed for the first few months of pregnancy.

A phenomenon called implantation bleeding, which is spotting that can cause period-like bleeding in early pregnancy and can occur in the first month of pregnancy. It usually occurs around the time of the first ‘missed’ menstrual period.

2. Changes in the cervix

The hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause alterations in the cervix, making it softer and more prone to bleeding. In addition, a harmless overgrowth of tissue may form in the cervix.

In both cases, spotting or light bleeding may be occur after sexual intercourse or a pelvic examination.

3.Vaginal Infection

A vaginal infection may cause spontaneous vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. An abnormal vaginal discharge may accompany the bleeding.

Vaginal Infections May Sometimes Occur During Pregnancy
Source: Shutterstock

4. Sexual intercourse

Most women continue to have sexual relations while pregnant, unless a doctor advises otherwise.

In some cases, certain women may experience light spotting or bleeding due to increased sensitivity of the vaginal and cervical tissues.

5. Molar pregnancy

Molar pregnancy is an abnormality of fertilization which causes an abnormal tissue to grow within the uterus.

This is not a typical pregnancy, but the growth within the uterus leads to the typical symptoms of early pregnancy.

A molar pregnancy cannot result in a normal fetus or delivery, however, vaginal spotting or bleeding can be a symptom of molar pregnancy.

Source: Shutterstock

Other Causes Are;

6. Ectopic pregnancy

Mild vaginal bleeding and increasing tummy pain may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. This condition arises when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.

Sometimes, an ectopic pregnancy may be located in the uterine tube. As the pregnancy grows and the tube stretches, the tummy pain becomes increasingly severe.

Sometimes these pregnancies rupture the uterine tube, leading to significant blood loss. Sometimes the amount of visible blood lost bellies the actual amount you are loosing in your tummy.

Source: Shutterstock

7. Subchorionic hemorrhage

In this condition, blood accumulates between the wall of the womb and the sac of fluid encasing your baby. Normally, the body frequently reabsorbs these blood clots, however, dark blood or small clots may be discharged from the vagina.

8. Cervical examination

A doctor may inspect your cervix to check for any abnormalities. This procedure can result in some minor bleeding during pregnancy.

9. Uterine rupture

This is a medical emergency that occurs when the womb tears during labour. This condition is likely to occur in women who have previously had a cesarean delivery or surgery on the womb.

10. Placental abruption

In this instance, the placenta starts to separate from the uterus (womb) before the baby is delivered. It is also a serious medical emergency and the baby’s life is at risk.

What’s The Next Step?

If you experience any form of bleeding during pregnancy, it is advisable to note the colour (is it bright red or brown ?), amount (how many pads did it soak up?) and consistency ( were there clups or bits of tissue in it?). This info is important when you speak with the doctor during antenatal clinics. It will give the doctor a clue as to the source and severity of the bleeding.

Bleeding during pregnancy does not mean that you are experiencing a menstrual period. In addition, heavy bleeding may indicate a health issue that requires medical attention. Whenever bleeding during pregnancy is observed, it should always be reported to a doctor in order to rule out miscarriage and other complications. Learn about bleeding after delivery.

  • Nall, R. (2018). Can you have a period while pregnant? Accessed on June 12, 2020 from
  • Danielsson, R. (2020). Potential Causes of Bleeding During Pregnancy. Accessed on June 12, 2020 from
  • Blocker, W. (2019). Bleeding During Pregnancy (First, Second, and Third Trimester). Accessed on June 12, 2020 from
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