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11 Interesting Facts About Breastfeeding

The choice of how to supply her baby with the nutrients necessary for proper development is important for every new mom. Although this is a personal decision, breastfeeding has so many exceptional benefits for both you and your baby. In this article, we’d walk you through 11 interesting facts about breastfeeding and why it is an option worth trying.

Why Is Breast Milk Important?

It would interest you to note that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends six months of exclusive breastfeeding for every child. In fact, the Academy advises moms to continue breastfeeding for the first year, irrespective of the introduction of solid foods.

Breast milk supplies babies with the perfect nutrition package. It has the right amount of nutrients, vitamins, and even water that every child needs in the early stages of life. In addition to this, breast milk is readily available and can be digested easily.

breastfeeding mom

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises that breastfeeding continues until a child is about two years of age because the advantages of this process extend even up to that period. It is important to note that these recommendations are well-founded in facts, and in this article, we’d let you know all about those facts.

Read on to find out 11 interesting (and medical) facts about breastfeeding.

Interesting Breastfeeding Facts for Babies

1. Breastfeeding Supplies the Perfect Nutrition Package.

Do you know breast milk contains every single thing your little one needs for the first six months of life? And in the right proportions too? In fact, the constituents of breast milk even change to suit your baby’s needs in the various developmental stages.

Averagely, each ml of breast milk contains:

  • 87% Water
  • 7%  Lactose (milk)
  • 4% Fat
  • 1% Protein

In the first few days after childbirth, your breast would produce a thick and yellowish fluid called colostrum. This colostrum is quite rich in protein (much more than the 1% present in average breast milk), sugar, and other beneficial compounds. Colostrum helps kick start your baby’s digestive tract and immune system.

2. Breast Milk Contains Immune Boosting Properties

Breastfeeding supplies your baby with essential antibodies which boost his/her immune system. Every day, babies (and adults too) are exposed to harmful viruses and bacteria in the environment. Effective breastfeeding provides the compounds necessary to fight off these harmful agents in the earliest months of life.

Facts about breastfeeding

Colostrum, the type of breast milk produced right after birth, contains high amounts of Immunoglobulin (A) which is an essential part of your baby’s immune system. Furthermore, when a breastfeeding mom is exposed to viruses or bacteria, her body produces antibodies that fight off any possible infection. Eventually, these antibodies go into the breast milk and are passed to her baby via breastfeeding.

Amazing, right?

3. Breastfeeding Reduces the Risk of Childhood Diseases

For this, exclusive breastfeeding is crucial. Exclusive breastfeeding simply means that a baby only receives breast milk for at least the first six months of life.

The antibodies present in breast milk would greatly reduce the risk of various childhood diseases and infections like:

In addition to the antibodies supplied by breast milk, it also contains substances that naturally soothe your baby, preventing uneasiness or discomfort.

4. It Helps Children Reach the Healthy Baby Weight

The average birth weight for healthy term babies is around 7.5 pounds (3.5kg). Although this figure varies in the first few weeks of life, breastfeeding promotes healthy weight gain and even prevents obesity in children.

Breast-fed babies possess high amounts of helpful intestinal bacteria, which improves fat storage, utilization, and distribution. In fact, such babies have more blood leptin (the hormone which regulates appetite and fat distribution) than infants who received only formula.

In addition, babies set the pace during breastfeeding. Therefore, they are able to self-regulate their food intake. This helps breastfed babies develop healthy appetites and eating patterns.

5. Breastfeeding Can Make Your Baby Smarter

Do you want your baby to ace every test? Or get acceptance letters from all Ivy League schools? You should consider breastfeeding. Medical studies suggest that breastfeeding aids brain development and eventually makes babies smarter.

According to most researchers, the relationship between breastfeeding and intelligence may be associated with the close physical and eye contact, as well as the intimacy involved in breastfeeding.

6. Breastfeeding Aids Taste Development

As breastfeeding progresses, the composition of breast milk changes to suit your baby’s needs per time. Interestingly, this also includes changes in taste. Breastfeeding exposes your child to different tastes and flavors, which improves his/her ability to recognize and appreciate various tastes.

7. Breast Milk Is Always Ready

For babies, there is no ready-to-eat meal better than breast milk. It would interest you to note that it is always at the right temperature and ready to serve at any time of the day. Furthermore, breast milk needs no further preparation before consumption by your little one.

Breastfeeding relaxes you too

Interesting Breastfeeding Facts for Moms

Remember, breastfeeding is a two-way process; from a mom to her little one. Therefore, we’ve compiled a number of interesting facts about breastfeeding for moms.

8. Breastfeeding Can Help You Lose Weight

This one is quite common. Although some women gain weight while nursing, others may drop some of that post-pregnancy weight while breastfeeding. Usually, this results from the calories burnt during the process.

9. Breastfeeding Soothes You

While breastfeeding, the body produces certain hormones like oxytocin and prolactin, which reduce stress and enhance positive feelings. Furthermore, breastfeeding reduces the risk of postpartum depression, which is alarmingly common in today’s society.

10. It Also Reduces the Risk of diseases in Moms

Interestingly, breastfeeding provides long-term protection against breast cancer, ovarian cancer, hypertension and arthritis in most women.

Breastfeeding keeps you healthy

In fact, multiple studies have revealed that women who breastfeed have a lower risk for the following conditions:

  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Depression
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Endometrosis

11. Breastfeeding Is Cost Efficient

Our last interesting fact about breastfeeding is fairly straightforward: It Is Cheaper.

In fact, breastfeeding is 100% free. Apart from any external expenses (like a lactation consultant’s fees or the cost of a breastfeeding support group), breastfeeding comes at no cost to the family.

A Final Note from Edie & Amy

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both the mother and her child. In fact, these benefits are expressed in how many reputable health organizations recommend breastfeeding for as long as possible.

Remember that breast milk is naturally designed to provide your child with everything he/she needs to grow well, fight off diseases and become a smart adult. As a plus, there are also many benefits of breastfeeding for you as a mom.

As usual, we’re always here to guide you through the process, Mama!

Green Tea Review: Is It Safe In Pregnancy?

In all cases, pregnancy comes with an increase in body fluid demands. Therefore, increased fluid intake becomes necessary as it stimulates normal placental and amniotic fluid development. In fact, we advise pregnant women to drink between eight to twelve glasses of water daily. In addition, moms-to-be are counseled to avoid meals & drinks that lead to excess urination.

pregnant woman holding a red cup

Asides from water, what else can a pregnant woman drink?

It would interest you to note that tea is the second most-consumed liquid in the world (right after water). Although there are several tea options, green tea is very popular among pregnant women. In most cases, tea is regarded as a healthy and reliable fluid option during pregnancy.

What Is Green Tea?

Green tea contains a collection of healthy compounds, made from the leaf of the unfermented Camellia Sinensis plant.

green tea poured in a glass

Other tea options from the same source include black tea, white tea, yellow tea, and oolong tea. However, one feature that puts green tea on edge in terms of significance is that it is made from un-oxidized leaves with little or no processing involved.

As a result, green tea retains its natural antioxidant and polyphenol content which improves brain function, reduces fat content, protects body cells from cancer, and lowers the risk of heart disease. In fact, we agree that it is one of the healthiest beverages on earth.

Is Green Tea Safe During Pregnancy?

Although green tea has a mild earthy taste, it is not regarded as an herbal tea. It contains caffeine, just like coffee, but in smaller quantities. Averagely, an 8-ounce cup of green tea contains 24 to 45mg of caffeine, depending on how it is brewed. On the same scale, an 8-ounce cup of coffee may contain amounts of caffeine ranging from 95 to 200 mg.

pregnant woman holding a green tea cup

This proves that green tea contains a significantly lower percentage of caffeine compared to coffee.

So, green tea contains caffeine in smaller quantities compared to the amount contained in your usual cup of coffee, but not so little as not to have any effect at all. Even a cup of decaffeinated green tea contains small amounts of caffeine, at least 12 mg or less.

Of course, the focal point of discussion is caffeine. This is because caffeine is a stimulant that (in excess amounts) can cross the placental barrier into a developing baby’s bloodstream, causing various medical conditions.

However, medical studies have shown that moderate consumption of beverages like green tea during pregnancy has no adverse effect on a baby’s development.

What Quantity Of Green Tea Is Safe During Pregnancy?

It is recommendable that pregnant women limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day. You can find out more about pregnancy & coffee here. Studies show that consumption of over 200mg of caffeine daily may be harmful to a developing child.  

green tea in a cup with leaves beside it

Considering the fact that a cup of green tea contains about 45mg of caffeine, it’s best to stick with nothing more than 4 cups daily.

Benefits of Green Tea In Pregnancy

  • Immune Boost: Pregnancy represses immunity. Nonetheless, drinking green tea would help keep mild infections under check.
  • Regulates Blood Sugar: This benefit is especially important to pregnant women with gestational diabetes.
  • Therapeutic Effect: In addition to its soothing taste, green tea contains Theanine which is an amino acid that eases mood swings and relaxes the muscles.
  • Protective Action: This drink contains antioxidants that prevent cell damage and protect against heart disease, high blood pressure, and stress-related illnesses by clearing out toxic substances.

What Are The Side Effects?

  • Stimulating Effect: Although it’s not as high as what you get from regular coffee, green tea contains caffeine which is a stimulant. Excess caffeine consumption would keep you awake for longer periods, elevating stress levels and increasing blood pressure. The body’s ability to break down caffeine reduces as pregnancy progresses. Therefore, excess consumption of green tea may be harmful during pregnancy.
  • Excess Urination: Green tea is a diuretic, it causes you to pee more often. While consuming it as a fluid option during pregnancy, remember that it would definitely increase the number of bathroom breaks you may have to take.
  • Reduced Iron Absorption: It is important to note that green tea, like every other tea, may reduce your body’s ability to absorb iron and folic acid from your meals. This is really important because Folic Acid and Iron are crucial to your baby’s development.  


We understand pregnancy comes with many demands and changes; including dietary changes. However, you wouldn’t stay pregnant forever and slight changes for your baby’s sake aren’t as scary as they seem.

It’s alright to drink green tea (in moderate amounts) while pregnant, however, read product labels & ingredient lists before making any choice of tea options.

Stay Strong, Mama!


Ana Claudia Losinskas Hachul, Valter Tadeu Boldarine, Nelson Inácio Pinto Neto, Mayara Franzoi Moreno, Patricia Oliveira Carvalho, Alexandra C. H. F. Sawaya, Eliane Beraldi Ribeiro, Claudia Maria Oller do Nascimento, and Lila Missae Oyama (2018). Effect of the consumption of green tea extract during pregnancy and lactation on metabolism of mothers and 28d-old offspring. Scientific Report. Accessed on 15th March, 2021 from

Ana Claudia Losinskas Hachul, Valter Tadeu Boldarine, Nelson Inácio Pinto Neto, Mayara Franzoi Moreno, Patricia Oliveira Carvalho, Alexandra C. H. F. Sawaya, Eliane Beraldi Ribeiro, Claudia Maria Oller do Nascimento, and Lila Missae Oyama (2018). Maternal consumption of green tea extract during pregnancy and lactation alters offspring’s metabolism in rats. Plos One. Accessed on 15th March, 2021 from Cynthia K. Colapinto, Tye E. Arbuckle. Lise Dubois and William Fraser (2015). Tea consumption in pregnancy as a predictor of pesticide exposure and adverse birth outcomes: The MIREC Study. Environmental Research, Volume 142, October 2015, Pages 77-83. Accessed on 15th March, 2021 from

10 Starbucks Drinks For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes for different women, including dietary and drink variations due to the well-being of the unborn child.

How do these variations affect your coffee options?


Read on to find out!

First Things First….

Due to its high caffeine content, pregnant women are advised to avoid coffee while expecting. It’s essential to note that caffeine is a brain stimulant which also increases blood pressure and heart rate.

However, there’s some good news!

Based on recent studies, the American Pregnancy Association postulates that a soon-to-be mom can take up to 200mg of caffeine per day, but not more.

This article provides you with 10 Starbucks drink options which contain not more than 200mg of caffeine that can be enjoyed during pregnancy.

10 Super Starbucks Drinks for Pregnant Women

1. Hot Brewed Coffee

Starbucks provides you with three levels of brewed coffee; Blonde, Pike place & Dark roast. No matter how exciting these options may seem on a cold winter morning, remember you have a coffee limit during pregnancy.


To stay within the recommended limit, you should go for the short cup options (which contain only about 180mg of caffeine). All other sizes will throw you off your recommended limit, which is harmful for your baby.

2. Shot of Espresso

A shot of espresso contains about 75mg of caffeine. This means you can go for about two cups per day – if you really need it!


You need to steer clear of triple or quadruple shots of espresso, as both will shoot you over your recommended daily intake of 200mg per day.

3. Cappuccino

Cappuccino is another good option to opt for. Although it is made with brewed espresso, it is still below the 200mg of caffeine limit. A Grande cappuccino contains only about 150mg of caffeine.


4. Latte

Lattes are made from espresso and steamed milk. And the good part is that all the flavors are below 200mg! So, latte is an excellent choice. If you need a larger quantity, you can opt for Venti, which contains about 170mg of caffeine.


5. Macchiato

Macchiato is another good option, as the Venti size is within the recommended daily caffeine allowance for expectant mums.


A macchiato is a similar option to latte, only with a lower milk content. A double from Starbucks contains over 150 mg of caffeine, which is within the recommended daily intake of caffeine.

6. Iced Coffee

If you prefer your coffee iced, a Grande cup of iced coffee is a great option which contains about 120–165 mg of caffeine. However, avoid the Venti size as it contains about 235mg of caffeine. This is above the required daily portion for caffeine.


7. Starbucks Tea

Tea also contains caffeine, although the quantity is less than that in coffee. A cup of caffeinated tea contains about 40-80 mg of caffeine. But you need to be careful of the other constituents of the tea, as some herbal and hibiscus tea are not recommended during pregnancy. Green tea should also be limited to one cup per day.


8. Frappuccino

A Frappuccino coffee is recommended if you prefer your coffee in some form closer to dessert form. There are different flavors available and it comes in sizes with caffeine level lower than 200mg.

Although the Frappuccino option keeps you below the recommended daily coffee limit, you need to be careful as it contains over 500 calories and 16g of fat.

9. Reserve Cold Brewed Coffee

Another awesome Starbucks drink option is the reserve cold-brewed coffee is similar to iced coffee. A Grande contains about 200mg of caffeine, which is the recommended limit for you per day. Anything bigger than this will push you over your limit for the day.

10. Half-Caf or Decaf Coffee

If you’re trying to reduce your caffeine intake greatly, a half-caf of decaf coffee is perfect. A decaf cup of coffee usually contains about 15mg of caffeine. You’ll still get the taste and vibes you get from caffeine, but with reduced caffeine content.



Although pregnancy comes with a lot of changes, your coffee doesn’t have to be one of them. As long as you don’t cross the 200mg boundary.

Irrespective of the fact that these Starbucks drinks are relatively safe during pregnancy, excess caffeine consumption can cause baby’s growth restriction, reduced birth weight, preterm birth or worse, a miscarriage or stillbirth.

You may need to alter the size and quantity you drink per day, and that’s better than giving up coffee completely, anyway!


Robert L Brent, Mildred S Christian, and Robert M Diener (2011). Evaluation of the Reproductive and Developmental Risks of Caffeine. Birth Defects Research. Part B, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology. Accessed on 26th January, 2021 from

Stefanie N. Hinkle, Laughon S. Katherine, Janet M. Catov, Jorn Olsen, and Bodil Hammer Bech (2015). First trimester coffee and tea intake and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a study within a national birth cohort. BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. Accessed on 26th January, 2021 from

Verena Sengpiel, Elisabeth Elind, Jonas Bacelis, Staffan Nilsson, Jakob Grove, Ronny Myhre, Margaretha Haugen, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Jan Alexander, Bo Jacobsson and Anne-Lise Brantsæter (2013). Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy is associated with birth weight but not with gestational length: results from a large prospective observational cohort study. BMC Meqdicine. Accessed on 26th January, 2021 from

12 Healthy Drinks For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is unlike any other life journey, as it comes with questions for most expectant mothers. If you’re like all other women who have concerns about diets and healthy drink options during pregnancy, you’re at the right spot. This article contains a list of 12 healthy drinks for pregnant women.

Although many facts are available on what to eat while pregnant, info is still sparse on what drinks are safe and healthy for you and your little one.

healthy drinks for pregnant women

Firstly, it’s important to stay hydrated during all trimesters as your fluid demand increases to meet your baby’s needs. Furthermore, drinking lots of fluids during pregnancy helps prevent urinary tract infections and preterm labor.

Consuming healthy drinks adds great nutritional value not only to the mother but to the unborn child. However, drinking water all day can be really boring.

Asides from water, there are lots of healthy drinks that are safe for consumption when you are pregnant. And we’re here to help you find them!

Here we have ten healthy drinks you can consume during pregnancy:

1. Milk

pouring milk in a cup

This looks really obvious and usually comes to mind while suggesting what to drink to a pregnant woman. It is always recommended to drink milk due to its calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D content, which meets the bone-building requirements for a developing baby. Milk also helps to neutralize the acid content in the digestive tract, so it prevents reflux in pregnancy.

Please note that unpasteurized or raw milk shouldn’t be consumed as it is during pregnancy because it increases the risk of several diseases like Listeriosis.

No matter what type of milk you choose, it is essential to consume the right amount to provide essential nutrients.

2. Fruit Juice

healthy drinks for pregnant women

This is another great drink that should be taken while pregnant. You can make fruit juice of different varieties with different fruits or even a combination of many fruits.

A classic example is orange juice which supplies you with potassium & lowers your blood pressure.

3. Vegetable Juice

carrot fruit juice

Vegetable Juice?

If you aren’t getting enough vegetables in your diet, the best way to include vegetables in your diet is by making juice!

There are numerous vegetable juice recipes to try out, you should try the carrot juice! Carrot juice is a great source of beta- carotene which is a type of vitamin A but it should be pasteurized.

4. Smoothies

Smoothies are just the best to deal with all forms of fatigue and nausea. They are easy to whip up, delicious to drink and they make pregnancy a smooth ride.

Do you know what’s amazing? Smoothies can be made with a mixture of fruits, vegetables, and even blending together with milk.

5. Soy milk

If you’re lactose intolerant, soy milk is a safer option as it is also high in protein and calcium which aids in the development of the baby. It has the same beneficial effects as animal milk which is rich in calcium and minerals.

6. Coconut water

coconut water drink

Coconut water is naturally refreshing, it has this sweet, nutty taste and contains easily digested carbohydrates in the form of sugar and electrolytes. It’s an all-natural way to hydrate.

It’s also a good source of electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and manganese. Americans typically don’t get enough potassium and this could be a benefit.

7. Buttermilk

The vitamins, minerals, and probiotics in buttermilk provide excellent health benefits such as boosting the immune system and keeping the eyes healthy. During pregnancy, it’s very important in restoring important body fluids and salts, it also helps in curing constipation in pregnancy.  Its commonly known as churned curd. It soothes the digestive system and alleviates the common pregnancy discomfort of heartburn.

8. Fruit mocktail

fruit mock tail

Since it’s inadvisable to drink alcohol during pregnancy, you can have a nice fruit mocktail made using different fruit juices. The mocktail should be completely made with infused fruits and shouldn’t be mixed with any kind of alcohol.

9. Lemonade

This is more refreshing during summers and it’s especially recommended during pregnancy as it provides a pregnant woman with natural vitamin C and helps in relieving nausea and bloating. Lemonade with some mint and crushed ginger is just the best for dealing with morning sickness.

Other Healthy Drink Options

10. Infused Water

healthy drinks for pregnant women

Drinking plain water could be boring, you can spice up things by infusing your water with a variety of fruits and herbs to enhance its nutritional value and taste. This is free from unnecessary calories and helps rid the body of toxins. Slices of cucumber, apple, watermelon, wedges of lemon, and a few sprigs of mint can do the magic.

11. Chia Fresca

chia fresca drink in a cup

This is a very healthy alternative to caffeine or any other energy drink. Chia Fresca contains omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and essential proteins for every mom-to-be.

12. Water

pouring water in a cup

Lastly, the most common fluid usually taken is water which carries nutrients from the food you eat to the baby. It helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, excessive swelling, and urinary tract infections. It not only prevents dehydration but also maintains hormonal balance.

The institute of medicine recommends about 10 cups (2.4 liters) of fluids a day during pregnancy.


Consuming all these healthy drinks while pregnant has great nutritional and medicinal value to your diet. During pregnancy, it is best to avoid alcohol, high caffeine drinks, all forms of soda, and high energy drinks. They affect not just the mother, but also the baby directly or indirectly.

A Baby’s growth is affected during pregnancy by caffeine consumption and it is advised to limit consumption of all kinds of caffeine drinks such as tea, coffee, chocolate, and many cola-type drinks as much as possible.

Also, consumption of fruit juices should be regulated as it contains calories increasing the risk of developing gestational diabetes. Preferably, fruit-infused water is taken to regulate calorie intake.

Unpasteurized milk and fruit juice should be avoided as these may contain bacteria that cause Listeriosis or Toxoplasmosis, both of which can cause neurological damage to your developing baby.

These healthy drinks for pregnant women will not only keep you hydrated but also help you stack up on those much-needed minerals and vitamins.

Healthy drinks should be part of a healthy pregnancy diet for maximum benefits!


Adapted from (2011). Eating for healthy pregnant women. Retrieved 12/12/12/from hap%C5%AB

Managing Postpartum Hypertension

High blood pressure is quite normal during pregnancy. In fact, it’s the most common medical problem in pregnancy. Sometimes, this rise in blood pressure remains after childbirth, causing postpartum hypertension.

Immediately after childbirth, blood pressure drops but may tend to rise again in the first five days after delivery. In addition, women with normal blood pressures during pregnancy may also experience brief hypertension in the early days of motherhood.

What is Postpartum Hypertension?

Postpartum hypertension occurs when blood pressure values of 140/90mmHg and above are observed on more than two occasions within a four-hour window after childbirth.

Severe hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg or more and/or diastolic blood pressure of 110 mmHg or more on 2 or more occasions repeated within a short period of time (minutes).

Causes of Postpartum Hypertension

There is no specific cause of hypertension after pregnancy. But the following may put a woman at risk of having postpartum hypertension:

  1. High blood pressure during pregnancy : A woman is at risk of postpartum hypertension if she had high blood pressure during pregnancy. High blood pressure before pregnancy also puts a woman at risk of developing hypertension after childbirth.
  2. Pre-eclampsia: A condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of 3proteins in the urine during pregnancy.
  3. Obesity: Obese women are at a higher risk of developing postpartum hypertension.
  4. Birth of multiples also puts a woman at risk for postpartum hypertension.
  5. Diabetes: Having diabetes increases your chances of developing hypertension after childbirth.

What Are The Symptoms?

  1. High blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or more
  2. Proteinuria (excess protein in urine)
  3. Decreased volume and frequency of urination
  4. Severe headache
  5. Pain in the upper abdomen (usually beneath the ribs on the right side)

Management of Postpartum Hypertension

A wider variety of antihypertensive agents are available for managing hypertension after childbirth compared with the antenatal period. This is because the effect of a baby’s presence on his/her mother’s system ends at birth.

Whenever a new mum has a personal or family history of hypertension, reduced levels of blood potassium, and other related conditions, her doctors would have to monitor her blood pressure closely.

The best kind of antihypertensive drug to use after childbirth is one that will:

  • Effectively control blood pressure.
  • Cause minimal side effects.
  • Have no negative effect on babies with breastfeeding mothers.

The following are antihypertensive drugs with no known adverse effects on babies receiving breast milk:

  • Labetalol and Atenolol

Both are beta-blockers. Asthmatic women and mothers with a history of heart problems should avoid this drug.


Atenolol requires only a single dose per day, putting it at an advantage over others since it increases compliance in women who find multiple doses difficult.

  • Nifedipine

This is a Calcium channel blocker that functions by reducing the diameter of blood vessels. In addition, it doesn’t really seep into breast milk.

With a doctor’s approval, Nifedipine can initially be prescribed at a dose of 10–20 mg twice daily. However, once control is established, the daily dose can be converted to 30-60mg.

Other anti-hypertensive drugs include:

  • Enalapril
  • Captopril
  • Metoprolol

The first-line agent is Atenolol in combination with Nifedipine. Nevertheless, if the mother wishes to breastfeed her baby, diuretics are usually avoided because of the increased thirst it causes. Because of the risk of postnatal depression, sedation, and postural hypotension, Methyldopa should be avoided after childbirth.

In Conclusion

Early detection and management of postpartum hypertension is essential to prevent further complications. In addition to this, hypertensive mothers should follow the doctor’s prescription and advice religiously.

Finally, you should avoid over-the-counter drugs at all times.


7 Healthy Foods To Eat During Pregnancy

Do you know that eating a lot of vegetables during pregnancy helps to reduce the risk of low birth weight and preeclampsia?

During pregnancy, the best foods to eat are meals that are high in iron, protein, folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, and iodine. These foods play important roles in helping your baby grow and develop properly and also reduce the risk of birth defects.

In this post, you’d find various foods and fruits that are healthy for you and your baby during pregnancy.

1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, a plant compound that is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps your baby develop properly, especially in the first trimester when organ formation occurs.

However, you need to tread with caution as excess intake of vitamin A increases the risk of birth defects.

2. Eggs

Eggs constitute a valuable part of your diet as they contain almost every nutrient you need while pregnant. They are a great source of calories, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

Eggs also contain choline, an important nutrient during pregnancy that helps the baby’s brain to develop normally and prevent abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord. A single whole egg provides you with about 147mg of choline out of the 450mg recommended daily dose during pregnancy.

Eggs are also rich in vitamin D which helps calcium to build strong bones and teeth for your baby. In addition, it keeps the immune system active and fighting, reducing the risk for gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and low birth weight.

3. Dairy products

Dairy products include milk, yogurt, and cheese. They are rich sources of calcium and protein which help your growing baby develop strong bones while maintaining your nerve and muscle functions.

Asides from calcium and protein, dairy also provides a high amount of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and vitamin B. Yoghurt contains some probiotic bacteria which support the digestive system by preventing stomach upset and yeast infections.

4. Legumes

They are plant-based sources of protein, iron, folate, and fiber. Folate is one of the most essential B vitamins (B9) and it is very important in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Legumes, through folate, help in your baby’s brain development by preventing any form of birth defect. In fact, every pregnant woman needs to consume at least 600 micrograms (mcg) daily.

5. Whole grains

Whole grains are rich sources of fiber and vitamins. They include oats, wheat, barley, white rice, brown rice, etc. Oats would leave you satisfied for long and also relieve constipation while pregnant.

6. Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables provide the body with great nutritional benefits including fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, calcium, folate, and potassium. They also prevent constipation due to the high fiber content.

Carrots serve as a rich source of beta carotene which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for developing your baby’s eyes, skin, and organs. Red peppers are also excellent sources of vitamin A and C and fiber. It would interest you to note that eating a vegetable-rich diet has been found to reduce the risk of preeclampsia.

7. Meat

Lean chicken, beef, pork are great sources of protein. The amino acids in protein are the building block for every cell in your body and that of your baby’s. Lean meats (meats that are low in fat such as chicken and turkey) are rich in iron which is vital to the development of red blood cell supply and also prevents your body from developing anemia.

Furthermore, Iron plays an important part in the development of your baby’s brain. Low levels of iron during pregnancy results in iron deficiency anemia which increases the risk of low birth weight.

You Can Also Try These Fruits During Pregnancy:

During pregnancy, the role of fruits can never be overemphasized. These fruits provide vitamins and minerals, potassium, fiber, and other nutrients that are essential for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

As usual, we’re here to help you out with a number of them:

  • Apples

Apples contain a large amount of fiber which helps regulate digestion. This juicy and delicious fruit also prevents hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

  • Watermelon

Watermelon contains vitamins A, B6, and C which are needed during pregnancy. In addition, it contains potassium which helps to relieve cramps, and magnesium which relaxes your muscles and prevents early contraction during pregnancy. As an addendum, it prevents dehydration and reduces the symptoms of morning sickness.

  • Avocados

Avocados contain a lot of fatty acids that help the body absorb many vitamins found in fruits and vegetables. These fats help your developing baby build healthy skin, brain, and tissues. They’re also rich in fiber, vitamins B (especially folate and B6), C, K and E, potassium, and copper.

Potassium helps relieve leg cramps which are common in some women during pregnancy. Folate and vitamin B6 helps to promote healthy tissue and brain growth for your baby and help to ease morning sickness.

  • Citrus

These are fruits that are rich in Vitamin C such as oranges, tangerines, and lemons. They help your developing baby’s bones grow properly while providing fiber which aids digestion.

  • Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium; a mineral that maintains healthy blood pressure and prevents leg cramping in the later stage of pregnancy by regulating body fluid and blood pressure.


As you enjoy the nutrients and strength your diet gives you, make sure you maintain proper hygiene. This is important, especially during the preparation and serving of every meal, including the fruits. In fact, you have to wash all fruits thoroughly before eating.

Also, staying hydrated by taking a lot of water helps to prevent constipation.

  • Symington, E.A., Baumgartner, J., Malan, L., Zandberg, L., Ricci, C., and Smuts, C. M. (2018). Nutrition during pregnancy and early development (NuPED) in urban South Africa: a study protocol for a prospective cohort. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Accessed on 7th December, 2020 from
  • H. Danielewicz, H., Myszczyszyn, G., Dębińska, A., Myszkal, A., Boznański, A., and Hirnle, L. (2017). Diet in pregnancy—more than food. European Journal of Pediatrics. Accessed on 7th December 2020 from https://doi.10.1007/s00431-017-3026-5
  • Murphy M, Stettler N, Smith K, Reiss R (2014). Associations of consumption of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy with infant birth weight or small for gestational age births: a systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Women’s Health. Accessed on 7th December, 2020 from
  • Sun Eun Lee, Sameera Talegawkar, Mario Merialdi and Laura E Caulfield (2011). What Are African Women Eating During Pregnancy? Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Accessed on 7th December, 2020 from

Handling Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Do you feel like your bathroom breaks are getting a little too frequent? Well, when you have to pee, you have to pee (even if that is becoming all the time).

Frequent urination is one symptom of pregnancy that many women do not enjoy. In addition to interrupting your much-needed sleep, clean bathrooms can be really hard to find in public.

As annoying as it may be, frequent urination during pregnancy is something you shouldn’t really worry about.

Nevertheless, what causes it? Would it ever go away? How do you manage it?

Read on to find out!

Causes of Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

Having to pee all the time during pregnancy is definitely annoying.

As usual, we can blame it on one thing-hormones. During pregnancy, a hormone called HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) causes an increase in the amount of blood in your body, especially the blood flow to your pelvic area and also your kidneys.

Expecting a baby

Therefore, your body needs to produce more fluids and get rid of waste faster, and not just for you, but for your baby too. This means that your kidneys have to work harder and more efficiently; leading to an increase in urination.

Your growing womb is another reason why you’d spend more time inside the bathroom than out of it during pregnancy. This is because your womb sits directly on your bladder and puts more pressure on it as it grows. Therefore, your bladder has less room to store urine and you’d to spend more time in the bathroom letting all that urine go.

Also, as you approach the end of your pregnancy, your baby will begin to prepare for childbirth and attain the birthing position. This usually means that his head will “drop” down into the pelvis-directly on top of your bladder. You already guessed it-this means you will have to go more than ever before!

When Does Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Start?

Frequent urination is an early pregnancy symptom, although, when it starts differs from woman to woman. However, most women begin to feel that incessant urge to pee from around weeks 6-8 of pregnancy, and sometimes, as early as week 4!

How Frequent is Frequent Urination?

Well, there is definitely no absolute standard. Just do not hold it in. When you’ve got to pee, you’ve got to pee Mama!

Will it Ever Stop?

Frequent urination may ease up for a while once you enter your second trimester. Sadly, it will most probably return (with a blast) later on in your pregnancy.

This is because your baby puts more pressure on your bladder as she grows, and adds more pressure when she “drops” into your pelvis just before birth.

Cephalic presentation

Thankfully, you can say good-bye to this problem once your baby is born!

Managing Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

Unfortunately, this symptom of pregnancy is one you cannot run from.

You really shouldn’t want to.

This is because your frequent urination is actually a good sign; that you are drinking enough fluids, well-hydrated and healthy.

This does not make it any less annoying though, so we have some tips to help make your life a little bit easier:

  • You need to properly empty your bladder each time you pee to reduce the amount of times you will have to pee. A tip to do this is to lean forward when you pee. This ensures that you get most of it out.
  • Avoid drinking too much water at night or just before bed. This will help minimize the number of times you will have to pee at night.
  • Caffeine will make you pee a lot, so stay away from foods and drinks containing caffeine.
  • Get yourself familiar with pelvic exercises and practice them. Kegel exercises are a good place to start and it will help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. This will prevent leaking of pee when you cough, sneeze, or even laugh while pregnant or after childbirth.
  • If you do find yourself leaking when you cough or sneeze, use a panty liner.
  • Always make sure you pee beforehand if you are going out or have a long meeting. And when you do leave your house, locating the closest bathroom should be the first thing on your list (to avoid embarrassing situations).

Can Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Indicate A Problem?

Frequent urination during pregnancy is usually not something to bother yourself about as it is normal. Nevertheless, it can sometimes be an indication of a medical condition.

Some of these conditions include:

1. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

If you have a UTI, frequent urination will be accompanied with ;

  • Fever
  • Cloudy urine
  • Blood in your urine
  • Feeling a strong urge to pee, but only a few drops coming out
  • A burning (pepperish) sensation as your pee passes from your bladder to the exterior

If you notice any of these symptoms or you think that you may have a UTI, consult your doctor immediately.

2. Gestational Diabetes

This is a type of poorly controlled blood sugar that affects some expectant mothers. It is serious and can cause complications for you and your baby if not managed properly. Thankfully, it usually resolves after childbirth. Frequent urination is one of the symptoms of gestational diabetes.

Other symptoms include:

  • Persistent thirst
  • Nausea
  • Insatiable hunger
  • Fatigue

Your doctor will most likely test you for gestational diabetes during the 24th and 28th weeks of your pregnancy.

In addition, you should note that reduced urination and dark/orange coloured urine may be a sign if dehydration. Dehydration is not good for anyone, most especially pregnant women.

If this happens, try to take in more fluid (lots of water will do) till you notice your urine return back to a normal pale, yellow colour.

A Final Note

Look on the bright side; frequent urination is a sign that you are well hydrated and healthy, even though you would be spending more time in the bathroom than you would like.

Don’t worry, your increased urge to pee will disappear once your baby is born.

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Problems of the Digestive System, January 2014.
  • Bastian LA, et al. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of early pregnancy. Accessed May 19, 2016.

Symptoms Of Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Do you know that three in four women will have a yeast infection at least once in their lives? In fact, susceptibility to this infection increases during pregnancy.

For most expectant mums, this period is marked by gladness and preparation. However, the increased risk and susceptibility to certain infections can make this wait quite delicate.

How will you know if you have a yeast infection?

In this article, you’d find the symptoms of yeast infections during pregnancy, possible causes and how to prevent it.

First, What Is A Yeast Infection?

Yeast is a type of fungus. Yeast infections are also known as candidiasis. Vulvovaginal candidiasis, (or moniliasis), is a yeast infection that affects the vagina and vulva.

These infections are caused by a kind of yeast known as Candida albicans. However, other types of yeast, including Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis, can also cause yeast infections.

Yeast infections are common in pregnant women due to increased estrogen levels. This increase causes an imbalance between the yeast and bacteria population in the vagina.

Most times, this imbalance results in an overgrowth of yeast. Although they are usually unpleasant, yeast infections don’t harm your baby.

What Causes a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy?

Yeast infection during pregnancy results from a number of factors. Some of them include:

  • Vaginal pH Variations: During pregnancy, the hormone levels change the pH (acidity/alkalinity) balance in the vagina. As a result of this, the vagina environment becomes more favourable for yeast growth.
  • Underlying health problems which aren’t properly managed e.g. diabetes, HIV.
  • Medications such as antibiotics may upset the yeast composition of the vagina, leading to a yeast infection.
  • Yeast infection can also be transferred to you from your sexual partner during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

When you have a yeast infection during pregnancy, you may notice any of these:

  • Itchy Vagina: When you have to scratch your vagina consistently, watch it, it may be a yeast infection.
  • Pain or soreness in the vagina or vulva.
  • Burning Sensation: A burning sensation in your genital (especially when you urinate), may be because of a yeast infection.
  • Vaginal Discharge. The presence of a yeast infection may cause you to have a thick, white, odorless vaginal discharge.
  • Rash on the vagina and the skin around it. This rash may extend to the thigh sometimes.
  • Swelling or redness in the area outside your vagina.
vaginal discharge

How to Prevent A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

  • Keep your vaginal area dry by wearing a cotton underwear and a pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
  • Avoid tight pants and underwear.
  • Always clean your vagina after each visit to the toilet. Remember to wipe from front to back to prevent passage of infection into the vagina.
  • Don’t wear a wet swimsuit for long. This helps to keep the genital area dry.
  • Avoid scented sanitary pads, tissue paper, bubble bath, and feminine hygiene sprays.
  • Avoid douching. Douching can upset your vagina and even cause your water to break in late pregnancy.
  • If you have diabetes, watch your sugar level and keep it under control.
Side Effect


Yeast infections can make pregnancy really stressful. Nevertheless, you don’t need to worry, because it doesn’t harm you or your baby. Although, it can be transferred to your baby at birth.

Avoid self-medication during pregnancy. See your doctor and use only prescribed drugs. Read our article on flu rash


Toilet Infections In Pregnancy

Itching…? Smelly vagina…? Nasty discharge…?  Yikes. Unfortunately, women have to deal with a variety of toilet infections occasionally. However, some expectant mothers wonder if they can still get an infection even while pregnant.

We would love to tell you that the answer to that question is no.

Sadly, you can get toilet infections even in pregnancy.

woman putting hands on chin

What are the most common infections in pregnancy? What are their symptoms? How do you treat them? How can you protect yourself?

Read on to find out!

Common Toilet Infections In Pregnancy

1) Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

The vagina has its own bacteria that lives in it naturally.

Bacterial Vaginosis occurs when these bacteria begin to overgrow and multiply more than normal. Sadly, the hormonal changes in pregnancy can influence this overgrowth.

pregnant woman sitting on a couch

This condition needs to be managed properly to avoid future complications that may affect fertility. In pregnant women, untreated bacterial vaginosis can cause preterm labour, premature birth and low birth weight babies.


  • Large amount of thin, grayish-white discharge
  • Painful urination
  • Irritation/ Itching/ Pain in the vagina or vulva
  • Fishy vaginal odor that gets worse after sex


If you are pregnant, your doctor would be in the best place to recommend an antibiotic treatment for you.

Furthermore, if you are still early on in your pregnancy, he/she may advice you to wait till second semester before starting treatment.


Here are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of you getting an infection;

  • Choose comfortable cotton underwear that will allow your vagina to breath and reduce your risk of infection.
  • Skip the underwear at night to allow your vagina more room to breath.
  • Avoid sitting in wet bathing suits or sweaty panties after swimming or working out. Not only are they uncomfortable, they also make your vagina a perfect bacteria breeding zone.
  • Wipe front to back and never back to front after using the toilet. This prevents you spreading bacteria from your anus to your vagina.
  • Limit your use of bath oils because they can trap bacteria.

2) Yeast Infection

This is also caused by an overgrowth of a fungus that naturally lives in the vagina.

The hormonal changes during pregnancy creates a suitable environment for the fungus to thrive.

Anything which changes the natural pH (degree of acidity/alkalinity) of the vagina can cause a yeast infection, like taking some antibiotics or having sexual intercourse. 


  • Painful itching around the vagina or vulva
  • Pain or burning in or around the vagina
  • Red and swollen vagina
  • Thick, whitish-yellow, cottage cheese-like discharge
  • An vaginal odor similar to that of bread or beer
  • Painful or burning during sex
  • Painful urination


Yeast infections can be treated with over the counter antifungal medicine. However, pregnant women need to consult with their doctor or midwife before using these medications.


  • Wear comfortable cotton underwear.
  • Sleep without underwear as often as possible
  • Drink enough water; at least 8 glasses per day.
  • Do not hold your pee. Frequent urination helps eliminate bacteria that can cause infection.
  • Reduce the amount of refined sugars you consume.
  • Enrich your diet with more yogurt. Yogurt has been proven to enhance digestion and decrease the risk of vaginal infections.

3. Group B Streptococcal Infection (GBS)

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a bacteria that is commonly found in the body, especially in the vagina and rectum (a part of the intestines).

They are usually harmless and cause no symptoms, except in women with chronic conditions like diabetes or liver disease.

However, caution needs to be taken if you are pregnant as it can be transferred from mother to child. When this happens, GBS could prove harmful and even fatal in a newborn.


This infection may have no symptoms at all, or may be expressed as a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in some people.

Common symptoms of a UTI include;

  • Painful urination
  • Cloudy urine
  • Sudden impulse to urinate.


Pregnant women are usually tested for GBS in their last trimester (36 to 37 weeks).

If you test positive, your doctor will administer IV antibiotics during childbirth to prevent you from passing the infection to your baby.


Unfortunately, there is no known way of preventing GBS.

However, administration of antibiotics during labour has been shown to reduce the risk of mother-child transmission.

4) Trichomoniasis

This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Thankfully, it is also one of the most curable.

Although it is transmitted mainly through sex, it can also be gotten from damp or moist towels, clothing or toilet seat that get in contact with the genital area.

Recent research has shown that it can be gotten even from swimming pools!


  • Greenish-yellow discharge
  • Foamy, foul-smelling discharge
  • Itching and burning vagina
  • Pain or irritation during sex

Treatment of Toilet Infections

Your doctor will prescribe oral antibiotics to deal with this infection. In addition, it is important to avoid over-the-counter drugs.


  • Practice safe sex
  • Maintain good toilet hygiene
  • Avoid sharing towels, under wears or other personal items.
  • Frequent testing of you and your partner

How Will These Infections Affect My Baby?

A lot of maternal infections can affect a growing baby in three ways;

  1. Infections may harm or weaken the mother, making it more difficult for her body to nurture and nourish her child. Also, drugs used in treatment may prove harmful to the baby.
  2. These infections could not only harm the mother but also directly affect the baby. In severe cases, it can lead to some birth abnormalities.
  3. Maternal infections can lead to premature labour or a miscarriage.
mom holding baby feet

Therefore, following all the preventive measures above would reduce the risk of you getting an infection or transmitting it to your baby.

In Conclusion,

Your body undergoes a lot of changes during pregnancy, and increased vaginal discharge is one of them.

Although this is normal, sometimes it can be a sign of a toilet infection during pregnancy. If this happens to you, do not be scared.

Most women who get an infection during pregnancy do not have any serious complications.  They are easy to treat once diagnosed. To sum it up, if you experience any unusual symptoms while pregnant, speak to your doctor or midwife.


Causes Of A Miscarriage In The 1st Trimester

Loss is painful. In the same vein, losing a child, having a miscarriage in the first trimester can be devastating. It’s really sad to have celebrated the news of the coming of a baby only for it to end in tears. A number of factors can cause miscarriage in the first three months of pregnancy. This article was designed to help you answer basic questions about losses in the first 90 days of pregnancy.

Some bleeding after childbirth is expected
Some bleeding after childbirth is expected

What’s A Miscarriage?

A miscarriage is also called spontaneous abortion.

It is the spontaneous loss of pregnancy before the 20th week of gestation (i.e. the first 20 weeks of pregnancy).

This experience is really painful, both physically and emotionally.

What Are The Risk Factors?

Risk factors are characteristics that increase a person’s chance of having a particular disease. Similarly, risk factors for a miscarriage are traits that increases a woman’s chances of having a miscarriage.

They include:

1. Maternal Age:

The chances of having a miscarriage increases with increasing age. Consequently, women above 35 face a higher risk of miscarriage in the first trimester.

2. Underlying health conditions

Certain associated health conditions increase the possibility of a miscarriage. Later in this article, some of these conditions would be discussed.

3. A Previous Miscarriage

A woman with a history of miscarriages also faces a higher risk of having another miscarriage. Sadly, this is caused by a number of factors that will be discussed subsequently.

What Are The Causes Of Miscarriages In The First Trimester?

1. Chromosomal Abnormalities.

This is the leading cause of miscarriage in most women.

Chromosomes are blocks of DNA which carry genes. These genes determine a person’s physical attributes like height, complexion and eye color. Importantly, most chromosomal abnormalities occur by chance and do not have anything to do with you or your husband’s health.

2. Exposure to Harmful Agents

Radiation, toxic chemicals and other harmful agents harm developing babies greatly.

When a pregnant woman is exposed to high levels of radiation, the baby’s development is affected and most babies do not survive it.

If a pregnant woman is exposed to high levels of radiation, the baby's development is affected and most babies do not survive it. This can cause miscarriages in the first trimester.

In addition, the ones who survive are at risk of developing cancer later in life

3. Hormonal Imbalance

Pregnancy is really dependent on hormones. From start to finish.

In situations where the womb does not develop properly for fetal development due to insufficient hormone production, a miscarriage can occur.

Furthermore, increased production of a reproductive hormone called prolactin impairs fetal growth.

4. Underlying Health Conditions

Underlying health conditions such as diabetes, sickle cell disease, hypertension, fibroid, thyroid disease, kidney disease, among others can cause miscarriage.

Underlying health conditions can lead to miscarriages in the first trimester.

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths which grow into the womb and take over the space that the baby is supposed to grow in. This leads to the impaired growth of the baby and ultimately its expulsion.

5. An Ectopic pregnancy Can Lead To A MIscarriage.

An ectopic pregnancy is one that develops outside the uterus.

When the baby is not properly situated in the womb, a miscarriage can occur. This occurs because the womb is the only location in a woman’s body that can support fetal development.

6. Early Cervical Dilatation

The cervix, or birth canal is the passageway for the baby to come out.

If the cervix opens too early, as it occurs in an incompetent cervix, the baby can be pushed out. An incompetent cervix occurs as a result of weakened muscles in the abdominal region.

At a point in time, a weakened cervix can no longer support the baby’s weight, leading to miscarriage.

7. Severe Malnutrition Causes Misicarriages.

A pregnant woman can lose her pregnancy if she is suffering from severe malnutrition. In addition, deficiency in some minerals such as selenium and vitamins like vitamin D have been linked to the incidence of pregnancy loss and preterm delivery.

Malnutrition occurs when a person takes in less energy than they give out. There is increased demand of energy by a pregnant woman and if she is not able to provide this amount of energy, her baby may not develop properly.

Good nutrition and exercise during pregnancy lowers the chances of having a miscarriage.

What Does NOT Cause Miscarriage?

1. Regular exercise

Exercise does not lead to miscarriage in the first trimester.

In fact, medical experts believe that exercise during pregnancy lowers the chances of having a miscarriage. This is because exercise helps to relieve pain and reduce stress. In addition, it lowers the risk of gestational diabetes. We’ve discussed how much exercise is safe during pregnancy and conditions where exercise should be avoided.

2. Sexual Intercourse

Having sex during pregnancy does not also lead to miscarriage in the first trimester

. In other words, it has been proven that there is no relationship between sex and miscarriage.

Therefore, feel free to enjoy sex with your partner while you’re pregnant.

Having sex during pregnancy does not also leads to miscarriage in the first trimester.

3. Going To Work:

Working while pregnant does not lead to miscarriage.

Nevertheless, remember to avoid or at least manage stress. Sometimes stress can worsen certain medical conditions which in turn affect pregnancy. Structural issues with your womb may make your doctor suggest you remain on strict bed rest for a time as a precaution. Please speak with your doctor if you have an underlying health condition.

As long as you’re remain protected from radiation or harmful chemicals, there is no cause for alarm.

Stress can worsen certain medical conditions which in turn affect pregnancy.

Nevertheless, remember to avoid stress at all times

In Conclusion

No one really plans for a miscarriage. Thankfully, it is not the end of motherhood.

The fact that you’ve had one does not mean that it will keep happening. We have put together 6 tips on what to do after a miscarriage. Remember to consult with your doctor to know the best time to be pregnant again after a miscarriage.

  • Cleveland Clinic (2019). Miscarriage. Accessed on 19th August, 2020 from
  • Mayo Clinic Staff (2019). Miscarriage. Accessed on 19th August, 2020 from
  • Lauren Gelman (2015). Here’s What Does – and Doesn’t – Cause Miscarriage. Accessed on 22nd August, 2020 from